No one in the woods?

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-3rd P.O.V-

Ava broke from the hug while still laughing."Ok,Ok,again,thank you so much for letting me stay"Ava said,trying to hold back tears.This earned her a backpat from Malak,who looked both sympathetic and "please,let me leave".Noi smiled full teethed "No problem!".Ava smiled back before Malak intrevined on this sweet moment "I-I hate hate to bother-r,but wh-where will Ava Ava sle-sleep?"Noi looked dumb founded,releazing he had even thought of that.Ava was coming up with solutions in her head,such as checking the rooms for places to sleep,sleeping in the same room as someone and maybe sleeping on the couches.

"What's happening here?" A deep voice asked from behind Ava.She jumped back in fear and shock.It was Azazel who looked both monotone and slightly annoyed.Ava was shaking in fear but Malak responded for her,"We need a place for Ava to sleep".Azazel put a brow up and said "We have a lot of spare rooms,She may choose her favorite or sleep with someone if she is scared".He sounded like he cared but was trying to hide it.This made Ava smile a bit and said "Thank you" in a small shaky voice.Azazel nodded his head just as Noi grabbed Ava's arm and dragged her through all the spare rooms.After that tour,Ava choose a room close to Noi's and the two decieced to celebrate.Ava thought it would be more food or something.She didn't expect being forced into the woods to get some berries.Oh well,This isn't Earth.

While watching Noi climb some trees to get to the berries (I know berries grow in bushes,but shhhh) Ava heard some rustling in a nearby bush."N-Noi?Someone is down here!"Ava said in fear.Noi jumped down and looked to the moving bush.He got his axe and looked rather serious."Who is there?" He asked his voice growing cold and fierce."No one" A tiny voice responded.The voice was high pitched,slight accent to it,along with it overall feeling light.It was clearly a child speaking.Noi instantly softened his look and voice before responding "Hey,you can come out.We won't hurt you".After a few more minutes of rustling a small black and white kitten emerged from the bushes with bright purple eyes."AW!Hello little spirit!Sorry if we scared you but we are nice!"Noi said,smiling all big and bright.The cat smiled and purred up against him.

"Aw!"Ava said looking like a weeb seeing a new anime.The kitty looked over and purred up against Ava."Aw,your adorable!Do you have a name?"Ava asked the young spirit.The spirit meowed and put one of her paws up."Uh,little spirit?We can't understand spirit language."Noi said in an akward tone.The spirit looked confused and tilted her head.After maybe 5 minutes of staring at the pair,it clicked for the kitten.The spirit started to glow and her human form was unexpected.She had dark very tanned skin that was covered in freckles.She was wearing a victorian era dress with a periwinkle skirt and sleeves and a muted blue top.She was wearing white knee lengths socks and black slip ons.Her eyes mimiced that of a cat,with one blue and one purple yet the most shocking feature was her hair.Her hair was mid length with 2 space buns that seemed to be somewhat heart shaped.Its color,it had an amazing color that made it look like someone stole the galaxy and put it in her hair.The pinks,blues and purples are swirling and mixing together with many stars all around.

Ava stared in awe,she has never seen anything this in her life.Noi smiled brightly and had a star-struck look in his eyes."Wia!My name is Wia!" The now named "Wia" said,her accent showing off more."Wia?" Ava asked in confusion.That is a rather wired name for someone to give their child."Lovely name!"Noi said,clearly lying."Thank you,mistew!"she said with much sparkly eyes."Mistew?"Ava asked herself.Why did "Wia" add "w" in place of the r."Well,my name is Ava and he is Noi"Ava told the tiny child who stood at 3'11."Nice names!"the galaxy girl said.Ava had a small theory about "Wia"'s name so she decieced to test it out."Hey,Wia,can you say remove?"
Ava asked her.Wia smiled all big and bright before saying "Wemove!".Ava had her theory proven."She has a lisp"Ava told Noi."Whats a lisp"Noi asked.Man,why is everyone so dumb?"Kind of like your tongue isn't in the right place so some sounds replace others.For her,R is W.Her name is Ria"Ava told Noi."Yea,that makes more sense"He said putting the pieces together in his head.

"So,Ria,do you have any parents?"Ava asked the chewing spirit who stared at her with them big ol' eyes (why did i write that?who knows)"No,my last set left me"Ria said,which a wiredly chipper tone."Aw,maybe you can stay with us?"Ava asked both Ria and Noi at the same time."YES!YES!YES!NEW MAMA AND PAPA!"Ria said jumping up and down at a million miles per hour.Noi smirked and said jokingly "Great,2 kids in the base now".Ava death glared into his soul while picking up the happy and overactive child."Ok,ok.Geez"Noi responded,still laughing a little.Well,

this family is getting pretty big now

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