Prologue:Part one-Our first meeting

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3rd person p.o.v

When Prince Asch found out that he would have to help one of the royal bases fight off the rebels,to say he was angry would be an understatement.His thickheaded skull didn't understand why the rebels where still a problem.They are fighting against an entire army,how could they possible still not be caught?So instead of training in the castle,he was teleporting to a royal base to fight off the rebels with his personal knights.

When they got to the base,it was clear why they had call for backup.It looked like all hell had broken loose.Blood was all over the walls,the floor covered in dead bodies,many guards in agony.Before Asch and his knights could even properly react to the horrific sights in front of them,an arrow was coming straight at them.Rhys was quick at using his ice magic to block the arrow from hitting the prince,but a strong gust of wind broke the ice.The knights split up to cover more ground and so the worst of the fighting had began.

The rebel archer,a 5'8 red haired male with one of his dark red eyes shut with a scar was trying to get a hit on the prince.Noi was assigned to kill the archer,since Noi was the weakest and the archer looked easy to take down.Noi was hurt by the statement of him being the weakest,so he attacked rather quickly,able to get the bow and arrow away from the archer,who's name is Malik.Once his main weapon was gone,Malik tried using a small knife to attack Noi,who quickly dodged all of the attacks.

With a swift leg movement,Noi was able to get Malik to the ground and pin him under him.Noi grabbed his dagger and was ready to stab Malik in his heart,but stopped.Noi had always been the most moral of his team,so he hated killing people.Noi quickly turned around to see that the rest of his team was to busy fighting the others to notice him.So instead of killing Malik,Noi put his dagger down and made a small,harmless cut of his leg and quickly fled off to help Pierce,who was struggling against the rebels sorceress.

Malik was shocked.The personal knight of the prince just spared him his life.Before Malik could even be thankful for that,some vines snatched up Malik and dragged him towards his twin sister.Malik's twin,a 6'1 red-brown hair and red eyed girl named Abilene,was trying to fight off Leif.She used her plant magic to drag her brother over to help her because she was struggling a bit.Together the twins were able to put Leif into a concussion. "Now,am I going crazy or did that knight just spare your life?" Abilene questioned her brother. "I think he did.He even seemed sad when he had to cut me" Malik responded.

Another guard saw the twins talking and reacted quickly,grabbing Abilene and slitting her throat.Luckily,he did this in seeing view of the rebel leader,a 7'8 tanned male with bright green eyes.Quickly,the leader,who is named Azazil,threw Rhys off him and into the wall and cut into the guard with his synth.The guard fell dead onto the floor as Malik helped support his sister up. "Are you two ok?" Azazil asked the twins,since he was basically the dad to all the rebels. "Y-yes,I only have a small cut on my leg,the knight sparred me" Malik responded.

"Really?" Asked Azazil in shock.Expecting sympathy from a personal knight of the prince is like expecting a rock to talk.Azazil looked over in Noi's direction and saw that he really didn't want to be hurting them.As if by the magic of fiction,the rebel sorceress,a 6'9 dark skinned purple hair and eyes girl named Pandora,used her shadow magic to trap Noi and Pierce.It was clear it was time to retreat for the rebels,but they decided to take something with them.

"Pandora,bring the orange haired one!" Azazil yelled at Pandora as he grabbed Abilene who passed out thanks to bloodlost.Pandora was confused but didn't question it and grabbed Noi who was protesting.Once Noi was grabbed all the rebels teleported away,leaving a bloody battlescene behind.

Noi's P.O.V

I tried to break whatever the sorceress used to trap me but it wouldn't budge.The rebels gathered around me,well the conscious ones did anyways.The tall scary looking one who I could have only assume was the leader came up close to me and asked "why did you spare his life?" while pointing to the red haired boy.I'm not sure why they thought I would say anything to the,their rebels!Well,it's clear they expected me to not talk,because the scary guy made a head movement to the sorceress and she said a spell.

Suddenly my throat feelings like this been on fire.I try screaming but even breathing causes great pain.My entire mouth feels like it's decomposing and after what feels like hours the pain dies down.I start breathing heavily and the guy asks again "why did you spare his life?".The words are out of my mouth before I even have time to think, "I can't stand the idea of killing anyone,and he looked so scared and sad,I couldn't bring myself to do it."Why did I say that!?!

The rebels looks at each other before the guy looks at me and asks "why did you join the personal guards?" Again,it feels like the words are taken from my mouth, "I didn't have a choice,I was about to be killed but then Prince Asch spared me and made me his knight".I guess I really am weak.I look down in defeat,still able to see the sympathetic faces of the rebels.The tall guy puts his hands out in a sigh of peace and says in a fatherly tone "Hey,it's fine,you didn't have a choice,but you have a choice now,you can join us.We don't see morality as weak here"It sounds nice,but I can't betray the prince

"I'm sorry,that sounds amazing but I can't become a traitor to the prince" I say,and the faces of the rebels darken,the last thing I see before I pass out is the leader staring at me with almost glowing green eyes

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