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"No Bolt, No." I repeat over and over again as Bolt pleads with me to agree to let him do this.

There's an option where we can both survive, I don't get why he won't take it. Even in my petrified state, my rational wins out against fear. All I can think about is both of us getting out of here, because there's no me without him.

"Juliet please, understanding me. You don't know this club, I do. They'll kill us both."

I'm laying curled up in Bolt's arms still even as we discuss the ridiculous notion of Bolt sacrificing himself for me. My ribs burn with a passion and both Bolt and I are encased in the smell of our own blood.

"Bolt, I am never going to be ok with you just giving up... please let me do this with you."

"Juliet, this is what you don't understand, I'm doing this for you. So you can live and be safe."

"I don't care! I don't want to live without you, Bolt." My voice raises in desperation and Bolt begins to snuggle with withheld tears.

"I'm not worthy of you Juliet, when I'm gone you can live happily."

"Bolt, we've done this once before... you've done this to me before and it didn't work. We need to be with each other so I don't care what you say or do, we're doing option two."

Bolt sighs and shifts as he pulls me tight to his chest. He kisses my forehead and I kiss his chest in return. Bolt huffs for a moment before speaking.

"Ok we do option two."

I sigh in frustration because I can tell when Bolt is lying and right now he's lying to me.

Sitting up quickly, I look into Bolt's eyes before a rush floods to my head and I feel woozy. Bolt's face fades and blurs in my vision and before I can even call out the world slips away from me.


Groggily, I open my eyes, despite the heaviness pushing down on the lids, and look around. We're still in the cell, I'm still in Bolt's arms and he's dozing lightly.

I don't move, not wanting to stir him awake and frighten him. It seems I was wrong, Bolt isn't asleep because as soon as I let out a heavy breath his eyes flit open and down to me. He's listening, always listening, always on guard.

"Hey doll." His voice is gravelly, but it's still the one I know. It still brings me comfort and sanctuary despite the fact we're literally in a life or death situation.

"How long was I out for?" I mumble, lifting my hand to stroke his face, ignoring the sharp protests of my ribs.

"A few hours baby, but we're still safe right now, you're still safe."

"How long until the man is back?"

"A few hours probably, Julius is unpredictable to a fault, it could be hours but equally he could leave us down here for days if he feels like it.

"Oh." Unable to suppress a whimper of fear, I press my cheek against Bolt to try and smother it but it doesn't work. He frowns and traces my cut lip lightly with a forefinger.

"Talk to me." I whisper.

"About what?"


Bolt frowns for a moment, pondering, before smiling down at me crookedly. We may not have long, but I want to spend every moment of it with Bolt's voice in my head.

"What is our life like in your eyes baby?"

"Our life?" I look back up at him confused, "I don't understand."

"Tell me about our future." His hands trace over my wedding ring finger, then down to my stomach where it hovers for a second before returning to cup my face.

"Our future?" I smile, shifting closer to his chest, not completely sure of why he wants to talk about this but eager to do so.

"I see my house, but it's no longer empty and quiet. I see your bike in the drive alongside my car. I see toys on the lawn, our daughter's..."

Bolt's breath trembles and he looks down at me in awe.

"You really see all that in our future? Babies? You want me around your children?"

"No silly," I sigh at the fear in his chest, the mistrust for himself, "I want you to be around our children."

Bolt is trembling now and my heart is pounding in my ears, the blood is rushing around my body so fast. We are going to make it out of here, we have to. This future of ours is close and I want it.

"Tell me what you then?" I reply quietly as I trace patterns on Bolt's chest.

He opens his mouth to reply but before he does the door swings open again. I jump hard and cry out as my ribs scream and my jaw burns.

"So have you made your decision?" Julius smirks, enjoying all the pain and torment he is inflicting on us.

"Yes we have." I speak firmly, full of determination despite the tremble in my brain.

"Sorry sweetness, this isn't your decision to make. It's Bolt's."

"I have made my decision." Bolt replies, his voice is shaky and I suddenly know why he made me speak about our future, in his mind we're never getting it, in his mind he's going to die.

Julius laughs and cracks his neck before speaking.

"I'm guessing your decision isn't the same as cupcake's here, am I right?"

Bolt's lips press into an thin frown before he nods his head curtly. I shake my head desperately, pleading him to not do this, to let me do this with him.

"Well I hate to do this to you Bolt, but I think Cupcake's choice is better, so we're going to go with that one."

Bolt emits a ferocious growl of warning, his head shakes and I can feel the rage burning off him.

"No, no you promised! It was my choice to make, that was the deal."

His voice is so loud it hurts my ears, but we both know it's in vain. We're powerless here and Julius is playing with us, has been playing with us all this time.

"Bolt, you shouldn't have trusted me. You killed our president, I'm going to make you suffer. And how do you hurt a hellhound? Not with a punch or a dagger, but with his heart. And that's exactly what I'm going to do. I'm going to rip your heart out Bolt."

Once his speech is finished Julius turns on me. His hand finds my hair and he rips me from Bolt. I scream and scream as I claw my way back to Bolt.

He's on his feet his feet and advancing towards us. He looks like he's practically foaming at the mouth, until he stops dead in his tracks.

And then I feel the cold metal of the gun pressed against my temple.

"Let's avenge our president." Julius snarls triumphantly as he drags me out of the cell and away from Bolt.

MC's Viking Warriors- Bolt #4 Where stories live. Discover now