Rhea Ripley x Reader

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Requested By: TateannaWrestling 

*Avengers: Endgame spoilers! *


Y/F/R - Your favorite restaurant 


To say you jumped out of your seat backstage when Rhea pinned Asuka for the belt would've been the understatement of the year. Brie had to make sure you didn't break any bones when you freaked out and got a little too excited. 

" EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE YOU DID IT " you squealed, jumping into your girlfriends arms, not even giving her the chance to sit down. Rhea laughed and hugged you. " You knew I would " she said, earning a slight shrug from you. " You never know if someone has a quick change of plans " you said. " Uh huh, now I'm going to go change and then we can go relax and watch the rest of the show, and then go home. " she said and kissed your forehead. " Yeah yeah, just be quick " you reply before she walks off to her dressing room. 

* Time skip cause I'm lazyyyy *

" Yay we can go home now, I'm tired " you said as soon as Roman pinned both Edge and Daniel. Rhea laughed and shook her head. " You're tired? you haven't done anything all day " she said standing up from the couch. " Life is tiring " you said with a shrug. " Uh huh sure " she said, grabbing your wrist and taking you out the door. 

After both of you got in the car you turned to her. " So what's for dinner? " you asked. " We already ate " she said giving you a confused look. " Yeah, but that was 2 hours ago, and it was barely dinner! " you said, flashing an innocent smile towards her. " Alright, you can cook dinner when we get home, it's your turn to cook anyway " she said and you groaned. 

" Can't we just order something? I realllllyyyyyy don't feel like cooking " you complained. " Oh my god, what am I going to do with you? " she jokingly asked, starting the car. " Take me to go get some food? " you purposed in the most innocent tone you could. 

" Fineeee, what do you want? " she said, finally giving in as this conversation could've gone on for hours upon hours, as you can be very persistent. " Yay! how about Y/F/R? " you answered, though it wasn't much of a question as you already knew the answer would be yes. " Sure, but you better come up with what you want fast because it's only about 15 minutes away " she said, finally starting to drive towards the place. " Party pooper " you muttered and took out your phone to look at their menu. 

* Another time skip brought to you by my laziness, again * 

" Soooooo, what do you say? " she said once she stopped at a red light. " Hmm? Oh " you said through chewing. " Thank youuuuuuu, I love you so much " you said smiling at her. " Mhm, that's what I thought " she said with a cocky smirk. " Hey! you're supposed to say it back! " you whined and she just rolled her eyes at you. 

" Fine, I love you too " she said, keeping her eyes on the road as the light turned green. You smiled contently after she said it back and went back to eating your food, waiting for your girlfriend to bring you both back home.

* Another another time skip brought to you by procrastination * 

" Hey sleepy head, we're home " you heard a familiar voice say and your eyes fluttered open. " Took ya long enough " you said sarcastically, even though you were asleep for a good portion of the ride back home and didn't even know how long it took. You turn around and look at her and see an offended look on her face. You just innocently smiled at her and got out of the car, taking the rest of your food with you. 

" Let's watch a movie " you suggested, even though you would've made her do it even if she said no. " Babe, it's already 12am, we'll both fall asleep 15 minutes in " she said while putting the leftovers in the fridge. " No we won't, I'm not tired at all, and you're going to stay awake because I won't let you fall asleep " you said with a confident tone in your voice. 

" Oh really? fine then, what are we watching? " she asked. " Avengers: Endgame " you stated quickly, as she always refused to watch it with you. " No, it's 3 hours long and you cry like a baby every time! " she protested and you shook your head. " I'm not gonna cry this time! I've watched it enough times that I'm over it. And also, you watched the Zack Snyder cut of Justice League with me and that's 4 hours long! " you defended and crossed your arms stubbornly. 

" Ugh fine, you win, but I'm not gonna wipe your tears away when you cry " she said and went to the couch to wait for you to get the movie. " I'm not gonna cry! " you exclaimed. 

* 3 Hours later * 

Rhea wasn't surprised you started quietly crying when Natasha died, though you tried to hide it but she noticed anyway. Though she didn't expect you to burst into tears at one of the smaller heartbreaks of the film, which was Peter Quill seeing 2014 Gamora, which you mumbled under your breath about, though she was able to make out some of it, like " Stupid Thanos and his stupid face and ugly chin " as well as " they deserved better ". 

By Tony's death you were ugly crying, and the couch was covered in tissues and you were cuddled up in a blanket, leaning on Rhea's shoulder. The movie ended and you sighed and sat back up. " Do you wanna talk about it? " she said, knowing you were on the verge of going on a full on rant about the film. " Yes... " you said quietly and she chuckled. " Go on " she said and you took a deep breath and started rambling. 

" Why did Nat have to die? why can't they just go back in time and get her back! now Quill has to make Gamora fall in love with him all over again, and she doesn't have all those memories with him anymore! And now Morgan has to live without her father, and Peter has lost another father figure! and stupid Steve left Bucky to be with some girl he kissed once! meanwhile he just sits there while Bucky has to go through all of that?! UGHHHHHHHHH " you rambled, not even taking one breath the entire time. 

" Alright alright, I think it's time for bed " she said with an amused look on her face. " Fineeee " you said and got up from the couch, still with a blanket wrapped around you like a cocoon. She smiled as she watched you sadly walk away, you may be a dork, but you were her dork. 

" Babyyyyyyyyyyy, come to beddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd! " you called and she laughed and made her way to the bedroom. " You don't just leave me here! " you complained and she playfully rolled her eyes at you. " Relax, you can survive 5 seconds without me " she said. " Nope, I'm gonna die here, and it'll be all your fault " you said dramatically and she shook her head at you. 

" You're ridiculous " she said and laid down next to you on the bed. " Don't know what you're talking about " you said plainly and she just sighed, closing her eyes and wrapped her arm around you. 

After a couple seconds of silence, you poked her arm. " Say you love me " you said and she opened her eyes again and raised her eyebrow at you. " What's the magic word? " she asked and you pouted. " Please? " you said while giving her puppy dog eyes. " I love you " " Yay ". 

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