Alexa Bliss x Reader

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2nd Person Pov

You had been with WWE for about 4 years now, and not once out of all those years has Alexa ever spoken to you, but for some reason she has suddenly taken an interest in you. 

Before you would've confronted her about it, but now that she's all creepy you'd rather stay away from getting involved with her. But what confused you the most was why she's interested in you. 

You weren't a champion, in fact you had just gotten back from an injury a month ago, and weren't doing that much. You mostly had matches on Main Event, and a couple mid-card fights as well. 

It first started 3 weeks ago, when you were getting your ass kicked by Asuka, when the lights turned off and the sound of Alexa giggling could be heard around the thunderdome, allowing you to take advantage and roll up Asuka when the lights came back on. 

A week later you were fighting Charlotte Flair. You were holding up well, and were actually close to beating her, though when she made a cheap shot to the eyes and you ran into the ref, and when she grabbed a steal chair and wedged it between the ropes in a corner, flames emitted for the post, making her stumble back and fall. You hit your finisher on her and the ref woke up just in time to count to 3. 

Next week after that, you were fighting Shayna Baszler. When you delivered a close line and she rolled out of the ring. Next second the lights once again turn off, though when you turned around there was a pink light on none other than Alexa. She just smiled at you and did her cute little wave, and though you'd never admit it, you'd be lying if you said it didn't freak you out. All sound in the arena suddenly seemed to fade away, not even the commentators voices could be heard, and a ring started to rattle in your ears. You just stared back at her, not quite in awe, but more of shock, the silence and darkness was so present you could hear and see the breath leave your lips. 

Though before you could fully process everything, the pink spotlight disappeared and everything was pitch black once again. 

The lights flicked back on and Shayna tried to sneak attack you from behind, though you saw her coming and RKO'd her, as Randy was one of your close friends. After the 3 count your music hit, though not for long as Alexa appeared at the front of the stage, once again just smiling at you, though this time she blew a kiss towards you, then skipped away. Leaving you even more confused. 

Now you were waiting for your next opponent, Nia Jax, to get in the ring. You hoped you wouldn't have to run into Alexa this time, though something told you otherwise. 

Ever since the first 'incident', some of the superstars would give you weird or sympathetic looks, especially from Nikki Cross, Alexa's former best friend. Though you had to shake off the current thoughts running through your head and focus on your match. 

* Time skip becauseeeeeeeeeeeeeee, I'm lazy, you all know this by now * 

You were doing a good job on breaking down Nia, as you weren't dumb enough to completely toss yourself at her like a sack of potatoes, and instead keep going for her legs. Just as you were about to pin her, Reginald had decided to distract the ref.  

You stood up and went to confront him, and just as you were about to kick him off the ring, Nia turned you around and hoisted you up on her shoulders, delivering a Samoan Drop. Due to it catching you off guard, it had done much more damage than expected, and Nia earned the 3 count.   

To say you were pissed was an understatement, you were livid. You glared at Nia and Reginald as they exited the ring, mocking you. You wanted nothing more than to see their stupid cocky grins get wiped right off their faces as if she was reading your mind, that's exactly what happened. 

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