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My hand falls down onto Juliet's shoulder before I even stop the natural action. She jumps slightly for a second before she relaxes, her body slumps slightly against mine. It seems I am not the only one whose body reacts instinctively to the other.

"Thank you." I say, my voice sounds gruff and ill suited to talking to an angel such as this. "Thank you for coming here and helping us... helping me."

Juliet's shoulders sag heavily before she turns to look at me. Her eyes are blood shot and dark, her lip trembling as she tilts her neck to look up at me.

"I'll always help you Bolt." She admits before biting her lip to stifle a yawn.

Maybe I won't end up skinned after all.

"I'll show you to a spare room."

My heart seizes and protests at my words, I don't want Juliet in a spare room, I want her with me. Not only because since turning up at Juliet's door my beast has fallen silent. He's content with having Juliet so close to my heart.

"Thank you." She mumbles and yawns once again, I chuckle internally and guide her towards the staircase. I still haven't touched her since the shoulder incident, I can still feel lightening bolts spinning up my arm.

We walk up to the first door that no one occupies, it was once Viper's room but he's got a cabin now with his growing family.

I grab the door handle but when I turn it, I find it locked. Puzzled, I try again, these doors are never locked. I've walked in on my brothers bedding enough women to know that locks don't seem to exist in this house.

"Sorry. Door's locked." I explain, feeling embarrassed already as Juliet's intense, but sleepy gaze, is staring at my back.

I try the next empty room and the door is locked as well. The next three doors have prospects in, and the last one is where the boy we rescued is staying. Locked in for the time being until we know for certain he's not been planted here as a spy.

"All these doors are locked." I voice in my confusion and Juliet giggles sleepily. My heart thumps at her noises almost immediately.

God I've been dying everyday without her.

"Stay here a moment please."

Juliet nods but doesn't speak, she's much quieter now than she was when I first fell in love with her.

I jog back down the stairs to the bar and find Dagger sat at the bar, a drink in one hand and a girl in the other. He looks over at me and my confused expression, he smirks knowingly before turning back to his drink.

"Why are all the doors locked?" I growl in irritation, he's definitely behind this.

"I wouldn't know," he grins at me, "but pres wants the girl to have a nights rest. Sort it out Bolt." He chuckles before turning and sticking his tongue down the moaning woman's throat. My stomach turns and rolls in disgust, I can't believe this was how I spent my life before.

It was the only way I could push Juliet from my mind, but now I see it was the worst way to do so.

Huffing, I give up on Dagger and turn back to the stairs to return to Juliet. When I reach the landing, I freeze. Juliet is gone.

"Doll?" I call out, my eyes scanning the empty landing, there's no reply.

"Doll?" I call out once more, my heart rate thumping hard in fear. She's gone, she could be anywhere.

"Doll." My desperate tone makes the pictures on the wall shake slightly, of course she's gone as soon as I bring her into this world.

"In here Bolt." Juliet's voice calls and I jump in surprise, it seems that my paranoia got the better of me.

That is until I see which room her voice came from. The panic grips me once again and I slam my shoulder into the door, it flies open revealing Juliet sitting on the boy's bed. His hand in hers.

The noise of my entrance causes them both to jump back, but whilst Juliet looks surprised at my entrance, the boy looks terrified.

He hides his face into Juliet's shoulder, at first I feel a pang of jealousy in my heart as she winds her hands around his back. But when I hear the juddering sobs coming from the boy, I realise there is no need to to feel that.

"It's ok Rafael." She murmurs softly as she brushes at the hair at the nape of his neck, "you're safe here, my Bolt won't hurt you. He'll protect you."

After a few moments he pulls away and wipes the tears from his cheeks.

"You won't tell anyone I cried will you."

I stare at the boy and feel the world slip from my feet.


"Mummy." I cry into her shoulder as she rubs over the parts of my back that haven't been beaten by the belt. "It hurts."

I sob and my tears wet my mother's shirt. I breathe deep as I try to calm my tears and ignore the throbbing in my back.

"Shhh my darling. We'll be ok... we'll be ok." My mother repeats these words into my hair over and over again as she rocks me in her arms.

"You-you won't tell daddy I cried will you?"

"Bolt! Bolt! Come back to me, come on, deep breaths."

My chest burns as I try to force the air into my lungs even though it feels like cement. My vision is no longer darkness, white spots and blurred images start to appear.

The first thing I see is Juliet's soft smile as she says my name over and over again, her voice is muffled and sounds like she's under water, far away. But her sweet voice reaches me and the air fills my lungs easily. I no longer feel the weight of stones on my chest, I feel the weight of her soft hands as she strokes me over my T-shirt.

"There we go Bolt. It's ok. It's ok."

Hello my lovely readers,

I hope you enjoyed the chapter. Don't worry about Rafael, his story is not finished yet.

MC's Viking Warriors- Bolt #4 Where stories live. Discover now