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"Doctor! Doctor."

One of the newly qualified nurses dashes after me, panting and grasping what looks like a drug prescription in his hand.

I stop my travel towards the break room and turn fully round to face the frantic nurse, plastering on my professional smile.

"Yes nurse Schofield?"

"Sorry... sorry can I just check this is the right prescription for the symptoms."

His voice goes up as his nerves start to get the better of him, I get it. It's stressful when you're new to a job in a hospital, a mistake can cost lives. But this is the 6th time this particular nurse has stopped me with the same question. It's getting exhausting.

Taking a deep breath, I huff a slight exhale before smiling and taking the prescription from his shaking hand.

After scanning the symptoms and allergies of the patient, I take a look at the medication.

"Yep," I smile reassuringly, "perfect choice. Trust your judgement."

The nurse nods and dashes back to his patient, chuckling I shake my head and start walking back towards the break room. If how I'm travelling can even be called walking, more like dragging my sorry ass. I'm yet to have a break after a 10 hour shift, I've easily still got four more hours. Of course the hospital gives me breaks, it's just getting to the break room that's the problem.

Finally, the uncomfortable sofa comes into my view and I all but collapse onto it. Despite how uncomfortable it is, I'm certain I've never felt anything so comfortable in my life before.

Just before I close my eyes for a power nap, I set an alarm for ten minutes. It seems like I haven't even closed my eyes before the alarm beeps me back awake.

Groaning, I all but peel myself off the sofa. I tighten the hairband on the end of my plait before walking back into the crazy fray of the emergency room.

After two more insanely busy and stressful hours on the emergency, I'm all but ready to pass out on my feet. My life is so fucking exhausting right now. I love my job, I love helping people and I never regret anything about my decisions, but I wish that my life wasn't just shifts and then sleeping off the shifts with my cats in bed.

Dating is also a fucking shit show, I don't have the mental strength or energy to go through awkward first dates, not after Martin and certainly not after...


I've got less than ten minutes left on my shift and I'm practically bouncing on my feet in desperation to get home and wash the hospital smell from my hair.

Finally the next doctor to take the next shift walks in, I smile at him in relief.

"I'm so unbelievably glad to so you." I say as I hand over the records he needs to have for the next shift, he chuckles as he takes them from me.

"You look like you could sleep for the next week."

"Yeah." I nod and rub my forehead tiredly after giving a dry chuckle to him again. He smiles warmly and looks down at me, this new doctor is cute. Really cute. Sighing, I turn on my heels and start to walk down the corridor and out towards my car.

I'm passing the treatment rooms when I hear a scream, a hideous scream of agony. These sounds aren't uncommon in an emergency room but there's something about this one that causes me to falter.

Another of the nurses I trained bursts from the room, a look of panic and overwhelmed fear on her face. When she sees me she practically collapses into me.

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