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I watch as Juliet walks slowly in the opposite direction to me, by the way she is holding her head I can tell she's in pain and not really focusing. After she's a good way ahead, but still within sight, I follow after her as I have after every meeting.

She just seems so vulnerable and I couldn't let her walk through the town alone. She's so frustratingly unaware of the vulnerability her actions put her in, walking with both headphones in, practically dreaming her walks away.

I couldn't, with my experiences and knowledge of what can happen to someone like that in a city, leave her to walk home alone. I love her too much to ever leave her at risk, whether she actually is or not I don't care. It's not worth the risk.

Confused, I pause as Juliet pauses as well. She hovers at a junction before turning in the opposite to her house. Frowning, I quicken my pace behind her, she wasn't feeling very well when I left her. I shouldn't have let her go.

You've failed her. You will always fail her.

Juliet clambers up onto a high brick wall, it takes her a few jumping attempts before she succeeds because she is so tiny. When she succeeds she flips herself round so her back leans against a turret, her legs out stretched before her. Her eyes are closed but even then I can tell her face is scrunched in pain.

Taking a deep breath, I approach her but stand a little way off so as to not startle her.

"Jules?" My voice comes out croaky and hoarse so I clear my throat, "What's wrong?"

She opens her eyes a bit and squints as the brightness burns her eyes. "Forgot my keys, my parents are out for a bit."


I sit on the wall beside her feet, my legs hanging down the wall. I hesitate for a moment before laying my hand on her calf and gently rubbing circles on it.

"Hmmm." She hums contentedly and a small smile appears on her perfect face.

We sit in silence for few moments until I feel her leg removed from my reach. I frown and open my eyes, Juliet is no longer laying down but rather sitting beside me, her legs hanging down along side mine.

Looking over at her, I notice that despite sitting close to me, she's not close enough to touch me. Her head is leaning slightly on her shoulder as she keeps her eyes closed, her hands sitting on her lap.

We are still yet to speak, but then again I don't think we need to. Juliet is in pain and doesn't want to talk, and me, I'm just revelling in her presence.

She's in pain. Why don't you help? Why can't you help? Useless.

Sighing, I shuffle myself along the wall closer to her until we are hip to hip. Then I throw my arm around her shoulder and gently pull her nearer so her head is resting on my shoulder. She lets out a little gasp of surprise, this is unlike me. Hell, the first time I held her hand was less than an hour ago. But now I never want to be without her hand in mine.

After a few moments Juliet relaxes her body and nestles closer me. My hand finds hers on her lap and I squeeze it.

"How long are you going to be locked out doll?" I whisper.

"Just a few hours I think." She mumbles but I sigh, she's uncomfortable on this wall, and it's not right to let her sit here with a migraine.

"Come on then." I say firmly and I jump from the wall and stand before my angel.

"What?" She mumbles, squinting her eyes and shielding them from the sun. I hold my hand out for her again.

"Let's go to my place, you can lay down and shut your eyes. How does that sound?"

Juliet hesitates for a second before taking my hand, she goes to jump down but before she can, I lift her down and gently place her on the ground so she doesn't hurt her head more.

"Is it far?" She all but whimpers, I nod my head and watch her face fall and she grimaces from the sun. I shift from foot to foot for a moment before coming to a decision.

"Do you trust me?"

She nods, her face has a look of the obvious, as if saying to me duh.

I swallow and nod before closing the distance between us and sweep her up and into my arms. She squeals in surprise and then whimpers at the loud noise that she made, I chuckle and pull her closer to my chest.

"It's ok. I won't drop you. You can close your eyes and then have a lay down- sound good?"

"Yes, thank you Bolt."

"No worries angel."

I start walking with her in my arms, her face pressed into my neck to hide from the sun. Her breath tickles my neck and causes me to clench my jaw, she feels amazing the close to me.


"It's not anything special really."

I suddenly feel hideously embarrassed at the state of the cheap apartment I rented a few weeks ago. I have done nothing by way of cleaning it up, there's mould in the ceiling corners and the paint is cracking and peeling.

Juliet deserves better than this. She's too good for you.

I inwardly snarl at his voice in my head, of course I already know it to be true. But I wish I didn't have to hear it repeated back to me again.

"No, no it's lovely." She says with a smile as I place her in the hall.

"You can say it's shit doll. I know it is."

"I-it's just... you deserve more than a place like this."

I turn on my heel viciously fast, I'm so surprised that that is her thought. Not that it is too disgusting for her, but that it's too disgusting for me.

For me, imagine!

"Yeah well, I don't have much money to spare."

Juliet nods slightly before casting her eyes to the bed, I immediately remember why I bought her here in the first place.

"Shit sorry, you can lay down." I quickly walk over to the wall and switch off all the lights so that the apartment is bathed in a cool darkness.

Juliet lets out a little sigh of relief as she pads over to the bed nervously. I follow behind her to make sure she feels comfortable to lie down, she's such a nervous thing and she finds it hard to assert herself even when her presence is wanted.

"You gonna be alright Jules?" I ask standing a few feet away from the bed, "do you need anything?"

"Yes and yes." She mumbles as she lays her head down on the pillow and closes her eyes.

My panic returns and I anxiously walk over to the bed and kneel on the floor beside her.

"What do you need angel?"

"You... to stay with me... please."

Hello my lovely readers,

Unfortunately my holiday is over today meaning that the updates will be less frequent than in the past two weeks.

This book will now be updated once or twice a week at a minimum. I am sure that some days and weeks I will update more depending on my schedule or motivation.

I hope you understand and thank you for reading xx

MC's Viking Warriors- Bolt #4 Where stories live. Discover now