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I sit numbly on the sofa, Romeo and Benvolio sit on either side of me, purring contentedly. It's past midday now, if Bolt had woken up and wanted to talk to me, he'd be here by now. Just like before, he's abandoned me without even a note.

Sighing, I try to shake the tears from my eyes. This isn't how I should be spending my first day off in months, sobbing over Bolt. It feels like terrible deja vu.

My stomach growls noisily, so loudly that the cats look up at me in irritation that I had disturbed their cuddles. Reluctantly, I realise I'm going to have to eat at some point, so I uncurl myself from the fluffy blanket I was under and pad into my kitchen.

A tiny voice in my head whispers something silly as I walk past the pantry. Maybe I could try to summon Bolt. Giggling half heartedly, I reach up into the cupboard and pull out a jar of pasta sauce and struggle to open it. I give up after less than ten seconds, feeling ridiculous and pathetic.

I turn towards the toaster, I think toast is all I can be bothered to cook. A knock at the door makes me jump, I drop a knife on the floor and curse. It's silly, I've spent all day listening for that bloody door and when it finally 'goes off' it makes me jump.

As I walk towards my front door, I try to calm my beating and hopeful heart. You got burned like this before Juliet. It will just be that book you ordered, it's not him. It's not him.

I open the door anxiously, saying a silent prayer to a God I've never spoken to before, if it could be Bolt I'm pretty sure I'd believe in divine intervention.

"Hey Doll, shit sorry, Juliet."

To my joyous surprise, I find a sheepish looking Bolt standing on my door step, dripping wet from the pounding rain. In his hands are a bunch of flowers, a heart shaped box of chocolates and in the other hand is a large paper bag.

"Hello Bolt." I say softly, weakly, broken. I open the door wide enough to invite him in and out of the rain.

"I'm sorry I'm a bit late, I bought you lunch." He lifts up the paper bag in explanation with a guilty look on his face.

"Oh- so you were always coming here then?"

"I wanted to come after you last night, but you needed space and I needed to think."

"Think about what?" I question as I walk towards the kitchen with Bolt following behind.

"I need to talk to you... about everything and I need you to listen to me."

"Hence the food." I say with a smile as I place the flowers in a vase full of water. I hear Bolt's chuff of laughter and the sound of a stool being pulled away from the table.

By the time I've turned around, Bolt is sitting down and he has opened containers of Chinese food that are wafting delicious smells towards my stomach.

I sit down opposite him at the kitchen table and drag the nearest container of food towards me. I fall on it hungrily before swallowing my mouthful and looking up at Bolt. He's watching me anxiously with wide eyes, he looks years younger than I've ever seen him and vulnerable.

"I'm listening now Bolt, please talk to me."

He nods and stares into the distance for a second, I don't speak again, choosing to let him break the silence.

MC's Viking Warriors- Bolt #4 Where stories live. Discover now