Everything that can go wrong,goes wrong

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-3rd P.O.V- 

Noi stared daggers into Leif's soul,like he could see right through him.It was a shock to Leif to see with his own eyes.When the bloody Pierce came to where Leif was searching for Princess Ava,Leif didn't believe a word he had said.Well,now he did.Leif slowly took the arrow out,wincing in pain."Noi,what the fuck happened to you?"Leif asked,getting his sickles.Noi's eyes darkened and looked like they could belong to the devil."What happened?Don't remeber,because I can remeber ever single detail of the torture"Noi responded,his voice becoming raspier and rage filled.Tears pricked his eyes as he stared down his fellow night.Leif stared at shock at Noi before asking "What torture?".Noi's eyes widened while his pupils seemed to turn so sharp it could cut a heart with a single swing.Insanity,that what was in his eyes,pure untamed insanity.

"What torture?WHAT TORTURE!?ALL THE TIMES YOU CALLED ME A WEAK,GOOD FOR NOTHING,WORTHLESS PIECE OF SHIT!EVERY SINGLE TIME YOU THREW ME DOWN!EVERY SINGLE TIME YOU FUCKING SCARED ME WITH YOUR SICKLES FOR HAVING A DAMN MORAL COMPASS!EVERY SINGLE STAB,CUT,EVERY ONE STILL IS ON MY BODY!"Noi yelled,body shaking,eyes full of nothing but his own wrath and insanity.Electricity coursed through his body,coming off his body in sparks.Leif's eyes widened in shock and confusion.He knew he called Noi weak but "Good for Nothing,Worthless Piece of Shit"was not something he said to Noi..'s face.The scars?Cutting?Stabbing?Leif never did that,something odd was happening here.

"Noi,I never did any of that"Leif said,confusion lacing his voice.Noi looked down with Leif and replied with a "Yea,sure".Leif looked shocked by this.This wasn't like Noi,it wasn't like him at all.Leif went to attack,knowing that this would be the only choice.Noi blocked the upcoming attack with his axe and threw Leif back.Malak grabbed another arrow and aimed at Leif's heart.Leif grabbed the arrow before it could pierce (*joke drums*) through his heart.Leif ducked down under Noi's attack and went to attack Malak.Leif cut the archer down the stomach and knocked him out.Noi looked at this in shock and went to attack Leif,aiming to decapatie the man.Leif dodged and sliced at Noi's leg.Noi groaned at the pain and fell back a little.All Ava could do was stare in shock as the fight went on before her eyes.She went over and kneeled down to check up on the passed out Malak.

She shook the red haired dameos in hopes he'd get up,so they could go back to the pass and get Noi some help.The one that woke up,however,was not Malak.This was someone else in Malak's body.What looked like Malak's eyes were sharper and more thin and it pulled back its hair to show the state of its right eye.The skin around it was cracked,broken and scared,moving across the face in a twisted pattern.The eye was stuck in a shocked look and was small and gray from hiding under hair.The new person had sharper teeth that could be the ends of knifes and removed malak's gloves,showing cuts in the form of tally marks.It had 32 tally mark across its arms and got up exictidly and grabbed some blades from it's jeans.Ava looked at shock at what she thought was Malak."Malak?Are you ok?"She asked,concerned and scared."Wrong name!"it said,smiling before going to attack Leif.

The new person cut at Leif knees,causing Leif to fall to the floor.Noi saw this and looked shocked for about 3 seconds then went back to normal and cut across Leifs chest.Leif dropped his sickles and covered his chest with his hands.Noi smiled at the fallen knight before turning to the person in Malak's skin."Hello Kai.First time out in a while?"Noi asked.The newly named Kai smiled and said "Yup!Feels good to be back out!Been begging Malak to let me out but that piece of anxiety won't let me!".Ava just stared and went "uuhhhhhh".Noi looked back at Ava before releazing that this was most likely wired to her."Oh Ava!This is Kai,from what Pandora said,Malak has a condition where another "personality" lives inside him.That is Kai.Basically another person in Malak's body.Also no one knows why but Kai likes to be called "it""Noi explained to Ava and the readers.Ava nodded,understanding since on Earth,there is a better understanding on D.I.D.

Leif just stared at Noi,shocked he can go to that after an attack.More importantly,he couldn't understand how Noi managed to beat him.After that quick explainmantion of Kai,Noi turned back to Leif before saying coldly "I let Pierce live,but I think I'll just put you out of your misery."Leif stared in shock and a little bit of fear at this statement.Noi was going to kill him,and he could do it.Noi picked up his axe and was about to slash when a another hand stopped him.Azazel came by because he noticed Ava and the others weren't in the base.Good thing he went to look for them."Noi,don't kill him,he could be of decent use"Azazel told the orange haired man."Like what?"Kai asked,crossing his arms."He could be a spy for us."Azazel responded,staring down at the white haired knight."HELL NO!I ain't being no ones spy!"Leif responded."Alright.Noi,You can kill him now"Azazel said.Leif was now even more scared as Noi picked up his axe and went down to slash.

Leif regrabbed his sickles and slashed up Noi's chest.Blood fell down to the grass like a waterfall as Noi fell down.The blood countined to fall and fall,weakening the orange eyed man.Kai looked shocked and then angry as he slashed the top Leif's head.Leif screamed in agony and pulled his hands up to his face to stop the blood flow.Ava had tears in her eyes watching the bloody scene become worse and worse.Azazel stared at the scene,which would appear to be blanked-face.Yet if you looked closer,you could see the sadness in his eyes.He allowed this to happen,he allowed Noi to get this horrible injury.He felt the overwheleming negativity course through his veins.He looked down at his hands and saw what he feared.His hands wear a pure black,sharpned and twisted into claws as the darkness spreed up.He felt his head ring so loud it defeaned all sounds around him and spikes form and teared from his back,in a similar black color,yet glowing green.His legs formed black and became sharper.

Azazel fell down.His curse,it was happening again.It was never a pleasent thing to feel.Feeling the spikes and claws burst from his skin and form into his inner muscle.The heavy weight as he body mutanted and grew in the same midnight black.Feeling the secound pair of horns rip from his skin and shape there way across his face.The stabing pain as his stomach teared it self open and grew sharp knife teeth with a large tongue to accompany.The tearing of his head as his third eye appeared and linked to his brain to gain sight as his normal eyes lost theres turning black.The last thought Azazel had before he was gone in his curse was "Please,just don't hurt anyone I care for again".Just like that,Azazel was gone and in his place 

a monster.

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