The Storm is here

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Azazel and Elmm talked about the ways to protect the clan in case of royal attacks. Pandora was off in the woods collecting ingredents for the elixer to help Azazel's curse while Abliene learned more on Kamau. Then we had the kids chasing after one another in a game of tag. Lynx was drinking tea by the hot springs when he heard something. He instantly got up and ran towards Elmm and Azazel. By the time he got there, Ria and Viyn were being held by the neck by Pierce and Leif. Viyn was fighting against Pierce's one arm while Ria was biting Leif's arm. "Fuck" Lynx said to no one in partical. Prince Asch was standing in front of the two royal knights and staring up at Elmm and Azazel (because they might as well be trees). "Hello rebels. I see you have taken in some children. How lovely. Now, surrender now or the kids get it" Asch said,pushing his chest out to seem more threanting.

"Like Hell' we will!" Elmm said before grabbing her axe which was very nicely laying just next to her. She went down on Asch,slashing down on his stomach. Asch wobbled back and held his stomach wound. From behind him he felt his skin burn up and flare from Lynx who was once again,convently right behind Asch. Rhys had been watching from afar and choose now to attack. He grabbed his staff and sent an ice spell towards them. Azazel saw this in his perferal vision (pretend I can spell) and used his scyth to break the ice before it could trap them. While this was happening in the front of the gold clan, the back was having a secert attack. Noi and Ava were helping Fhal in her garden while Myra was watching while invisable. He walked closer and closer till he was basically in front of Noi. He then became visable and put his hands on Noi. Myra had a very intresting power. The ability to affect memories and probarlity. He entered Noi's head and looked around, seeing the new memories. He knew he had to go deeper to see what the rebels had effected.

Ava stepped back in shock while Fhal had decieded it was time to kill a bitch. She used her magic;the ability to manplitue flowers, to attack and stangle Myra. Myra took his hands off of Noi's head and started stratching at the flowers and vines. "L-let me go!" Myra screeched in a raspy voice."Not unless you don't attack us!" Fhal said."Never" Myra responded. This made Fhal tighen her grip on him as Abilene saw this and joined in. She grabbed a sword and ran over. "What'd I miss?" she asked, a smug smirk on her freckled face. "Thi-this guy attacked Noi!" Ava responded shaking. Abilene looked up and her eyed widened, as well as Myras. "Abilene,pl-" Myra started but Abilene didn't let him finish. She slashed at the flowers Fhal created and slit his throat. She then used branches and vines she made to tie him down. 

"You know him Abilene?" Noi asked,rubbing his head. "A long time ago" she responded in a dark voice,very different from her normal smug one."Wait,I hear something from the front." Fhal said looking towards the entrance of the clan. "Lets go" Noi said, grabbing his own axe. Abilene used some more vines to toss Myra off the wall and the small group ran towards the front. When they got there, Elmm, Azazel and Lynx where fighting Asch,Rhys,Leif and Pierce while Viyn was watching over Ria who was crying. Fhal rushed to the kids while Abilene and Noi joined in on the fight against the royals. In the midest of this battle, Elmm got a hard hit on her chest. It didn't hurt Elmm must,after all she was a barbain and she was in battles often. Azazel knew this but what shocked him more was when his hands went black and sharp.

His curse shouldn't be active,he knew Elmm would be fine,the battle was going smoothly.He wasn't hungry,negative or harmed.So why was his entire body in the pain of the curse? He hated the feeling of his body deforming and growing,his stomach opening up to gain his secound mouth. It felt like years to Azazel but it was less then a minute before Azazel was in his monster form. He growled and started attacking Asch and other knights. His sharp claws broke throw the skin and flesh of them in pure secounds. He roared and his long tongue went to get Leif and swallow him whole. Leif teleported off,the rest of the knights following suit.

The rest of the gold clan and the rebels looked up to see monster Azazel. "well,at least thats ov-" fhal started before monster azazel used his claws to throw her back. This was a very odd behavior and a shocker. Azazel never attacked the clan, never. Most of the time he was more like a puppy after the enemy was gone or dead. That was not the case this time. Now he seemed angry. He looked down and went down to eat Lynx. Lynx moved out of the way just in time for azazel to hit the floor instead of him. "Well fuck" Elmm said as she grabbed her large axe and was ready to attack. Azazel saw this and roared again, but before he could claw at Elmm,she slashed his claw open. Azazel stummbled back and growled in pain. His blood,now black and gold spilled from his claw. He growled more and went for the next attack. Before Elmm could slash open his stomach, He was stuck.

Well,not stuck but trapped. A slighty invisable purple force feild formed around him. Azazel became confused and started clawing at it. Pandora had came back just in time to help. "Thanks Pandora" Elmm said as Fhal started healing who she could. "Don't thank me yet. This force field won't last long,and I have no elixer ready" Pandora said,sweat breaking out on her forehead as she struggled to keep up the force feild. "Get Kres and Nex" Elmm said to someone, and Ava answeared that call,running off to get the two. Monster Azazel contunied to claw at the force feild,roaring.By the time Nex and Kres came with weapons, The force feild broke and monster azazel was free. He stared directly at his former friends,now in his eyes enmies and


the gold clan owned by miammey 
myra owned by bumble_bee_bitch )

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