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Bolt and I are still yet to say the words but I know as sure as my own feelings, that he feels the same as I do. Aside from school and sleep we spend as many moments as we can together, we walk together through town hand in hand casting many a judgemental glare. I love it, they do well to stare in judgement, it's all just jealousy and a lack of understanding.

If anything, I love bolt even more with his tattoos and leather jacket, it's who he is. Tortured soul that he is.

After having Bolt walk me home from school, an action he insisted upon after panicking that I was walking home along, I settle down at my desk after dinner with my parents. I have an essay to write for English and viola practice, easily three hours work and I'm already exhausted but  I want to work in medicine so being tired is no longer a factor.

My headphones are in and Tchaikovsky's swan lake is helping my brain get into the right mindset. There's an odd tap that keeps appearing in the music that shouldn't be there, but when I take my earbuds out to listen there is nothing there.

Frowning, I turn the music up louder and try to ignore the strange sound that must surely be in my head- a tired mind playing tricks.

I begin to write the first word of my essay when a loud knocking on the window causes me to fall off my chair in surprise with a little squeak. Getting to my feet after a moment of untangling myself, I throw open the curtains and let out another little shriek of surprise.

Bolt is standing on the jutting out porch roof, and looking in at me with a beaming smile. Every time I see Bolt, something about him I different sometimes he's quieter, as if battling with himself and other times he's smiling like I've never seen before. Tonight he's smiling more than I've ever seen before and my heart skips a beat.

"What are you doing?" I mouth as I look out at him, he doesn't reply but makes puppy dog eyes, begging me to let him in

Shaking my head and biting my lip at his unbelievable behaviour, I open the window and the cold air of the night rushes over me.

"Bolt, what are you doing?"

"Sorry doll," he whispers mirroring my volume of voice, "I've got nowhere else to go."

He clambers in through the window as I stand out of the way, once he's in the light I can see his face is covered in bruises and I gasp in horror. His lip is broken and bleeding, his eye is blackened and swollen.

"Bolt, what happened."

My hand immediately finds his arm and I guide him over to my bed, one late essay won't be the end of the world.

He chuckles dryly before wincing and clutching at his jaw.

"A warning from my... my old club. They know where I am."


This is the first time Bolt has spoken of his past in anyway shape or form, but to hear it in this way is shocking. I guessed from his reaction to the mention of his father that it wasn't positive. But I've never seen a beating quite so hideous before and this is just a warning.

My knees give out and I sink down on the bed beside him, I take his hand in mine and hold them to my lap. His knuckles aren't split which tells me this wasn't a fight, this was an ambush. He didn't even get a chance to defend himself.

"Why did they give you a warning?" I whisper as I rest my head on his shoulder and stroke his hand soothingly. My tone is quiet and cautious, I worry that one wrong word could mean that Bolt pushes me back outside again.

"I-I did something before I left my old club. Something that had to be done." His voice cracks and breaks and so does my heart. I'm the vulnerable one, Bolt is always so strong, but apparently not always.

MC's Viking Warriors- Bolt #4 Where stories live. Discover now