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Just to avoid any confusion the man called bear in this chapter isn't Vidar, it's his father Erik.

Juliet's father has arranged a meeting for me today with the president of the Viking Warriors, I don't really want to join another club after the last one but if it will make Juliet happy I'll go to this meeting for her. Hell I'll even join the club to stay in the same town as her.

You don't belong here. You'll mess everything up and hurt someone again. We'll  hurt our angel... you know we will.

I pull up outside the compound and wait for someone to open the gates for me. Juliet reassured me that there would be someone to let me in so I wouldn't have to deal with the stress of being mistrusted or seen as dangerous.

"Bolt?" A large man calls from the gate that has opened as I stared out at the trees, his arms are crossed rather sternly but somehow he has a kind face.

"Yes sir." I reply, standing from my bike. I begin to walk the bike over to the man and I can feel my hands shaking, the beast is roaring in my ears and I try frantically to blink him from my mind, from my thoughts.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Bear, president of this club. I hear you're looking for a new club."

I nod once again but don't answer, I turn my head and check behind me to make sure no one is listening in. Bear seems to understand my reluctance to speak out in the open because he signals a prospect to open the gate wide enough to fit my bike through.

After a few minutes delay, I find myself sitting in the club office on a side of the table I swore never to find myself on again.

"So Bolt... I'm afraid I don't really know much about you. Jimmie didn't know anything about you beyond the fact his daughter wants you to stay in town."

"That's right sir, I would like to stay in this town very much."

I nod my head my head as I speak to try and keep my attitude light and positive. I'm not very good in any kind of social situation, let alone the kind like this where your every word and movement is judged and noted.

Bear leans back I his chair and taps his fingers together pensively, it's strange but his manners don't make me feel tense or panicky, but rather at ease.

"So tell me Bolt, why did you leave your last club."

"Oh..." I look down as I try to control the roaring and screaming in my head as he slams his body weight against my head causing me to wince as I feel a headache starting to appear behind my eyes.

"Bolt, I have to know what happened. This is a motorcycle club after all, I can't let anyone in."

"No, no..." I wring my hands in my lap, "I-I just..."

"Whatever you tell me can stay in this office."

I nod feeling reassured of confidentiality, I don't want this potential club to know all my business without earning the right to know it. I tell my potential president the sordid tale of my father and mother, and how I ended a maniacal rule.

The only problem is, I don't know who has become the new president. They could be just as bad as my father was, my old club was pretty disgusting in its habits and violence. And judging from the warning I was given a few days ago, the club certainly isn't as successful or forgiving as this club seems to be already.

Bear and I talk for a while, asking each other questions both about the club and ourselves retrospectively. I tell him about my talent for inquisition and surveillance, it was what my father trained me to be. I can get an answer from anyone through many varying means, I'm not proud of it but it is what it is.

MC's Viking Warriors- Bolt #4 Where stories live. Discover now