Rhea Ripley x Reader

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* Y/N's POV *

Me and my friend Mia were sitting at a table in the cafeteria eating lunch when someone sat next to me. I look towards them and see it's Rhea she just innocently smiles while I give her a small side glare. Mia looks to her then me and just awkwardly gets up and walks away I sigh and turn to Rhea. " What do you want " I more demand then ask " What? can't a girl just sit with her friend? " she replies. I roll my eyes and get up " Talk to you later Rhea " I say and walk away.

Me and Rhea were really close before but recently she's gotten.....flirty and it's made me uncomfortable. I liked Rhea but not in that way I've told her countless times it's not gonna happen but she hasn't listened. I grabbed my bag and went to the parking lot and went home to get some sleep.

* Next day *

I parked my car and got out and entered Starbucks to get my morning coffee. I walked up to the counter and ordered it and went to sit down at table. I pulled out my phone and scrolled through Instagram for a few minutes. Once I heard my name called I got up and grabbed my drink and went to head out. I walked to the exit when I bumped into someone " Gah! " we both say I make sure I didn't spill my coffee and I did... I groan and look at the person in front of me.

" Y/N? " I hear them say I look at see it's Rhea I sigh " Hello Rhea " I say and she smirks " Well I'm glad I bumped into a beautiful girl " she says and I roll my eyes. " Hi " I reply and give her a cheeky smile. " Okay on a real note sorry for bumping into you and spilling your coffee let me buy you another to make it up to you " she says and I smile " That sounds nice " I say and she smiles.

Rhea buys me another drink and gives it to me " Thanks " I say and smile at her " It's no problem " she says and smiles as well.  

* Rhea's POV *

Me and Y/N start talking well mostly her and I space out looking at her with her gorgeous Y/H/L Y/H/C hair. Her beautiful Y/E/C eyes her Y/S/C skin and the way she's so passionate about what she talks about. I can't say when I spaced out or how long I spaced out but Y/N started to raise her eyebrow at me I snap out of it " Hello? earth to Rhea? " she says and waves her hand in my face. " Oh sorry what were you saying? " I ask and she rolls her eyes and sighs " I said well I should go see you around " she says " Oh okay see you around " I say and she waves. She exits the building and I sigh I really love that girl.

* Y/N's POV *

I walk out of the building and get in my car and drive off to the park. While I drive I think of my encounter with Rhea. She seemed genuinely sorry that she bumped into me and was really sweet besides the one time she flirted. I try to shake it off and keep on driving.

* Next Wednesday *

I drive over to the performance center and park my car and head inside I walk in and look around. I don't see any of my friends around so I head over to my locker room to get dressed for my match. 

I finish getting dressed and head out I look at the time and notice I have about an hour until my match. I wonder around the building for awhile until I'm stopped in my tracks I look in front of me and see Sasha and Bayley. " Oh um hi " I say " What are you guys doing here? " I ask them " Me and Sasha have a match with Dakota and Raquel if they win they get a chance at our titles " Bayley replies. " Oh well good luck with y'alls match tonight " I say and walk off.

I look at the time and notice my match is soon so I head to the ring my theme hits and I head out I get in the ring and grab a microphone. " A little birdy told me that a certain NXT women's champion doesn't have a contender for her title " I say and the crowd boo's. I make a offended facial expression " Not that it concerns any of you but I won't drag this on so Io Shirai come out here right now " I say and wait her theme to hit. 

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