Prologue part two-Reborn

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Noi's P.O.V

Ugh,my head feels like it exploded.When I open my eyes,I'm in a damp small room with my hands tied to a large metal pole.I try freeing my hands but who ever tied this knot clearly made it so I can't escape.Well,this sucks,I'm stuck in a room with no one to help me at the mercy of the rebels.

As if on que,the boy who's life I sparred walks in.He comes close to me and bends down so he's at my eye level.He looks me straight in the eyes and says "I'm sorry,we don't want to do this,but this is the only way you'll become better".Before I can ask what that means,he slams my head against the metal pole.My head feels even worse as blood fills my mouth.The boy looks awfully sad at seeing me like this.

He continues to hit my hand against the pole as I almost go unconscious.My mouth is full of blood and I fell some of it drip out.The boy grabs the pole and I realize I can escape.I use my magic to send electricity up the pole.The boy looks shocked by this and falls down to the floor.I manage to undo the rope and rush out of the room.The girl who was passed out before sees me and yells something,but I'm already close to the door.

Suddenly I fell as if my body is stuck in place.My mind clears of all thoughts and I can only hear one voice,the voice of the leader. "Calm down and come back to the room." He says,I can't argue with that,it seems like a command I can't disobey.I turn around and walk towards the leader who leads me back to the room. "Sit down and allow us to tie you up again" he says,I can't disobey so I nod my head in agreement.The girl from before ties me up again.

Then I finally regain my thoughts and body again,but it's to late,I'm already tied up.This time,I'm completely unable to move.Gods,I've only been here a day and I already hate this place so much.The leader looks at me sympathetically and says "look,we really don't want to harm you,but it's clear you'd be better off with us.Maybe we should introduces ourselves first,would you like that?"

Again,whatever the sorceress did takes the words out of my mouth and I respond "that would be nice" The leader calls the other boy back in and the sorceress. "So I am Azazil,I'm the leader of the rebellion,this is Pandora-" he points to the sorceress, "that is Malik and Abilene" he says pointing to the girl and the boy.Good to have names to associate the torture with.

"Can you tell us your name?" Abilene ask,slight curiosity in her voice. "My name is Noi" I respond instantly.Everyone takes my name in and finally someone,I can't tell who because the world became dizzy and blurry,says "well Noi,enjoy your new home,the less you fight,the less torture.".Thats the last statement I hear before passing out

6 months later

Time acts funny when your stuck in a dark,small,small room with nothing but the voices in your head and torture.There is a sick twisted routine to this whole thing.Wake up,have Pandora come in,heal my previous injuries,test her new,usually painful potions on me.Get a small glass of water.Abilene comes in soon after and usually likes to play with my horns and then stabs me somewhere.Once the blood drys,Malik comes in and bangs my head against the metal pole.After all of that,Azazil comes in and he's ironically the only one that doesn't harm me.He just takes over my mind and makes me repeat certain phrases.

For all I care,this whole routine was probably happening in 1/2 a day.Just then the door opened.I expected to see Pandora,holding her staff and ready to heal,instead I see everyone walk in.I was clearly confused but then I got scared.Is this some sort of torture where they all decide to take part?The idea makes me nauseous.Instead Abilene undoes my ropes and Malik helps me up from the floor.

3rd person p.o.v

As Malik helped Noi off the ground,Pandora got the spell ready.It would be the most painful Noi would ever have to deal with,but it was only once.The spell would reverse what happened in Noi's head and implant fake memories.The spell was a powerful one so it took Pandora a while to master it.Once Noi was completely up,the spell was ready.

Pandora said the spell as magic filled the small room.It hit Noi likes a meteor.His mind felt like it was melting,his body felt like it was decomposing,everything in a pain so great that Noi couldn't even properly scream.Noi,in a desperate way to distract from the horrid pain his mind was going through,grabbed and ripped off his own horns,leaving 2 small stubs in there place.Everyone was shocked at the sight,they didn't realize the spell would be that painful.

After what at most could could have been 5 minutes,the pain died down,and Noi passed out.When he was to reawaken he would be


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