Nia Jax x Reader

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* Y/N's POV *

I was walking around waiting for my friend Alexa to finish getting ready when Nia came up to me " Hey Y/N " she says and I look at her. " Oh hey Nia what you up to? " I ask her and she just shrugs her shoulders and says " Not much you? " she replies. " Just waiting on Alexa to finish getting ready for our tag match " I say and she nods as if she was reading my mind Alexa comes out of her locker room. " Hey guys " she says and I turn to her " Hey Lexi ready for our match? " I say and she nods " Great well talk to you later Nia " I say and Nia waves goodbye and me and Alexa walk off.

My theme hits as soon as I get the 3 count on Bayley I get up and the ref holds me and Alexa's arms up in victory. I turn towards Alexa and smile at her she smiles back at me and we exit the ring and the arena. We head backstage and head to our locker rooms to get dressed once I finish up I head to the cafeteria. I get some food and sit down after a couple minutes of sitting alone someone sits next to me. I turn around and see Nia I smile at her and she returns it I look back at my food and start eating again. " You did great out there in your tag match " she says and I look at her and say " Thanks " we just sit there in awkward silence for awhile. 

The silence finally breaks when Nia speaks up " Well I should get going see you around " she says and gets up. I just nod and mentally face palm at the awkward encounter me and Nia have been friends since NXT but it's just gotten awkward recently and I don't know why. I just sigh and get up and throw away my plate and head home.

* Next Monday *

I finished up my match with Lana and headed to my locker room and got dressed into my regular clothes. I finished up and walked around waiting for the show to end when Alicia came up to me. " Hey Y/N/N me and Paige are hosting a party at her house and we wanted you to come " she says " Alright I'll see if I have time when is it? " I reply. " Saturday at 4pm " she says and I nod and say " Alright I'll see if I can make it " she nods and walks off.

I look around and see Nia sitting down alone at a table I smile and go to sit down next to her. I sit down next to her and she looks at me and smiles " Hey Nia are you going to Alicia's and Paige's party? " I ask her. " Yeah why? " she says and I just shrug my shoulders and say " No reason ".

* At the party *

I look around and see Alexa sitting around the pool I smile and sit next to her " Hey Lexi " I say and she looks at me. " Oh hey Y/N/N " she replies we talk for awhile until she gets up and says bye I just sit there for awhile until I finally decide to get up and look for Nia. I look around the house for her for a bit until I finally find her I smile and walk up to her. I tap her on the shoulder and she turns around to face me she smiles once she sees it's me. We talk for awhile until I see Nia raise her eyebrow at something/someone behind me. I look at her confused and turn around to see a guy who I don't recognize " Can I help you sir? " I say and he smirks. " Yes you can actually " he says and I raise my eyebrow at him " Well what can I help you with? " I ask him. " You can help me by going on a date with me " he says and I look at him wide eyed. " She's not interested " I hear Nia say from behind me I look at her and nod " What she said " I say and he smirks. " Oh come on I'm not that bad " he says and I look at him " I didn't say you were but I'm just not interested at the moment " I say.

" Bu- " he goes to say but Nia cuts him off " She said she's not interested so back off " she says and gets in his face. He just looks at her and goes to talk but stops when Nia clinches her fists and he quickly walks off. Nia turns to me and I smirk " Is someone jealous? " I say in a sarcastic tone. She just rolls her eyes and says " No he was just being a pain " she says " Mhm " I reply smirking. She rolls her eyes again and says " Come on Y/N let's go " she says and I giggle.

Me and Nia enter my house " Thanks for taking me home " I say and smile at her " No problem but I should head home " she replies and I frown. " No stay for a little bit " I say and she lets out a small laugh " Fine but only for a little bit " she says and I smile " Yay! " I shout and head over to the couch and turn the TV on. Nia sits down with me on the couch and I scroll through Netflix I finally find turn on Y/F/M ( Your favourite movie ). I put the remote down and look at Nia and smile I crawl closer towards her and she lets out a small laugh at me. I smile and sit down next to her and put my head on her shoulder and watch the movie.

The Movie ends and I look up at Nia she looks at me and we both smile We just sit there in silence for awhile until Nia speaks up. " Look Y/N I'm sorry it's been awkward lately but I just wanted to tell you I like yo- " she goes to say but I interupt her with a kiss. I pull away and we both smile and laugh awkwardly " I like you to Nia " I say and she smirks " Well I would think so " she replies and we both laugh.


The End~

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