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Well,where is the child going to sleep?That's the question making the room fill with akward silence.It wasn't helpful that despite the fact that their was 5 people in the room.they would all amount to at most,2 and 1/2 brain cells.In took a whole 10 minutes of this silence before Ava finally remebered that this base has enough spare rooms to have everyone in China come spend the night.They let the child spirit run around the rooms and pick her favorite.It was a rather small room but to it was big to a child.It had bluish gray walls,a dresser,a closet and a small bed with muted purple sheets."Well,cool,now we 2 people with wombs we have to look after"Abilene said watching Ria try and "fix" her bed.Malak sighed since he was use to his sisters wired way of saying things.

"Why would you remind me children have-"Ava started saying when Pandora entered the room."What is happening in here?"she asked the group while taking off some very stained gloves."Well,new girl and Noi found a child in the woods and brought it in.Now this is the child's room"Abilene told Pandora leaning against the door frame."Oh,right,my name is Ava"Ava told the group.Pandora sighed and rubbed her hands against her head."You can't just take in every dirty lost person you find in the woods,Noi"Pandora told Noi,sounding tired and annoyed.Ria finally stopped destorying her new bed and noticed Pandora.Ria ran over like a rouge ferret and stuck herself to Pandora's leg.Pandora death glared into Noi's soul and asked in a rather calm voice,which made it all the more terrifying,"Why is the child sticking to my leg?".Noi gulped in fear and answeared "Well,S-she clearly likes you".

So I guess Pandora hates kids,Ava thought to herself as she watched Pandora pry the young girl from her leg.Everyone watched as Pandora left the room,mumbling about not having enough energy to deal with this."Sorry about Pandora,it seems someone forget to make her know to emotion and now she is just kind of a bitch"Abilene told Ava while stretching her arms.Malak nodded in agreement as Ria was back to destorying her bed."Well,I'm going to take a walk"Noi told the group."Why?So you can find more orphans you can take in?"Abilene asked the orange haired.Azazel walked by the open doored room carrying a dead body and said "If we didn't pick up very orphan in the woods,you and Malak would have still been in the woods".Malak looked at his sister and said in a small voice "He's right y'know".Abilene death glared at her shorter twin brother as Noi sneaked out of the room.

-Noi's P.O.V- 

I slipped away from the whatever was happening in Ria's bedroom.That,That sounds wrong.Very very wrong.I left the base and decieced to walk to my favorite spot in the woods.It was an amazing place,where the trees were far away enough from each other to show the many types of flowers and grasses growing yet provided shade and protection from the outdoor elements.It had a small lake with some fish and lily pads.I can still remeber the day I had that,what did pandora call it again "panic attack" and Abilene brought me here and modifeded it to make it more calming.I sat down and took off my boots and socks to let my feet sock in the lukewarm water of the lake.I watched the fish swim around trying to get some more of the green stuff growing at the bottom of the lake to eat.

I stayed like that for 10 more minutes watching the fish swim in circles and eat some dirt.It was calming and helped clear my mind from all the chaos that today has brought.Of course,nothing good for me last because I heard ruslting come from the trees behind me.I could sense that it was a person from the shivers going up my spine.I got up and put on my boots and socks and grabbed my axe.I put it in a postion ready to land a blow that wouldn't kill,just,impolize them or whatever that fancy word pandora says that makes people stop moving.I hide as best as I could behind the trees and watch the shadow of the person grow closer and closer.I put more force behind the handle of my axe.I had a bad feeling growing in the gut of this shadow.

-Uh,CW,I go descriptive on this so uh be warned?-

Soon the shadow was right before me.This figure was clearly taller then me,so I ducked down and swung with all my might at their knees.I watched the axe tear their skin,ripping and bursting the outer layer of the flesh.I watched the blood spill down on the my axe and down the persons legs,decorating their pants with their own purple blood.I pulled my axe back towards myself,finding an odd joy was I watched the cold metal of my axe seprate and pull more flesh and even some inner meat from the persons mess of a knee.The person fell to the floor,holding their knee up and using their hands to stop the bleeding.Thats when I got a good look at who they are.Tanned dark skin,Tall and large frame,long dark brown hair pulled back into a ponytail with his burning light blue eyes.His light blue outift now stained in his own blood.I smiled and couldn't help but laugh.I found a great joy in myself watching his confused expression and his hands fill with blood.Finally,the man asked the question I'm sure he's been wanting to ask for a while.

"N-Noi?No,it can't be you.You're dead!"

I smiled and responded "Nope!More alive then I've ever been!None of it is thanks to you,


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