Rhea Ripley x Reader

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Requested By: GayEmoAsh 

* 2nd person POV * 

" So? " Y/F/N asks " Huh? " you reply clueless. " Are you going to answer my question? " they ask again. " What question? I wasn't listening " you say bluntly. " Of course you weren't, you're you " they say rolling their eyes. " Obviously, who else would I be? " you retort trying to keep a straight face. " Oh haha, very funny " they reply and you smirk. 

" I'm the most hilarious person you've ever met, and you know it " you say laughing. " Uh huh, totally " they reply sarcastically. " Anyways, my question was- " "SHHHHHHHHHH " you said putting your hand over your best friends mouth once her music hit. 

Your eyes lit up as she strutted to the ring and you start to drift into space until you feel something bite you. " HEY! WHAT WAS THAT FOR?! " you yell " You wouldn't let go so I bit you " Y/F/N replies shrugging and you scowl. " Pain in my ass " you say " Aw, I love you too " they say and you roll your eyes. 

" If you roll your eyes one more time they're gonna stay in the back of your head, and you'll never be able to see Rhea perform again " they say laughing. " Oh shut up.. " you reply not even daring to look at them. 

You turn back to the ring and notice the other competitor has already entered the ring. You look at notice it's Raquel Gonzales. The woman is impressive, but no one can compare to Rhea. Rhea and Raquel begin to fight on the outside, which happens to be right in front of you and Y/F/N. 

Raquel goes to throw Rhea in the barricade but she reverses and Raquel ends up getting hit making you and Y/F/N gasp. You look up and see Rhea staring right at you. You tense up and she smirks and gives you a wink before throwing Raquel back into the ring. 

" OoOoOoOOO " you turn around and Y/F/N is wiggling their eyebrows at you. You scowl at them and elbow them in the stomach. " OW! WHAT WAS THAT FOR?! " they yell. " For 'oOoOoing' me " you retort and they pout. " Oh shush you big baby, you had it coming " you say rolling your eyes. 

You turn back to the match and before you know it the ref is raising Rhea's hand in victory. You clap along with the rest of the crowd. 

Rhea exits the ring and stops in her tracks and looks at you. You feel your heart skip a beat once she walks a little closer. " Make you stay late, alright? " she says with a wink and then walks away leaving you star struck. 

After you finally come to your senses you turn around and see Y/F/N giving you the wiggly eyebrows. " Did someone just get a backstage pass from Rhea Ripley herself? " they said and you rolled your eyes. " Don't make me any more of a tomato than I already am " you say feeling your face go red. " Hmm, no " they said emphasizing the word 'no'. 

You and Y/F/N walk out of the building and you go to the car before Y/F/N stops you. " Nah ah ah, you've got a date " they said putting their arm in front of you. " Oh, so you're just gonna leave me here? " you say crossing your arms. " Pretty much " they said shrugging. 

" Oi! I could get kidnapped! " you yell. " At least it'll be by a hot girl " they said and you shrug. " Touche, bye " you say and they salute. " Bai bai cap'in " they said before driving off. 

 You wave bye and silently chuckle at your best friend before someone taps you on the shoulder. You turn around and see a man who looks like a security guard. " Can I help you? " you ask him raising your eyebrow. " I'm gonna need you to come with me " he says. 

" Why? " you ask your mind going completely blank. " Miss Ripley wants to see you " he says and mouth 'oh' and nod following him. 

You try to act as if you're not nervous, but completely fail. Seeing as you keeps nervously fidgeting with you hands. Before you know it the security guard opens the door and gestures for you to enter the room. 

You walk into the room and look around before sitting down somewhere. You look around the room and figure it's a dressing room. After a minute or two of just looking around you hear a door open. You quickly turn around and see Rhea, " Glad you could make it " she said smirking. 

You give an awkward smile and stand up. " So, why did you want to see me? " you ask " I thought I made it quite obvious but I guess not, I thought you seemed nice to hang around with, you and your friend are quite the cheer squad " she said chuckling. 

" Yeah, I guess you could say that " you say letting out a small laugh. " Did they leave you here? I was expecting to see them creeping in a corner " she said. " No, she actually just took the car and drove off " you said shrugging. 

" Wow, I must seem prettty trust worthy " she says dragging the word 'pretty'. " Nah, not to say you aren't, but Y/F/N can be a little crazy sometimes " you say " Are you sure it's just a little? " she says making you laugh. 

" Might be a bit under exaggerated " you say jokingly. " I'll take your word for it " she said laughing. " So, what do you do for a living? " she asked already able to tell you're not the most social person ever. 

" I work at an animal hospital, I'm only an assistant so I'm one of the smaller employee's, but it's a job I like it so it works " you say shrugging. " I'd ask you the same, but I already know that " you say awkwardly laughing.

" Well, do you- " she goes to say before the door gets busted open. " Hey! we're closing up soon so get your butt out here " you turn around and see Shotzi Blackheart " Can't you see I'm busy? " Rhea says. " You can make out outside, now get your hinnies outside before I lock you both in the building and you can never escape! " she says before heading out.

" I- " you go to say but you're lost for words. " Let's just go " Rhea says laughing and putting her arm around your shoulder. You blush at the sudden movement but go along with it as you both make your way out of the building. 

" It was nice hanging out with you, even though or time may have been cut short by someone " Rhea said glaring at Shotzi as she just sent you two a smile and a thumbs up. " Nah it's fine, I probably shouldn't stay too late anyway, Y/F/N might kill me " you say laughing. 

" Well, we should do this again sometime, you're pretty good company " she said making you smile. " Alright then, call me sometime " you say handing her a piece of paper and giving her a quick kiss on the cheek. She smiled at you " Thanks, I will " she said. You smiled and walked away as you thought




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