Paige x Reader

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* Paige's POV *

I was getting in my gear for my next match I'm supposed to be teaming with a new girl from NXT I come out out my locker room to go find Stephanie. I go up to Stephanie's door and knock " Come in" I hear so I open the door " Hello Paige how can I help you today?" she asks " I just came to ask you about my new storyline " I reply. " Ah yes the one with the new girl" she responds " Can I know who she is?" I ask " No I cannot tell you anything other than that she is coming up from NXT and you two are supposed to be a couple on screen" She says " Oh well then I shall see my way out then" I say as I walk towards the door " Good luck Paige" Stephanie says right after I close the door.

* Time skip brought you by skittles *

I wait for the Iconics theme song to end after it does my theme hits and I walk out I get in the ring and wait for the new girl until I hear the Iconics practily screech or in their case speak " Awwww wheres your partner Paigey?" they say in a their best English accent which is not very good. I just look at them then back at the tron and then her theme hits.

* Y/N's POV *

My theme song hits shutting the squaking Iconics up I walk outside and do my entrance.

" Oh my god its Y/N the former NXT women's champion!" I hear Michael Cole shout. My theme song ends and me and Paige figure out who goes first I end up going first the bell rings. I turn around and get hit with a Shades of Kay by Billie I fall to the ground and Billie goes for the pin.I kick out at 1 she then screams at the ref I grab a hold of her gear and pull her down for a quick pin she kicks out at 2. I then hit her with an upper cut and she falls over. Peyton then comes in the ring to argue with the ref while Billie tried to do a dirty shot I reverse and hit her with my finisher she falls to the ground and the ref turns around. I tag in Paige and go on the ramp Paige sets up the PTO and Billie taps out within the first 5 seconds the ref calls the match and Paige's theme hits. The ref holds our hands up in victory and Paige winks at me we exit the ring she puts her arm around me and kisses my cheek.  

* Time skip brought to you by my lack of jokes for this anymore *

I exit my locker room to go find Paige I find her room and knock on her door the door opens to reveal the English beauty Paige. " Hello Y/N can I help you?" she asks " No I just figured I'd stop by and say hello" I reply with a smirk " Well then make yourself at home" she says. I enter her locker room " So how's it feel to be on Smackdown now?" Paige says " Good don't feel like I belong here tho" I say " Oh please you'll fit right in besides you held the NXT womens championship for 206 days" she states " Yeah I suppose" I respond. " How about I take you to meet some of my friends?" she asks "Sure why not won't hurt to meet some people" I state. We exit Paige's locker room and head to the cafeteria " Hey Naomi!" Paige shouts across the room to her friend " Hey Paige! whos your friend?" she asks " Oh this is Y/N she just moved up from NXT" she states " Oh your that girl that everyone was talking about aren't ya?" Naomi asks " Yeah I suppose" I say a bit flustered. " Well welcome to Smackdown I should get back to Jimmy and Jey see you guys later" she states and walks away.

* Time skip *

* Paige's POV *

I walk over to Y/N's new apartment " Welp guess I will see you tomorrow Y/N" I say " See you tomorrow Paigey" she responds mockingly " Oh please your really gonna use that nickname?" I respond " Yep" she says with a smirk " Well then see you later Y/N/N " I say and give her a kiss on the cheek and walk away.

The End~

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