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Juliet lays nestled against me, head resting on my chest, my hand around my waist. She's wearing one of my T-shirts and the sight of her curves wrapped in my clothes is driving me wild. I didn't want anything more physically from Juliet tonight, her in my arms is more than enough for me. I had, however, hoped that we could talk more but my angel fell asleep when her head hit the pillow.

I trail my fingers over her arm as she snores softly. The light of dawn breaks through the cracks of the curtains and shines a fine glow over her face.

She's so beautiful

I jump internally at the voice, he shouldn't be here. I've got Juliet with me now, he should be gone. However... his voice doesn't sound like before, there's no vengeance or anger now. It's admiration and affection for our slumbering angel.

Juliet doesn't make him disappear, she tames him.

"Hmmmm." Juliet hums lightly in sleep as she rolls further into my chest, I can feel from her breathing that she's stirring.

She blinks her eyes open, sleepy and disoriented. That is until she sees my face, then her eyes light up with a smile.

I'm captured by her beauty after sleep. This is the first time I have seen her in morning light and she's dazzling, stunning and mine.

"You're here." She mumbles, a soft smile gracing her face.

"Always." I bend down and kiss her nose gently, her eyes blink softly but are slightly unseeing from the absence of her glasses. A detail I never thought I would ever be blessed to look upon.

She hums again and rolls away, I growl in dislike and pull her back closer to me. In that moment, I realise my mistake. Now that Juliet has turned away, and I've pulled her back to my chest, her ass is pressed directly into my morning wood.

Juliet giggles and shifts against me, I groan and grip her hips to stop her movements.

"You tease." I whisper into her ear, kissing the shell of it lovingly. Now Juliet is in my arms I want her to know forever that I not only love but treasure her.

"It's nice waking up with you still here." She admits, I try not to feel the pang of guilt but I still do.

"I'm sorry doll." She waves her hand nonchalantly and burrows back under the covers squinting from the sunlight.

"It's fine Bolt. You're here now."

I chuckle and burrow down into her warmth. My top has lifted up on her skin slightly, exposing her panty covered ass to me as the covers shift and move as we move lazily in the morning.

Reaching over Juliet, I pull back the curtain by the bed to fully enjoy the sunshine of the morning. Juliet cries out in protest and hides her face under the covers, the bright light obviously upsetting her eyes. I guess she's not a morning person.

I chuckle as I look over at my bed, with Juliet hiding under the covers as she is, she's so small that you can't see her.

Smiling happily, I move over onto my back and lay one arm behind my head as I pick up a book to read. A few glances every now and then at Juliet confirms my suspicions, she's fallen back asleep.

Yep, definitely not a morning person.

After about half an hour or so I've almost finished my book, Juliet is still sleeping and then the door flies open.

Precious walks into my room in a bra and booty shorts, she has bright red lipstick on and makes my skin crawl in disgust.

"Hiya Bolt," she coos as she struts towards me, I feel Juliet shift in her sleep under the covers- possibly waking up.

"Get the fuck out of my room." I snarl, protectively laying my hand over Juliet.

She pouts provocatively and completely ignores my repeated orders. I watch in horror as she clambers onto the bed and straddles me.

I quickly shove her off me and she hits the floor, she cries out in protest but I couldn't care less. It's too late, Juliet has woken up and appeared from under the covers, rubbing her eyes free from sleep.

She looks down at the sight of the woman sprawled on my floor in a bra in confusion before turning back to me.

"Bolt?" She whimpers slightly and I can already feel her insecurities creeping in.

"It's not what it looks like doll I-"

Precious legs out a cruel laugh, throwing her head back as she laughs. Both Juliet and I tense as her laughter finishes, I'm on my feet from the bed in less than a second and I'm so tempted to drag the bitch from the room. And I would if Juliet wasn't watching but I don't want to show any violence in front of her.

"Get out!" I bellow, pulling her to her feet by her arm.

"So that's why you didn't come find me last night for our evening appointment," she laughs coldly again as I pull her out of the room as gently as I can, "you've found a frigid whore to fuck now then."

I finally get her over the threshold and slam the door on her hateful words, sliding the bolt across and locking it with the key for good measure. Swallowing hard, I turn to face Juliet. She's sitting up in bed with the duvet pulled up to her chin. She looks sad but the confusion is gone, if anything that makes it worse.

"How many, Bolt?" She asks softly, her tone flat and unreadable.

I gingerly walk over to Juliet and prepare to sit on the edge but to my surprise Juliet pulls the covers back for me. Silently I climb back into bed and feel my heart sigh in relief as she nuzzles into me slightly. I wrap my arm over her shoulder.

"I'm not mad Bolt." She whispers. "I just want to know, whatever you did before doesn't matter but I'd like to know."

I nod and try to hide my wince, the truth is I don't actually completely know how many it is.

"Bolt?" Juliet repeats after my silence persists.

"Jules..." I groan out and I can already feel my heart breaking in preparation for her rejection. "I-I don't know..." I all but whisper.

"Oh." She whispers in response but still doesn't pull away from my embrace.

"I'm so sorry, I'd take it back if I could."

"It's ok... I mean it's not really but it's ok. But that's over now, right?"

"Yes. Yes." I nod fervently and pull her tighter into my body. "You were my first and you'll be my last."

"I like the way you put that." I chuckle uneasily and Juliet laughs lightly, any tension I imagined was there is gone.

"So... how many for you?" I ask slight hesitantly, I don't care what her answer is it could be zero or a thousand and I wouldn't care.

"Just one other."

"Oh right." I reply, feeling even more shit about my disgusting past. "Did you date him?" I probe, unable to help myself.

"On and off for a couple of years."

"Why didn't it work out?"

"Honestly..." she pauses for a moment, "because he wasn't you."

Hello my lovely readers,

I hope you've enjoyed these chapters- I'm just spoiling you with them xx

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