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As my face is pressed tightly into Bolt's neck, I can feel the motion of being carried from the cell.

I can smell the blood in my nose and it makes me feel nauseous, but also relieved. Bolt protected me and that's all that whirls around my head, that and all I want to do is cry.

"Jules, you haven't spoken yet?"

I realise we're now outside, with Bolt sitting on a wall and holding me in his arms still. The cool air washes away the scent of blood from my nose and I gasp in relief.

Looking around, I find Bolt looking down at me with a concerned and guilty expression on his face. I smile thinly at him, but his frown only glowers darker.

"Sorry..." I mumble, "I just- don't know what to say right now..."

As soon as the sentence escapes my mouth, I can't stop the tears from falling. Bolt actually moans in distress and pulls me ever closer to his chest.

"I'm getting you out of here now, doll. Just hang on for me."

Bolt stands and begins to walk somewhere.

"But-what about- your club?" I get the sentence out between hiccups and gasping breaths. I'll admit I've been wondering were they have been during all this. When I was talking to Elle and Astrid they were rescued by the club, as well as their men.

Bolt sighs and sucks air through his teeth. I can sense his reluctance to tell me for some reason, after everything we've been through there can be no secrets between us.

"No, they won't be coming. They don't even know I'm missing, I used to go off for days without word regularly. They'll just assume that's what's going on here.

I can feel the shame in Bolt's voice and I'm confused. He's always so hard on himself for no reason beyond guilt.

Reaching up, I slightly untuck my face from his neck and stroke down his cheek.

"It's ok Bolt, you've done nothing wrong. You're perfect."

He swallows hard and smiles. weakly at me.

"I'm gonna get you to the hospital now doll." He murmurs and then presses a kiss to my forehead.

I look around slightly and jump when I hear a smash of glass. The tears are already streaming down my face and I can feel my heartbeat thudding in my chest.

Everything is blurry.

I feel like I'm taking nothing in.

I can hardly see everything just feels heavy and confusing. Even my chest feels weighted.

"Doll, shhh I'm here. I'm not going anywhere."

"I'm sorry..." I gasp, "I don't know what's wrong with me."

My brain feels foggy and all I want is to bury my face in Bolt's neck, which is what I do.

"You're in shock, doll, and you need to get to a hospital."

I hear a car door open and feel my body being lowered onto a car seat. I whimper and cry out in pain as my ribs cry out in pain, I remember that Bolt's are probably broken too and yet he's managing to carry me. Maybe I'm just a fucking wimp.

I thought I was strong in life but I don't feel strong right now. I feel like I want to crawl under the car and hide forever.

"I'll be right back doll." Bolt kisses my forehead and before I can even protest or cry out for him to stay with me, he's gone.

Moments pass by and all I can do is panically scan my surroundings. Bolt has been gone a long time and I can feel my breath grasping in my chest.

The air won't get down into my lungs.

I feel like it's only half filling.

I can't breathe without Bolt.

I need him.

Finally, Bolt reappears in the rear view mirror and a thud judders the car from the boot. I already know what that thud means, I know my Bolt and I know that's Julius.

I'm hyperventilating as the breath catches around my broken ribs. All I want is to be back in Bolt's arms, I don't even want to go to the hospital now. I'd sooner be in pain for eternity than be without Bolt for another second.

A car door slamming brings me back to reality. I jolt and the tremor in my hands starts up again. Glancing around anxiously, I check it's still Bolt. I can already feel the paranoia digging it's claws into my brain.

"C-can we just go home?" I whisper.

Bolt swallows hard and starts the engine up before he turns to look at me.

"Your's or mine?"

"Well ideally mine but I know that isn't possible."

"Not immediately sorry doll, I need to go back to the club. I have some... business to drop off and I want doc to look at you."

"Bolt, I can do that myself. I am a doctor you do realise."

By this point, Bolt is flying out of the woodland we were being kept in and all I can think is how I'm never going to be able to look at the world the same. I feel like my world has shattered and even though I wouldn't want to be in a world without Bolt, there are words whispering in my head that this wouldn't have happened if I was with someone else.

"I know you're a doctor, doll." Bolt reaches over and squeezes my hand, it should be a romantic gesture but the sudden contact makes me jolt and whimper. "But you're also in shock so I would feel better having an outside opinion."

I don't speak again, I just nod. I don't have the mental strength to argue this time so I swallow my nerves.

I'm just have to ask the doctor not to tell Bolt about my other injuries. The guilt would destroy him.

Hello my lovely readers,

I'm back! (Not that I ever really left but you get the message)

I hope you like this chapter.

Thank you for everyone who suggested a scene for me to write- I love all of them so many will be included!

If you missed the announcement you can still comment here for any scenes you want me to write. I will pick my favourites xx

Love you all and thank you for your support

MC's Viking Warriors- Bolt #4 Where stories live. Discover now