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"Bolt..." I giggle as I swat his grabby hands away from me. "I need to talk to my mum, I'll be back in a minute."

He grumbles but his arm falls, he rolls over in bed and the duvet slips away to expose his bare back. The sight of his magnificent back makes a pang form in my panties, what I would give to pounce on that man right now...

I grab my buzzing phone and pick it up to my ear as I walk out of my bedroom.

"Hey mum." I can't help the smile from spreading across my face as I hear my mum speaking my name.

"Sorry we haven't spoken in a few days I've been... busy."

"Busy with a man?" My mum practically squeals with excitement, for years she's been hoping I'd find someone. But not because I needed someone exactly, just simply because she wanted someone to love me, to care for me while she's miles away.

"Yes mum, I've been busy with...with Bolt."

"Oh sweetie! I'm so happy for you!"

I talk to my mum for about half an hour, until Bolt appears sleepy and unkempt. I hang up after saying my goodbyes and promising that we will both come down to see her very soon.

"Mmmwaa!" Bolt smacks his lips to my cheek causing me to squeal in delight. I spin around and his hands find my hips.

"Shall we go then baby?" Bolt mumbles into my neck between sneaking in little kiss and nibbles against my neck.

"Yeah Bolt, my shift awaits." He huffs against my neck like an animal, it makes me smile at his casual affections.

We walk out of my house with Bolt's arm wrapped around my waist, protective and claiming.

"Bike or car doll?"

"Hmmm..." I think for a moment, then I make my decision. I know for a fact that bikers love it when their woman rides on their bike with them. It shows trust in their care for you and it's like you staking your claim on them. I know what Bolt wants me to say as my answer, but I also know that if I said car, that how we would travel without complaint.

"Bike." I feel Bolt jolt in surprise, he turns his head down to look at me and he is almost beaming.

"You sure doll?"

"Yes, I trust you Bol-"

I don't even have a chance to finish his name before his lips pounce onto mine. I'm hauled into the air and my legs wrap around his torso.

"Bolt." I gasp as his lips track down to my neck. "We're in public!"

"I know." He practically snarls against me as he sucks and nips on my thin, sensitive skin.

"We're going to be late- I'm going to be late."

"Damn." He grumbles as he placed me back on my feet and steals another breath quenching kiss from me. "This isn't over, we'll continue this tonight."

I can feel my face flushing at the lewd promise my horny biker just made me. I'm sure this will get me through my shift.

"I love you Jules."

"I love you too Bolt, now let's go."

Bolt helps me to seat behind him on his bike, making sure my ankles are alway from all the hot pipes. I wrap my arms around his waist and press my face into his cut.

"You hold on tight now doll." Bolt's hand reaches around and strokes my thigh gently, reassuringly.

"I'll be fine now Bolt, even if I do fall off, I'll bounce."

I was just attempting to tease Bolt, relax him and make light of the situation. One small problem, I may have slightly forgotten how intense and protective Bolt can be when it comes to me.

With a growl he gets off the bike and strides over to his saddle bags. He emerges back into my line of sight a few seconds later and plonks a helmet down onto my head.

"Bolt!" I squeal and giggle as he fusses with the clasps under my neck, once he's checked it's secure he nods in satisfaction and presses a kiss to my nose.

"Now you're my safe little angel."

I smile and we return back to our position before the helmet panic. After a few seconds, the engine of the bike begins to roar beneath me and then we're off.

Squealing, I squeeze my eyes shut and hide my face in the safety of Bolt. It's not that I don't trust him, it's just bikes are really scary.

"Everything alright back there doll?" Bolt calls over the sounds of the wind and I call back with a yes. I am feeling more relaxed now, I've finally got used to the rushing sensation around my body.

"Yeah baby, it's not too bad." I tighten my arms around his waist for a second and then release slightly. It was the equivalent to a hand squeeze of reassurance.

Taking a deep breath, I open my eyes and watch as the green hedges and trees fly by in a blur before my eyes.

Huh, I could get used to this.

Then I hear the bang of a gun.

The bike slips out from under us and I scream.

I brace my body for the impact of the road, of concrete ramming into my body, of the agony... but it doesn't come. Well not as I expected it to be.

Bolt has wound his body around mine. I'm sheltered within his body, I never even hit the floor. Bolt used himself to spare me. I don't even know how he has time to react like that, but as always Bolt's first instinct is to protect me.

There's a ringing in my ears and my eyes blur as I try to look around despite the aching in my body, the confusion, the fear of what's to come.

"Doll...Doll...Doll..." I can hear Bolt's voice echoing around my brain. Gingerly, I turn around to follow the sound of his voice. Bolt is sitting up behind me, his face bruised and scraped.

"Juliet get down!"

With a scream, I find myself pressed under Bolt's body weight as bullets scream over us.

MC's Viking Warriors- Bolt #4 Where stories live. Discover now