Bayley x Reader

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In this story you take Sasha's place ( Tag team champion, best friend ect )

Also this chapter was inspired by @HalleWhitingX 's Bayley oneshots book go check it out ❤

* Y/N's POV *

I sat there at the announce table watching Bayley's match with Nikki Cross Alexa sitting on the opposite side of the table cheering Nikki on. I cheered Bayley on though seeing my girlfriend get hurt made me wanna get in there and attack Nikki and make sure she's okay. But I had to stay in character I got up from the announce table and went on top of the ring apron trying to get the ref's attention. But Alexa noticed and pulled my legs off the apron and punched me Bayley noticed and went to attack Alexa but Nikki rolled her up and got the 3 count meaning she gets a title shot next week. Bayley sits in the corner glaring at Nikki and Alexa and holding onto her title I get in the ring and lean down in front of her glaring at them as well

Me and Bayley head backstage " Hey you guys are gonna be on RAW talk next Monday " a staff member tells us and we nod. " You know you didn't have to try to come and save me " I say turning to her " You're my girlfriend Y/N I'm gonna want to come and see if you're okay " she says smirking. I playfully roll my eyes and say " Whatever let's just go get some food " " YAY I'm starving! " she says and runs off I giggle and chase after her.

I open our hotel room and sit my stuff down and take my shoes off and sit on the couch Bayley sits next to me. I rest my head on her shoulder and she turns on the TV " I love you " I say and she looks at me and smiles. " I love you too " she replies I smile and give her a quick kiss on the lips she turns on a show. Bayley lays down on the couch and I cuddle next to her wrapping my arm around her and rest my head on her shoulder. We sit like that for awhile until we both fall asleep.

* Monday during RAW talk *

( In this situation Asuka is still the RAW women's champion and once again you take Sasha's place in this )

We walk away and head out of the building and head to the car " Do you want to go get something too eat? " she asks me. " You know I can't say no to food " I reply smirking she smiles at me and we get in the car and head out to eat.

* Next day *

Me and Bayley sit around in our room with the TV on in the backround I lay on the bed on my back while Bayley sits on the floor looking at her phone. I hang my head upside down and face her and she looks up at me and lets out a small giggle. She moves towards me and gives me a kiss on the lips 

She pulls away and we both giggle we just stare into eachother's eyes for awhile until the movie on the TV makes a loud noise

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She pulls away and we both giggle we just stare into eachother's eyes for awhile until the movie on the TV makes a loud noise. We both jump a little well she jumped a little I fell off the bed I land on top of her and we both laugh. We both get up from off the floor " Let's go get some food " she says and I nod and we head out to eat.

* Next Monday during RAW *

I finish up getting in my gear for my match with Asuka for the RAW women's championship when the door opens. " Hey baby " I hear from behind a pair of arms wrap around me and I immediately realize it's Bayley I smile and look and see her resting her chin on my shoulder smiling at me. I smile back " Hi baby girl " I reply " You're gonna do awesome tonight " she says and gives me a kiss on the cheek. I smile at her " Thank you baby " I reply she pulls away and I turn to face her she hugs me and I let out a small giggle and hug her back

 I smile at her " Thank you baby " I reply she pulls away and I turn to face her she hugs me and I let out a small giggle and hug her back

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We both pull away and smile at each other " Come on your match is next " she says and I nod she takes me hand and we walk to the arena.

* Skip to the end of the match *

I get the count out on Asuka thanks to Bayley's attack on Kairi Bayley gets in the ring and hands me the title and helps me up. I hold the my championships in the air and Bayley celebrates with me

 I hold the my championships in the air and Bayley celebrates with me

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We celebrate while the crowd boo's I stick my tongue out at the crowd Bayley take the RAW women's championship and puts it around me waist

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We celebrate while the crowd boo's I stick my tongue out at the crowd Bayley take the RAW women's championship and puts it around me waist. I smile at her and she smiles back she places her titles on the ground and puts her hand on my cheek. I look around awkwardly wondering if she's gonna do what I thin she is and yep I was right she kisses me. I kiss back and hear the crowd go " OoO " and I smile into the kiss. She pulls away and I look at her and she whispers in my ear " Don't worry I got permission to kiss you on TV " she whispers and I smile " I love you " I say " Not as much as I love you " she says and we both lean in for another kiss.


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