~They tell me I'm a god~

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-3rd POV- 

Noi's freakout was intrupted by Ava bursting into the room. Ava tackled hugged Noi who was crying. "Hey,I'm here,I'm here" Ava said in a comforting tone. Noi hugged her so tight her ribs might have broken. Ava wasn't exactly good at comforting people, espically not memory wiped killers from another world. After a few minutes of Noi sobbing his lungs out, He finally calmed down enough to speak up again. "Thank you Ava" he said, his voice still rasphy from crying.  "No problem,anything to comfort a friend" She replied. 

"They tell me that I'm special, I smile and shake my head"

"Remeber Noi,me and the others are here to help you. We're all broken together" Ava said,sounding about as confident as middle school boy. Noi smiled as wide as he could and responded in a dark voice "We wouldn't have to be broken if it weren't for the corrupt king". Ava was taken aback by this answear. It was true, but unexpected. "Hey,that's what fuels you to keep going,alright?" she replied again,with more confidence. Noi laughed at this and said "yeah,sure, now come on,the others are still outside". Noi got up and started walking down the stairs as if nothing had happened. Ava was concered. The rabid switching of his emotions was very concerning, espically for what happened to him. 

"I'll give them stories to tell friends about the things I said" 

Once the pair got outside, Azazel had returned and was helping Elmm and the rest of the Gold Clan clean up from the mess. "Hey,took you long enough" Abilene said, being as sassy as ever. "Like you would have been any faster?" Noi responded,matching her sas. Abilene just laughed before responding "well hurry up and help us". Noi and Ava started picking up some rubble.

"They tell me I'm so humble, I say I'm turning red" 

Just then, as Noi picked up some destoryed brick, Kai appeared. Good lord knows how Kai managed to appear without being seen. "Hey!Whats going on here?Looks like a shit show happened" Kai asked, while looking around. Lynx sighed since now there is now another annoying asshole here. "Well,we got attacked and then Azazel turned into a monster and attacked us" Pandora answeared very monotone. "Damn it!I wished I could have been there!" Kai responded like an angry kid. "We could have used the help" Kres responded. "Where is Malak?" Nex asked since they haven't seen or talked to Malak since the rebels got to the clan. First it was Kamau and now Kai. 

"They let me lie to them and don't feel like they've been mislead"

Kai started laughing like it just been told the funiest joke ever made. "We locked him up!Way to unstable to keep fronting!He's locked up in headspace jail!" It finally said, the biggest smile on its face. Everyone stopped and just stared at Kai. "What?" Abilene said,in a shaky voice. It clearly hurt her. Everyone in the system was Abilene's sibling but she was closest to Malak. "Yeah,thats gotta be a lie'. Ain't no way Malak more unstable then ya'" Elmm added on. Kai put it's hands up and laughed again. "Alright,Alright, you got me. He'll be out soon, He's just talking to the stupid liberian" Kai answeared truthfully.

"They give so much to me,I'm losing touch,get me?" 

"Liberian?" Pandora asked,curious on what Kai could mean. "What? You thought it was just 3 of us?Nah, theres at least 10 others in here" Kai responded. Abilene looked like someone slapped her across the face with a hammer. "I- I need to go lie down" Abilene said before walking off. "I think you broke Abilene" Azazel said. Kai just laughed again, finding it funny. Ava just shocked her head. 

"Ask for secounds on a silver platter, they just let me" 

It was very odd thing.Its not like every day you see a very fruity serial killer make fun of a very tired spirit who is secounds away from punching it.Ava started laughing from the sight.

"They tell me I'm a god,I'm lost in the facade"

Noi was stuck in his own head. Something wired was happening inside his head. It was like there was someone else who wasn't him in there,provoking him. It was like, a manifastion of all the intrusive thoughts inside of his head. It was hell,but not because the voice was saying bad things, its cause it was saying good things.

"You can kill everyone who has ever wronged you,you can!"

"Just be paitent and the misery will transfer."

Why was he thinking this?Why was this voice in his head?Why was he believeing it

(Gold clan belongs to Miammey 

Sorry its bad,no motavation-(

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