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Some smut for my lovely readers ;)

I watch Juliet slowly eat the pizza, her every movement is a taunting mention that I am not buried between her legs at this very moment.

Finally, after immeasurable sighs of control from me, Juliet pushes the pizza box away from her.

"Let's watch something, yeah?" Juliet's voice has her same lilting tone as always, but there's a certain quality to it that I can't quite place.

"Watch something? TV?" I scoff in slight disbelief and frustration, despite my desires, if Juliet wants to watch something I guess we will.

"Alright." I reach over Juliet on the sofa to grab the remote but before my hand can reach the plastic I am yanked down and my lips meet hers.

It only takes me a moment to halt my surprise, and then I kiss Juliet back tenfold. She whimpers as I push my tongue past her lips, my body is now flat over her. My hardness moulds into the delicious softness that Juliet always had wrapped around her. She feels amazing, too amazing to be true... and yet she's here in my arms.

Juliet nips on my lip slightly, the signal she always used when we were younger that she was running out of breath. I pull away, pressing my forehead against hers as we pant.

"I thought you wanted to watch something." I huffs, placing a kiss to her nose.

"I was winding you up, Bolt."

"Oh." I flush with embarrassment before attempting to brush it aside, it's only Juliet. She doesn't mind when I make mistakes.

"Kiss me again, please." Her voice is husky in my ear and sends tendrils of pleasure steaming down my body.

No more words are needed, I cover her body with mine as my lips mould with hers again. Juliet wraps her legs around my hips and grinds her core against my growing erection.

She whimpers at the friction as all the breath leaves my body. There is nothing like her body moving against mine.

"We need to go upstairs or I'm going to fuck you on this sofa."

Juliet nods, panting hard as she catches her breath... or attempts to. I wrap my arms around her back as I stand from the sofa. I hold Juliet tight and safe against my chest as I carry her up the stairs and towards her room.

"Fuck doll, don't do that." I almost lose my footing as Juliet begins to suck and nip over the thin skin on my neck. I've been too long without her body against mine, I'm not going to last long at this rate.

Kicking open the door with my foot, I cause Juliet to squeal in surprise and I think excitement.

I gently, tenderly lay my angel on her bed, her hair spread around her head like a halo, her lips pouty and swollen. I stand back for a second to just look at my girl, almost unable to believe she's here.

"Bolt..." Juliet whines, writhing slightly on the bed as she presses her thighs together, presumably in the hope of easing the ache that I hope is there.

"Bolt..." She repeats again, I hold my hand up to silence at her, I need one more minute to admire her lavish curves.

"Oh Bolt just fuck me!" She snaps in frustration and my eyes almost fall out of my head at the sound of her actually begging me to give her exactly what I want.

"Well if that's what my baby wants."

I take my cut off, laying it on the nearby chair. Within a few seconds I've ripped the rest of my clothes from my body. After watching my little strip tease, Juliet's hands trail down to the waist band of her leggings. I bat her hands away and she bites her lip to silence her protests.

"That's my job."

Clambering onto the bed, I grab Juliet's ankles and tug her down the bed. She squeals and gasps excitedly. Leaving the bed, I kneel before her, my hands find the waistband of her leggings and panties, pulling them both down together until they're hanging around her ankles.

Juliet giggles as I kiss up her legs, my beard obviously tickling her and driving her wild with sensitivity. I drag my hand over her legs and between her thighs, slightly brushing against her clit for just a second. Then I move away before she can even enjoy the sensations.

Standing from my knees, I clamber over Juliet's body again, taking her top off as I go.

"No bra?" I gasp in surprise as my hands find her nipples as the top leaves her. "So bad doll, were you expecting something?"

"Nuhuh." She shakes her head adorably, so adorably that I pounce on her lips once again.

"Well that's too bad doll." I snarl into her ear, "because I was going to give you exactly what you were expecting but-"

"Bolt if you don't fuck me soon, I'll kick you out and do it myself."

A startled laugh escapes me as I reach into her beside table drawer and find a box of condoms. Once I'm sheathed in the latex I nudge my tip against her, bumping against her clit and causing her eyes to roll back.

Juliet kisses my cheeks gently as I fist myself and start to nudge my way into her.

"I love you Bolt. Even after everything, I never stopped loving you- fuck."

Her sweet words are cut off with a breathy moan as I slam myself into her. Initially, I had planned to be slow but after Juliet professing her love for me once more, there was nothing I could do to stop my jerking hips.

"I love you doll." I bury my face in her neck and hair as I give her a few moments to adjust to my size.

Before I begin to move again, I reach behind Juliet's head and remove one of the pillows and place it under her hips. The angle now will be far more pleasurable for my whimpering angel.

I begin to thrust slowly, I hit deep inside Juliet, deeper than I ever thought possible. My jaw clenches as Juliet grips my biceps and gives me delicious, breathy moans.

"Bolt..." Juliet gasps as she throughs her legs around my waist. "I'm- I'm close."

I smirk before giving her sweet lips another breath stealing kiss and trail one of my hands between us until I find her bud. Her hips lurch against my pelvis and she clenches me tightly. Her release triggers my own as she clings even tighter against me. I groan in delight and call out her name.

"Hmmm." Juliet hums as I gently pull out of her and press a chaste kiss to her neck. I stand from the bed and walk into Juliet's en-suite toilet to dispose of the condom. Soaking a cloth in cool water, I return to room and slowly wipe away Juliet's release.

She moans sleepily as the cooling sensation flickers between her legs.

"Thanks baby." She mumbles tiredly as she rolls over onto her side, giving me a lovely view of her delightfully fleshy ass.

I'll have to take her from behind next time.

After pulling on my boxers once again, I pull the covers up and over Juliet and myself. I pull her close to my chest, my arms wrap around her warm, soft body.

"You'll be here when I wake up." She murmurs, so faintly I'm certain it wasn't for my ears.

"Yes baby." I kiss the shell of her ear. "I'll be here when you wake up."

MC's Viking Warriors- Bolt #4 Where stories live. Discover now