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Groaning, I lift my head up from the almost sticky pillow , my neck crunches and protests at my movements from the shitty mattress but I ignore it. I have to get up, I have to get going.

"You stayin in town then?" The guy at reception asks as he types at the computer that must have been made in the late nineteen eighties, I shake my head as I stretch out my neck.

"Nah just for the night."

It's easier to lie, it's not like I intend on coming back to this disgusting part of the town, it's on the outskirts and that's not where I want to be. I need to be in the centre of town where there are lots of people to his amongst.

I walk from reception and I instantly feel relief at seeing my bike, there's something about her. She calms the anger boiling in my blood.

As I start to roar and rev the engine I pause, there's a rumbling through the town. Shit, seems like this town has been claimed by a gang, I'll really have to lay low. Once the rumbling of motorcycle engines has passed I pull out of the parking lot and head down the road.

I'm flying down the streets as I look at all the shops, searching for an apartment to let or a new motel to rent a room in, I need to move around as much as I can. Maybe spend a few nights in a slightly less disgusting hotel room with a pillow that didn't stick to my face as I sleep.

A red light flashes before me in the road ahead so I pull to a stop. My jaw clenches in irritation.

Fucking traffic lights.

Turning my gaze to the pavement nearest me, I watch the small town people make their way about their business, completely unaware of the danger my presence here could bring to this town.

Then someone catches my eye, my shifting gaze falters as a girl wanders along the pavement with her head down and a headphones plugged into her ears.

She's beautiful, totally eye catching and she's caught me.

She's short, and would be tiny compared to me, but she manages to make herself even smaller as she walks. Her long hair is tied in a plait that hangs down her back, she has thick glasses with golden rims. She's beautiful. So beautiful... so beautiful and utterly vulnerable.

We could have fun with her...

The voice growls in my head and I quickly avert my eyes from her, not wanting to give the beasts any ideas about hurting that fragile angel. I need to stay away from her. I need to stay away from everyone.

Out of the corner of my eye, I watch as she continues to make her journey through town. She crosses the road behind me safely and all I want to do is keep watching her but a vicious honking behind me draws my attention.

Shit, the light is no longer red. I pull away down the street, the brakes squealing as I fly away from the irritating cars and that girl.

Finally a suitable looking motel appears and I turn down into the parking lot. It's disgusting, dilapidated and practically empty. Despite every inch of my skin crawling and protesting, it's perfect for me. No one would be expecting me to stay here... not that anyone's looking for me anyway.


A small coffee shop catches my eye, I could really do with caffeine to knock this hangover on the head so I pull the bike to a halt.

The bell dings and I wince, the sound and my appearance immediately causes all the coffee morning mums to look up at me with disdain.

My appearance, I will admit does not suit this small time coffee shop, I'm 6'3 but I always seem to appear taller. I have my cut on, minus my old patches of course, and my biker boots. To top that all off, I'm already covered in tattoos and you can see them peeking out of the top of my top, and appearing down the sleeves onto my arms.

I understand their dislike of my presence but I need my caffeine so they can all fuck themselves and their judgement.

Show them what it's like to be judged... do it... show them how it feels to hurt...

Swallowing hard, I shake him from my head and nod as politely as I can manage to the shop occupants before I wander towards the queue and stuff my hands into my pockets. Shuffling my feet admittedly slightly awkwardly.

As I wait, I start to observe the people surrounding me, analysing the world. An occupational hazard of my life and an irritating habit I wish I could break. But as I look at all the suburban mums bouncing their babies on their laps and the people staring at computers, obviously studying or working, someone catches my eye once again.

The girl. The angel is sitting in the farthest corner with her nose in a worn leather book. Her glasses have slipped down her nose slightly and she looks so deliciously adorable that I want to get closer to her... but I can't.

"Next... Next!" The waitress at the counter calls, getting gradually louder and more irritable at my distraction and total oblivious to my surrounds.

I start from my gazing at the interesting creature in the corner and turn my attention back to the woman.

"Sorry, uh... a coffee please. Black."

She nods and I look away again, staring at the chalk lettering on the black board behind her. After a few moments the paper cup is handed to me and I pay, nodding my brief thanks. Just as I turn to leave, something holds me back.

Turning around one last time I see the angel again in the corner. She's still trying to read her book, only this time she's being bothered by a group of dickhead boys that are standing around her and laughing cruelly.

I guess this is happening then. Taking a deep breath I stride towards the corner. I stand behind the boys, I tower over them and crunch my knuckles noisily behind them.

All three of them whip their heads around at the dark shadow I have passed on their cruel teasing and games. That needs to stop now.

I clear my throat and glower at them.

"Excuse me. You're in my way." All three of the boys gulp and dart away and I hear the cafe door slam shut.

The angel looks up at me and gives me a small smile, laced with a quiet gratitude.

"May I?" I ask, gesturing to the seat before her, there are very few empty chairs in this cafe and she is by far and away the most palatable person to spend my caffeine shot with.

"Of course." She murmurs quietly before turning her gaze back to her book, I pull out the chair and sit down opposite her.

I had intended on leaving and enjoying my coffee outside, but with company like this, I think I'll enjoy it more.

MC's Viking Warriors- Bolt #4 Where stories live. Discover now