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Juliet's delicate little head flops onto my lap exhaustion wins out against her. Sighing, I reach over the back of the sofa and pull a blanket over her small, soft body.

Juliet's softness always perfectly complimented my tough exterior, her lack of muscle gave me a purpose of protection. Juliet was melded to be mine, as I was for her.

It's clear that at this moment I'm not going anywhere. Despite Juliet's anger at me, right now that seems to be forgotten. I'm sure that once she wakes after sleeping off her tiring day I will get exactly what I deserve from her sharp tongue.

My hand lands on Juliet's cheek softly and I stroke the wisps of hair that have escaped her braid from her cheek. As always her skin is pale and soft, her nose is splattered with freckles that appear to have been erased from my mind.

A creaking at the door has me on edge, my beast roaring with desire to protect our slumbering angel. My arms clutch tighter around her body, she groans softly in her sleep but doesn't awaken.

A cat strolls in from the slightly open door and I feel my muscles relax immediately. I hadn't even realised Juliet had a cat, even after all my years of keeping an eye out for Juliet I guess I just missed that fact.

I continue to stroke her cheek and she whimpers lightly in her sleep, it makes me smile lightly. Even after all these years everything this woman does brings me to my knees. She starts to nuzzle her cheek against my jeans, pressing her head further into my stomach, her actions resemble that of a sleeping dormouse. A very accurate description of my Juliet.

The cat now leaps up onto the empty sofa cushion, it pads around for a minute but then it's eyes catch sight of me. It jumps backwards in surprise, clearly expecting only Juliet.

It takes a step back, hissing at me, the fur on its back standing up in aggression. I wince and try to shush the savage cat as it yowls at me.

Kill it.

The unhelpful voice in the back of my head snarls, looking at the cat like a nuisance it could solve by snapping a neck.

If this yowling continues it's going to wake up Juliet and from the dark circles under her eyes she desperately needs sleep.

Carefully, I place my arms behind her knees and under her back, then I gently scoop her up with me as I leave sofa.

"Mmm..." Juliet grumbles against my shoulder, the movements obviously disturbing her. I softly shush her back to sleep and press her closer to my chest.

She's awake but only slightly, I can feel her heart beating slowly against mine. I carry her up the stairs of her homely house as she mumbles incoherent words from her dreams making me smile at her words.

As I carry her towards an open room that I assume is hers she begins to become more aware of her surroundings.

"Wait... wait..." She mumbles and starts to shift in my arms.

"What doll? What's wrong?"

"Teeth." She mumbles sleepily, pointing to her mouth in emphasis. I crack a chuckle at her adorable nature. I should have known Juliet would never be able to go to bed without her routine, she was like that even as a sixteen year old. Old habits die hard I guess.

Smiling, I turn on my heel and walk down the hall to the bathroom, she settles back into a sleepier, more relaxed state.

I settle on the closed toilet and reach for her toothbrush and toothpaste. Juliet grumbles as I shift her in my arms until I have her in the right position to clean her teeth, she's still too much in dreamland to do it her self. Not that I mind taking care of her in the slightest. It makes me feel like for once I'm useful.

After I clean her teeth and lean her over the sink to spit out the foamy liquid I carry her back into her room and lay her on her bed.

As I turn to leave something catches my eye and pulls at my heartstrings. Her braid looks tight against her head, hardly comfy for sleeping. So I hold back and return to the bed. Lifting her dozing form so I can slip behind her.

My fingers find the hairband and once I pull it from the end of her braid my fingers unthread the pattern of her hair until the soft stands fall down her back. She looks even more beautiful, even more as I remember. She looks relaxed and free, like I've taken her armour from her shoulders.

I can feel the tension relax from her forehead and she slumps further back into my body. I can tell by her breathing that she's slipped back into the deeper sleep she was in before.

It's time to go. Don't get to comfortable, she doesn't fucking want you.

Swallowing hard, I try to shift myself out from behind her but, as always, Juliet has other plans. As I try to roll out from behind her, Juliet shifts and rolls over onto her side, wrapping her arms tightly around mine. I can't go anywhere without waking her properly now.

The door creaks again and I feel my pulse quicken for just a moment until the sight of paws appear from round the door. It's that fucking cat again, only it doesn't have the same markings as before. Puzzled, I watch it as it walks through the door,  few seconds later the cat I saw earlier walks behind it.

Juliet has two cats, that makes more sense than a shapeshifting cat.

I freeze as they both leap up onto the bed, hoping against hope that they don't realise it's not just their owner laying in bed. There's only so many places I can carry Juliet to if they start fucking yowling again.

They luckily don't seem to recognise me as not Juliet as they both curl up at the foot of the bed and close their eyes.

Like their owner they are soon fast asleep and under my watchful and protective gaze.

MC's Viking Warriors- Bolt #4 Where stories live. Discover now