Lacey Evans x Reader

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* Y/N's POV *

I just came out of NXT and was drafted to Smackdown Live and was teaming with Lacey Evans and taking on Bayley and Sasha Banks. I was heading to my new locker room to get ready for my match when I saw Bayley and Sasha I went up to them " Hey guys what are you doing at my door? " I ask them. " Oh nothing just wanted to say good luck to you and Lacey " Sasha says with a smirk and they walk away I just shrug my shoulders and go get ready. 

Sasha and Lacey were on the outside fighting when Lacey was on the ground Sasha went to go mess with Summer but I wasn't having it so I hopped off the ramp and went over to her. I went over to her and slapped her before she could do anything to Summer and tossed her in the ring and helped Lacey up. 

Lacey gave Bayley the women's right and tagged me in and I hit my finisher while Lacey took care of Sasha I go for the pin and get the 3 count. The bell rings and the ref holds our arms in victory we get out of the ring and then exit the arena and head to our locker rooms to get changed.

I exit my locker room and head to the cafeteria and get my food and spot Lacey and go to sit next her " Hey Evans " I say to her and sit down. " Oh hey Y/N " we talk for awhile and get to know each other and I smile knowing I made my first friend on the main roster. 

* Time skip *

I finish up working out and take my earbuds out when I hear someone call my name from behind me " Y/N " I turn around and see Lacey walking towards me. " Oh hey Evans " I respond she just chuckles and say " You know you can call me Lacey right? " I look down blushing and say " Oh right sorry " I say scratching the back of my neck. We chat for awhile until Lacey says " Hey Y/N how would you feel if I took you out to dinner Sunday? " she says looking at me I blush and say " Well I would love to but don't you have to take care of Summer? " " Oh no her Father is taking care of her Sunday " she replies and I nod " Oh well then sounds great I'll see you then " I reply blushing like mad " See you then Y/N/N " she says and walks off.

* Another time skip *

I wait around waiting for Lacey to pick me up and look in the mirror to make sure I look nice

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( Dress option )

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I nod at myself thinking I look good enough and wait nervously until I hear the door bell ring I quickly run to the door and open it to reveal Lacey " Oh hey " I say clearly nervous she just laughs and takes my arm " Lets go " and we walk to the car

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I nod at myself thinking I look good enough and wait nervously until I hear the door bell ring I quickly run to the door and open it to reveal Lacey " Oh hey " I say clearly nervous she just laughs and takes my arm " Lets go " and we walk to the car.

We sit at our table and chat for a bit until the waiter orders our food I order mine and he turns to Lacey I glare at him a little noticing he's checking her out. He leaves and me and Lacey get back to talking " So Y/N how was your time in WWE treated you so far " she asks me " Oh it's been good and now that I am on Smackdown I hope I get far with my career " I respond and she smiles and nods. " How long have you been into wrestling? " she asks me " Since I was eleven actually, you? " I ask " Oh actually not long one of my friends actually introduced me to it and I decided to give it a try " she responds and I smile and we talk for a bit until the waiter comes back. He gives us our food and drinks and winks at Lacey and I glare at him again she just plays it off cool and says thank you and he leaves. 

" So Lacey how has it been working with the WWE while raising Summer? " I ask her wondering how it is being a mother and a wrestler " Oh it's been interesting to say the least but it has been fun and she enjoys meeting people and watching the shows with me " she says smiling I nod and we talk for a bit until the waiter comes back AGAIN I glare at him again and he slides the check on the table. I go to take it but Lacey takes it from me " No Y/N I asked you on this date I'll pay " she says using the word date hard to sign to the waiter he notices and looks down awkwardly and Lacey hands him the check and we walk out. " Thanks for tonight it was nice getting to know you " I state and she smiles at me and says " It was no problem we should do it again next time I don't have Summer " I smile and look down trying to hide the blush " Well I'll see you Friday " I say " See you Friday sweetheart " she says and I blush like crazy again and she gives me a quick kiss on the cheek and walks off to her car.

The End~


Sorry it's a bit late~

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