Someday,Somewhere,Somehow,You are going to be found

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-3 P.O.V-

Ava woke up with fear coursing through her body.She had a moment of pure panic as the events of the past few months replayed in her mind.It took her a little while,but she finally caught herself back in the present and saw herself being dragged by another dameos.She instantly started to panic even more and started fighting back.Granted,it didn't work for a while because she was just shaking like a fish out of water but Ava finally got a brain cell and kicked the guard in the place where the sun don't shine.The guard let go of the female in pain and Ava ran out like me running away from my problems.

She found that her fear built her strength and stamia.She was able to run much faster and for much longer then what she can usually do.When her legs finally tired and her lungs felt like they would collapse onto themseleves,she was in a forest.Oh great,Ava thought,Now I can die by wild forest animals.She walked around shaking like a dog in the cold.The sights where pretty,the tall large beatiful blue trees,vines tangled around the branches like snakes,bushes and flowers blooming on the dark green grass.Ava had to admit,it was very pretty here.It would be prettier if she wasn't scared to her bones about dying by a stray animal or a sociopathatic dameos.She decieced she would keep walking until she could find some food or something to drink.

She walked like she was on a landmine field.Each step full of planning and thinking in order to note make a deadly step.Ava tracked on like this for a few more minutes until she heard rustling from the bushes.The rustling was rather loud,and it could have only been made by a rather large animal.Ava's heartbeat speed up as she grew a cold sweat.She ran away as fast as her tired wobbly feet could take her.The animal behind her followed suit,running like it was being chased by an angry god.Ava ran like this for what felt like 6 hours,but it was only 3 minutes.She couldn't run anymore and her legs collapsed upon themselves.This was how she was going to die?Eaten by a rabid animal in another world?She closed her eyes,ready to face death yet it never came.

What?Why hasn't the animal eat me yet?Ava thought in confusion.She opened her eyes,expecting to see some sort of jacked up monster animal thing.That wasn't what the young man in front of her looked like.He had pale,almost white skin,rusty orange colored hair,top numbs for horns,bright orange eyes and a little "o" shaped mouth with some dimples.He couldn't have been older then 25 and he looked rather nice for a man with a giant battle axe on his back."Hey,are you ok?" The man asked Ava.His voice,it was rather high pitched,sounded like a child's almost,full of innocence yet it had a small crack and almost ghostly quality to it."N-No not really" Ava responded in shock of the mans kindness.

"Well,that's no good.If you want,you can come with me and my family!We can give you some food,water and shelter till you can get back onto your feet!"The young man asked in a sympathetic voice."That would be nice" Ava said in response to the mans question."Great!Nice to meet you!My names Noi!Sorry about scaring you,I was looking for some berries for one of my friends!" the newly proclaimed Noi said talking at a million miles per hour.Ava was barely able to dechiper what he said and responded with "My name is Ava".Noi smiled,showing his dimples even better and replied with "That's a really lovely name!".Before Ava could thank him for the compliment,Noi started dragging her to his house where,as he told Ava at a lightning speed,lived with his friends/family.They were all nice,all you gotta do is warm up to them.

In what could have only been 10 minutes,Ava found herself in front of a small,camoflauged,uh,house?Base?Sphere?The shape of it was odd and it was hard to see but Noi seemed to know his way around and came to a door and opened it.The shock Ava had when Noi opened to door was immense.The whole thing seemed to be underground.Large hallways and rooms dugged into the dirt with a rather clean pattern and flooring.Ava stared in wonder at this place,so she failed to notice someone from behind her."Hey,Noi,whats up with the girl?Did you bring someone home for you to mate with?" asked a girl in a british accent.Ava jumped back in shock and saw Abilene."No,Abi,I brought her home to help her.She seemed hungry and confused so I thought we could lend a hand." Noi responded to Abilene's question.Meanwhile,Ava was looking like a rip tomato,because Abilene was dressed,hm,unmodest.She seemed to be wearing a large belt to cover her breast,and that was covered by a fishnet that was cut to look like a bathing suit.Her underbody was covered but just a small pink gradinet skirt.That sight would make anyone blush.

Abilene noticed this and winked at Ava before turning back to Noi."Alright,just make sure you tell Azazel first before he comes in and sees a random peasant girl eating our food"She told Noi before walking off to one of the many halls and rooms."That was Abilene,She is 19 and she is really strong!"Noi told Ava in his same happy tone.Ava just nodded and said "cool".Noi walked Ava over to the the kitchen and made her a simple meal of bread,a bowl of soup,some potatoes and a glass of water.Ava ate it like she last ate during the start of WW1.Noi laughed while watching Ava and asked "Been a while since you last ate?".Ava inhaled the rest of her food before she responded with her mouth full,"It feels like its been forever."This caused Noi to laugh even more before to the point where it physically started to hurt.Before Ava knew it,she was laughing as well and the room filled with laughter.Ava liked this,it was nice to have some food and a nice person to talk to.

How was it going to go wrong?

(Lol,Its me!I finally added in Ava to this story and showed by bad drawing of abilene!Next chapter,you'll be able to see the rest of the rebels and see how they react to Ava!Till then,its Kamaria checking out!)

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