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"Bye, doll." I call out as Juliet disappears from my view in the back of the car with the rest of the old ladies. They're going out for a drink and a giggle to help Juliet forget everything that happened, and in many ways initiate her officially into the group.

Juliet has decided that she's not actually going to drink any alcohol while she's out, it's only been a day since we started trying but Juliet wants to be as safe and healthy as possible. And anyway, Astrid won't be drinking as she's close to nine months pregnant at the moment.

With the women away, that leaves us men babysitting the children. Well I'm babysitting, the rest of them aren't because it's impossible to babysit your own kid. Fucking hate it when I hear men say that.

I'm sitting on Vidar's sofa with a glass of whiskey in one hand, Sophie dozing in the crook of my arm and Maddy watching tv on the floor near my feet with Fang. Viper and Bear have taken Liam, Chris, Eira and the triplets out for a walk with Maggy. Mouse is passed out upstairs on the spare bed, Griffin has been experiencing bed wetting, night terrors and Mouse volunteered to take the brunt of it. He's just exhausted right now.

Sophie awakens with a shriek, Maddy doesn't even turn around at the noise of her sister. She's used to a newborn's distress.

In the past I would have panicked at the prospect of being alone with a screaming newborn, but now I need to get some practice in.

"Oh Sophie," I coo as I trace a finger down her chubby cheek, laughing when she begins to root eagerly, "you my hungry girl?"

She doesn't reply, obviously. So I stand from the sofa, patting Maddy softly on the head.

"I'm just heating your sister up a bottle Mads." I explain to her, Maddy has fearful attachment fears- even with Fang by her side- so when you leave the room you always have to tell her where you're going.

I shift Sophie against my chest so that her little cheek rests on my shoulder. I need one hand free to make the bottle, admittedly I'm a little nervous about doing all this. But I need to show Juliet I can do this.

After I settle Sophie down again, tummy full of milk, body warm under a blanket, Bear and Viper appear at the door. A small army of children flood through the door, most of them on unsteady feet.

Chris and Liam disappear upstairs, even though there are a good few years between the two of them, they get on very well. Eira plods over to Maddy and sets herself down on the other side of Fang, she begins to fuss with his ears as she watches the tv.

Viper walks over to me and holds his arms out for his daughter. Begrudgingly, I hand Sophie over to her father. I like the thought that hopefully someday soon, I won't have to hand the baby in my arms back to their parent.

"Bolt! Bolt!" Eira and Maddy clamour as they tug and climb up my legs. My thoughts about baby fever are distracted by the clamour of little girls, I look down at them with a smile.

"What do you want little warriors?" I say, sitting forwards so I'm close to their little joyous faces.

"Cards Bolt! Cards!"

Sighing, I look over guiltily at my president and Mouse for teaching them to gamble at such a young age but they both chuckle dryly and then turn away.

"Come on then." I stand and head over to the kitchen table, I can hear the padding of little feet following behind me.

I help both girls up and onto a chair each before reaching into the kitchen drawer and fetching the deck of cards we biker's use when we have a poker match.

Eira has become a poker demon, poor Maddy loses every time even when I try to help her to win. It's not that she's not good, she's better than anyone her age. But Eira... she's brutal, fierce and merciless with a wit to rival anyone. I find her impressive, if a little scary.

"Come on Eira please!" Maddy begs as her friend snacks on all the Oreos she won, without sharing a single one with Maddy.

Sighing, I take an Oreo from the packet and hand it to Maddy with a smile. Even though I get an adorable glower from Eira, the look on Maddy's face is priceless.

I'm just about to deal another hand to my poker buddies when Bear walks in with a fierce expression on his face.

"We have to go, now."


I'm on my feet in an instant, the chair screeches on the floor and makes Maddy jump.

"Astrid texted, there are some slime-balls at the bar who won't leave them alone. They need to be cautioned off."

I nod, heading out of the kitchen, until I hear Maddy sneeze lightly then I pause. We can't all go, someone has to stay with the children.

"One of us has to stay behind." I venture, already hoping someone else volunteers, my jealousy is burning something fierce and I need to quell it before the hellhound takes control.

"Viper is staying, Doretha has herself handled."

I chuckle at the thought, Doretha's temper have been known to bring a grown man to his knees, or at the very least make his balls crawl up into his body again- I include myself in that.

We leave Viper sitting on the sofa, the children all sitting around him contentedly.

The roar of my bike feels like a relief, it's been too long since I've ridden her and I miss it.

Let's rescue our angel.

MC's Viking Warriors- Bolt #4 Where stories live. Discover now