Meanwhile in the Castle

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( C.W: Story included mentions of r&p3,sexa81 asse1t and abusive relationships) 

 Noi realized he might be manic and freaked out,let us check in with our assho-I mean friends at the castle. "So your telling me,even finding the new rebel location and having the element of suprise,you still got your asses beat?" the king asked in a scarely calm tone. Some say that when the king passes any levels of anger and talks calm tone,you have have entered the point of no return. "Yes,it appears we under-esstemmed the power of the rebels and their allyships" Rhys responded, fear linguring underneath his voice. The king just sighed a left the room. "We're dead,we're double dead" Leif said while playing with his sickles.

"Now is not the time to give up" Rhys said. "You're right.We should have given up like a month ago" Emry (original creator has changed the name of Myra a/bumble_bee_bitch ) said in a sarcastic tone. "Just because you had a bad encounter with your ex doesn't mean you have to act like a bitch' Leif said stabbing his sickle into the hard word table. Emry's growled at Leif for that remark. Long ago,aka 4 years ago, Emry's had meet a younger,non-rebel Abilene in the woods near the castle. The two slowly started hanging out and soon began to date, despite Abilene's job as a sex worker. But 2 years after the two started dating, Abilene left them, saying they couldn't date anymore before running off. 

This hurt Emry to the core but the tragedy Abilene went through was just as bad. Someone in a local village payed Abilene to marry him, offering to take care of her in a house with food. She could even bring her brother in. As much as Abilene loved Emry, that was an offer she could not deny. She lived in the woods her whole life, being forced into sex work at a young age to earn any money. To her at the time, money and shelter was more important then love. This also became the way Abilene and Malak joined the rebels in the first place. 4 months to Abilene's marrige, Abilene denied her husband sex for the night, wanting a break from people using her body.

This angered her husband who punished her severly (if you get what I am referencing, I love you no romo). Since her husband married her for her body, he was pissed. He procceded to slit her throat and tied her down, forcing her to watch as he killed Malak. Abilene in rage proceeded to free herself and kill the husband by hanging him from her vines. She grabbed her brother and ran into the woods. She could only run so far until blood lost made her pass out. Hours later she awoke in a small bed in the rebel base, her wound healed and in a new, very comfy outfit. She instantly scrammbled up and began to look for her brother. 

"Woah,slow down,you'll reopen your wound" Azazel had told her. He had been montiring them in the room to insure that they would be ok. Abilene was terrifed since this was her first time meeting him. Its hard enough to not be scared of an 8'7 man covered in scars, much less after what Abilene had gone through. "Who are you" she asked, backing herself into the wall. "No need to be scared. I don't plan on harming you in any way. My name is Azazel Ikeena. Me and my friend found you and your brother bleeding out in the woods. We coudn't just leave two kids to die in the woods so we brought you into our base to heal you. My friend is a soceress and healed you and revived your brother. As soon as he wakes up, you can leave if you wish" he said in a fatherly tone.

This was the first true act of kindness Abilene had ever expirenced in her life. Someone willing to help her and her brother for no charge, no motive, no need for anything in return. Someone helped them out of the goodness in there heart. She started crying and went over to the bed where Malak was. He was still passed out but he was healed, he was alive. She hugged him like he was her life force. A few minutes after Abilene started crying, Pandora entered the room. This was Abilene's first time meeting Pandora. "Ah,your awake." She said. Yeah, Pandora isn't much for words, espically in emotional moments. "Thank you" Abilene said. "No need to thank me,it is not needed" Pandora responded. "However I noticed your brother had a concerning amount of illnesses. I figured while I was healing him, I could cure those" She added on like it was nothing more then asking for tea. Abilene gasped at this. 

Malak had been born very ill, growing up with many illnesses and blind. Hearing this was like a punch to the gut. Abilene began to cry again. When Malak woke up a few hours later, he almost fell off the bed. Not only was he alive, he could actually see things. Suddenly his world of nothing had images in it. After he was told what happened, he was so happy he accidently punched Abilene while stimming. Abilene didn't even care, she was just so happy. When they were both healed enough to go out, the twins released that they had no were to go. No home, no friends,no family, nothing. Yet here, they were treated well, the first time they have ever been treated well ever. They asked if they could stay and well,as you must have guessed, they were allowed to stay.

Anyways back to what this chapter is suppose to be about. Pierce got inbetween the two before a fight broke out over something petty. This didn't stop Leif and Emry from arguing and saying snarky remarks. Asch used this an a chance to leave the room and go sit with his thoughts for a little. He entered his room and sat at the edge of his bed. He took out Noi's necklace from his pocket and just stared at it. "Why,why was I such an idiot. You didn't desvere what I did to you. You didn't desvere any of this" he thought to himself as tears slowly streamed down his face 

"I'll bring you back Noi, I promise"

(WOO!New chapter!Sorry its been a while but boy I loved writing this chapter! I hope you enjoy it to!)

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