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(Welcome to a blood and angst filled chapter) 

Pierce stared in shocked at his former knight staring down on him,wrath and bloodlust.His once bright orange eyes filled with joy,darken and lifeless.His smile was so wide,the chester cat would be jelous (lets pretend I spell good)."What are you talking about?"Pierce asked the orange haired,using some spare frabic from his sleeve to cover his wound."Hm,I could list it all,but that's more time talking and less time with torture!"Noi said,his voice growing darker and raspier,like an invisble hand was chocking him slowly.Torture?Pierce thought to himself before calming himself.No,He can't torture me,I'm stronger them him,and he is too nice to hurt me, Pierce thought,slowly getting up and drawing his sword.

Noi's smile disappeared faster then light and he went in for another hit.Pierce blocked the oncoming attack for his stomach with his sword and moved his arms forward to push Noi back.The wind seemed to follow Noi as he went back,digging his feet into the soft soil to keep himself from falling over.He used some of his magic,the ability to take electromangitic fields from around him and transform it into pure electricty for him to use at will,and pulsed it through his axe.He pretended that he was going to hit for the chest.Pierce blocked the "attack" by moving his sword to block his chest.Suddenly,Noi's axe cut through his right arm.The veins in the arm snapped and crumbled at the cold metal sliced through,the skin folding in on itself as the force pulled it inside the flesh.The bone cracking and breaking as the sharped axe's electicity coarsed through it,paralizing it.Finally,the axe came out through the other end of the arm,spearting the arm from the rest of the blood,as chuncks of inner muscle and veins fell to the floor.

Pierce screamed and feel to his knees.He used his left hand to cover the waterfall of blood coming from his now numb of a shoulder.Noi picked up the spreated arm and posed it in a "questioning" sort of matter and put it up to his chin."Hm,Pierce kneeling down before me?The old me could have never even imagened it!"Noi said with a big grin and small giggles,insanity in the back of his chipper voice.The blood from the hand stained onto his chin,and his shirt was soaked in purple blood.His smile was the widest it ever been,like he enjoyed the despair his old friend was in."Noi,what happened to you?" Pierce asked,pain in his voice,mostly from the lost arm and open wound on his knee but also from the change in his nicest friend."A little bit of everything!"Noi said and laughed manically.Pierce stared in shock at Noi.Was this who Noi really was?Was the old him nothing more then a mask?Pierce grabbed as much spare frabic as he could to cover his open shoulder wound.Well,he was able to get most of the wound covered before Noi decieced to interve.

He took a small knife from his coat and carved into Pierce's hand skin.His smile grew has he cut through the layers of skin and moved it back up.It was small,but Noi wasn't done.He went back down and moved the knife around,trying to find a vien.Once he found the vien he pulled up with all his might and watched the vein stretch and tear as blood flowed from it.Pierce bite his lip to keep from screaming and his arm fell.The humans called me a monster,but what Noi has become even worse,Pierce thought knowing that Noi wouldn't let him leave without one more injury."Final act!Should I contine with the arms and legs or move to the face and chest?"Noi said in a showsman voice as he made a overdramatic hand movement.To him,this was a show,a wonderfully bloody show.He leaned forward and grabbed his knife before whispering "How about the face?"Pierce stared down his torturer when he noticed something on Noi's neck.

A necklace.A black stringed necklace with an orange lightning bolt and sliver accents.The one Prince Asch gave to him when Noi first joined his personal knight.Pierce grabbed the necklace and said "You kept it".Noi went back and hide the necklace behind his shirt.Pierce releazed something,Noi might have changed but his old self was behind there somewhere."Noi,tell me,what happened to you?!"Pierce half yelled at the now quirving orange horned man.Noi covered his ears as tears filled his eyes.The yelling was too much for him,too loud.He looked back up at Pierce,tears and guilt filled his eyes.Pierce was right,the old Noi was behind the this one,somewhere.He needed to get him back out.

Pierce was perparing to get him back when something unexpected happened.From behind Noi,red strings came and swirled for him.The strings drove themseleves into Nois wrist and anckles as Noi's eyes started to grow a bright vibrant green.His body went limp and he dropped the knife to the floor.His face went blank  and he looked dead.What the Pierce thought to himself just as he saw who did this come into view.The Rebellion Leader,the one who kidnapped Noi 2 years ago.It was him,he did this to Noi.His bright emerald green eyes glowed as he stared down Pierce at his towering 8'7 height."What did you do to Noi?"Pierce shouted at him,getting up weakly."Saved him from the likes of you"Azazel responded in his deathly cold and deep voice.He picked up the dead like Noi with ease and walked away from the scene like nothing happened.

Pierce stared in his mix of shock and despair.It couldn't be.This was like a twisted and horrible nightmare you couldn't wake up from.He releazed he needed to get back to the castle to get healed but know,he had much more information then he needed.Noi was a brainwashed rebel now and he didn't know how to fix it?

That is true despair 

(Hope you like!Also yes,the title is a danganronpa reference and 
lets just say its a sneak peak ;) )

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