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Hello my lovely readers,

I just want to make clear that these chapters and plot line are going to feel like they're going very quickly because this is not the main story- just a part of it- meaning I will be jumping time quite a lot to get to key points in their relationship

I hope you understand xx

Every Sunday for two months, excluding the first week after he ran from the cafe crying, we have met, sat together and talked about anything and everything. I was careful to steer clear of the topic of his father, as he did on the topic of my mother's health after I told him following a terrible night where I couldn't sleep for anxiety.

Bolt has become my greatest confident and my closest friend, and yet not in the same way as Rosie. She is my best friend and I tell her everything, with Bolt, I want to know everything as well. My feelings sometimes frighten me, love is perhaps too strong a feeling, but then again... maybe it's quite the perfect word and I'm just too scared to admit it to myself.

The cafe door opens and the hush that falls over the room tells me it's Bolt, he always has this effect on the small town. Closing my book, I slip in a hairband to serve as a bookmark.

I look up and beam at Bolt, he returns with a small smile that has been growing every time I see him. He's a quiet and refined man as I've noted, with far more behind him that just his leather jacket. I have learnt there are a few topics that cause him pain, his parents- though for different reasons I suppose-, how he got his name and his club. Or rather lack there of.

"Hi Doll." He says with a smile as he draws back the chair and sits in it. "Great book." His face is etched with a smug smirk. I blush in embarrassment.

Bolt finally convinced me to lend him one of my trashy romance novels, I picked the least smut filled one... but even then it's by no means innocent.

"Did you like the ending?"

"Oh very much." He says with a smile as he moves forward and leans his head on his arms, the position we both assume for the duration of our talks. " I understand why you're so besotted with the idea of a happy ending that will always happen."

I nod as I sip on my hot chocolate, I cross my legs but accidentally bump my foot into his shin. Bolt reacts immediately, choking on his coffee and coughing slightly. I realise my mistake and move my feet as far away from him as possible, whenever I am around Bolt I seem cursed to permanently sport a blush.

"S-sorry." I stumble, Bolt merely shrugs and leans back in his chair. His eyes glaze over, seemingly lost in thought, but then I feel his foot nudging against mine. A playful glint in his eye.

"No worries Doll, I'm not opposed to a game of footsie."

"I-I wasn't!" I exclaim panicked, he throws his head back in a free laugh that I rarely see.

"I know Jules, I'm only playing with you."


He chuckles again and leans forward, his hand reaches over the table and I assume he's going to read the blurb of my latest book, but instead I feel his calloused hand wrap around my small one.

A small gasp escapes me in surprise, one thing I've seen from all my days with Bolt is that he hated being touched. In fact this is the first time I've seen him make any physical contact with anyone, and it's with me!

My heart begins to thud in my chest as I try not to tighten my hand around his, to not get attached to the feeling, but I can't help it. Just one second of contact and I'm addicted, completely and utterly attached to him.

"Jules? Jules?" Bolt's voice calls out and I finally hear it. I realise I have been staring into space, lost among my many thoughts. To my surprise, Bolt's hand is still in mine, but something is different now. His thumb is tracing patterns on my hand and each caress of his hand sends trembles up my arms and settles in my heart.

"Hmmm." I hum as I turn my eyes back to the gorgeous biker that is for some reason holding my hand.

"You ok, Doll. You zoned out there for a minute."

"Yes sorry I was..." my eyes trail down to the picture of my hand intertwined in his and a small smile turns my lips, "thinking."

He grunts slightly and lets out a small nod before leaning back in his chair again, his hand still remains in mine.

We talk, minutes or hours I do not know. I tell him about my impending maths test, and how afraid I am for it. He listens and reassured me, it helps just a little. There's something about having a vote of confidence from a man you care about that impacts on you so much more. I know not how many times I've had Rosie say the same words, but when Bolt says it, I almost believe it.

My phone lights up and buzzes on the table, I reluctantly lift up the phone with my free hand and immediately feel guilt at being reluctant to look at my phone.

It was a text from mum, she's got an appointment with a specialist today and dad is taking her. She was just reminding me.

A pain flares over one of my eyes and I wince, I've recently been getting migraines which I believe to be caused by stress. God it hurts. I close my eyes and bite my lip, I feel dizzy and sick.

"Jules, what's wrong?" Bolt'a voice is panicky and worried. I open one eye, the side that doesn't have the migraine hanging over it in quite the same calibre.

His face is tense and his eyes are searching my face, I squeeze his hand gently.

"Just a migraine ba-Bolt. But I think I need to go home."

Bolt nods in agreement and quickly stands, his hand still holding on to mine. I pack away my few things I left on the table as Bolt tosses the money for our drinks onto the table- it was his turn to pay.

He leads me out of the cafe, my eyes are scrunched up as shut as I can make them to keep the light out, whilst at the same time still able to see.

We stand still hand in hand on the pavement, Bolt looks down at me, his bottom lip between his teeth in worry.

"You gonna be alright getting home doll?"

"I'll be fine." I try to keep the pain out of my voice, there is something so horrible about the pain caused by a migraine. If you've never experienced one you are lucky.

He nods and squeezes my hand once before letting go of it, my hand drops to my side, feeling cold and empty. Suddenly my migraine doesn't feel so bad.

"See you next Sunday." He questions hopefully as he stuffs his hands in his pockets, backing away a few steps.

"Yep." I nod slightly only to immediately stop as the motion causes fiery pain to explode in my eye.

Turning, I start to walk towards home my eyes as squinted shut as I can manage. Just as I push my hands into my pockets and am met with nothing, I sudden freeze.

Shit, I left my keys at home. I had completely forgotten that neither mum nor dad would be home for when I got back.

My head is pounding and I can barely think straight. There's no where to sit outside the house, except for the floor of course. I guess my wall is closer. I really need to be able to shut my eyes, maybe I have some painkillers in my bag.

Taking a deep breath, I take a left turn instead of a right so that I can sit on my wall. It should only be two or three more hours as they already arrived at the hospital- it was about a two hour drive there so it's probably going to be at least that.

It'll be fine, I'll just wait until they text me that they're almost home and I'll tell them that I spent the day at Rosie's. I would hate for mum to feel guilty about me sitting outside all day- it's my fault anyway.

MC's Viking Warriors- Bolt #4 Where stories live. Discover now