This Chapter is just a Danganronpa Reference

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-Noi's P.O.V- 

I kept laughing because of the stupid story Abilene said about when she and Mal where little and he almost drowned.It wasn't helpful that Mal had an adorable little pout on his face.Before I knew it I was having to support myself on Ava because my side hurt from laughing so much.Abilene did the whistle thing she always did when she saw something romantic and winked.Ava blushed and hide her face in her arms as she mumbled something to herself that I couldn't hear.I stared at her in confusion before my stomach growled like a monster."Hungry?"Ava asked as I nodded.Malak got up and said "I-I can get get you some fo-food.If if you wa-want."I smiled at him and said "Thank you,Mal.That would be nice".

Malak walked away fidgeting with the hair in his face as Abilene smuggly looked at me.I just stared at her in confusion,I never understood why she always did that whenever I talked to Malak.Just then,Pandora finally finished her elixer and releazed what we were doing in her lab.She grabbed Ria from her head and shoved her outside the room,along with the rest of us,saying that since I was healed,I shouldn't be adding "useless hot air" to her lab.Rude.Ria turned back to human and looked at us."Why puwple so angwy?" she asked us,tilting her head a little.Abilene was about to talk but Ava covered her mouth and dragged her away,saying to not ruin Ria's innocence.Thats how I ended up with just a child outside a lab."Um,well,Pandora is just,not a friendly type"I told her,awkardly smiling.She just nodded and said "Biwd skin isn't yummy no mattew which way you cook it".

I just stared at her,wondering why she had that wired form of information.Just then,Malak came back with a bowl of soup in his hands and a uh,he had some soup ingredients in his hair.Ria stared at his hair as I tried my best to not stare.He handed me the soup and asked "Pandora kicked us out?"I nodded and ate my soup,trying to not try attention on all the soup ingredients that managed to get stuck in his hair.Ria on the other hand stared wide eyed at his hair,clearly in wonder of the food hair."Wh-what?Has has she ne-never seen red red hair befo-before?"He asked me,pointing at Ria.I couldn't find the courage to tell him his hair looked like a red soup,so Ria told him for me."Haiw soup!"She yelled putting her hands up.Malak ran a hand through his hair and releazed that maybe 1/2 the soup portions went to his hair. 

He blushed from embressment and apoligzed at least 30 times.I finished my soup and told him it was fine."You You sur-sure?" he asked me,looking up at me with his big ol' doe eye.I smiled and nodded,shoving the last bits of soup in my mouth.He sighed and got the rest of the food out of his hair as Ria climbed onto my shoulders."Uh,Ria,why are you on my shoulders?"I asked her.She patted my head and said "Onwawd!To woom!Bunni is waiting!"I laughed releazing she wanted a "piggy back ride" to her room,at least thats what Pandora calls them."Ok!To your room!"I said as she responded with "Woom!".I sped-walked all the way to her room where I kneeled down so she could get down.She jumped off and petted me like I was an animal."Thank you,howsie,fow weward,take."She said,handing me a pair of hair ties with a white and black bear on them.I didn't know what to do with them so I just said thanks as she entered her room.I looked down at the hair ties,wondering where she got them when Ava appeared.

"Oh,Ava!You scared me!"I said,hand to my chest.She laughed as Malak walked over as well.Ava smiled and looked at the two of us."Hey,why don't we go outside?We could talk more out there without needing to worry about Ria or Pandora" She said.Malak nodded and I responded with "Sure!"Ava smiled and we went outside,making sure we didn't get to far from the base yet not so close that if we ran into someone,they'd know where it was.Ava sat down on the floor and started looking through some clovers.Malak sat down next,grabbing a stick and digging into the dirt and I sat down and just hoped this good moment would last.It would not.As I began telling a story of the time I brought home a baby fox with a small wound we heard ruslting in the bushes.I sighed interonally since the gods don't want me to relax.

Malak got up and readied his box with an arrow and I got my knifes,forgeting to bring my axe.Ava hide behind us,forgeting to bring a weapon.The ruslting grew closer and suddenly Malak shot at a figure appearing from a bush.He got a hit on the right shoulder,causing the person to stop in their track.It was Leif.He looked up and looked at Malak,then Ava with a shocked look on his face and finally,me.His eyes widened as his brows went up even more and his mouth formed a small "o" shape.I glared at him,feeling an unnatural hatered towards him."Noi?!WHAT THE FUCK?!YOU'RE SUPPOSE TO BE DEAD!WHY DO YOU HAVE PRINCESS AVA?!"He yelled at me as Malak asked himself "Princess?".I couldn't care less about that right now.It was like every single part of my brain could only focus on my torturer.He needs to suffer like me.

I will make sure that happens.

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