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It's been two weeks, two fucking weeks of jumping at my own shadow, of moving from motel to motel so it looks like I have been travelling and returning. It's been two weeks of having that little angel in my head. We said not quite twenty words but I wished it had been twenty thousand.

That has never happened to me before, I've always found that I've been desperate for less words to be said. There's always a first though I guess.

I've been to that coffee shop at the same time everyday, it's the one place I've made a repeat appearance at in the hope that angel, Juliet, might be there again. She hasn't been.

You scared her off. You always scare them off. You're a monster.

The words, they hurt, they shouldn't. I should be used to it by now but I'm not, it hurts. For the first time in my life I don't want to be frightening, I don't want to scare. But it's too late.

Just as I take the last mouth full of coffee from my cup with the intention of leaving and giving up, I hear footsteps behind me, quiet ones. My ears perk up, ready to fight or flee should I need to but then...

"Hey Bolt."

Whipping my head around, I see Juliet, she's standing adorably with one leg slightly raised, she looks awkward and uncomfortable.

"Juliet." I say, inside my heart is fitting with a joy that I've never felt, but on the outside I'm sure my face hasn't changed.

Juliet doesn't seem fazed by my blank expression as she casts me an even warmer smile before shifting closer to the empty seat across from me.

"Please." I say gesturing to the chair, she nods and slightly unsurely settles opposite me. I stand to get another coffee but as I turn on my heel I pause. "Would you like something."

She looks up from her book with surprise in her eyes, there's a hue of a blush to her cheeks.

"Oh well... yes please."


She shakes her head ridiculously fast for someone sat in a coffee shop, I chuckle and her blush spreads even further and deeper.

"A hot chocolate please." She murmurs, a hot chocolate, I should have guessed that would have been her order. She doesn't look like a caffeine addict or anything like it. As always, she's sweet and so is her taste in hot drink. When I order this time the server gives me a small smile and a knowing look.

To be honest, it pisses me off just a little bit. What business is it of hers?

She hands me over the two cups and I nod my thanks before returning to my table, Juliet is sat there totally engrossed in her book, she's put her feet up on the seat and is hugging her knees to her chest. That perfect bottom lip is being nibbled as she flicks through the pages, her eyes moving faster than I ever thought possible,

Compared to me she must be a genius. Mind you, it wouldn't take a lot to be smarter than me.

"Hey," I say with as much of a smile as I've used in years, "there you go."

I place the mug in front of her and she immediately takes it and grasps it between her hands, leaning over it like it the first warmth she's ever felt.

"Thank you, I'll pay you back."

"Nah, don't mention it." I say as I retake my seat opposite her, my gaze immediately staring at her. I'm probably freaking her out but I don't even care, I can't help it. She looks so beautiful reading that trashy romance novel with the cliche cover.

MC's Viking Warriors- Bolt #4 Where stories live. Discover now