Shayna Baszler x Reader

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* Y/N's POV *

I got the 3 count on Natalya and my theme hit the ref raised my arm in victory when I was suddenly hit and fell on my stomach. I look up and see Shayna I glare at her she suddenly used her finisher. She let go after about 5 minutes and let me breath her theme hit and she taunted the crowd I looked up at her and glared at her while she just smirked. She exited the ring and the arena I laid in the ring for a little while to catch my breath until I finally exited the arena to get out of my gear in my locker room.

I finished getting out of the shower and getting into some normal clothes and exited the locker room. I headed to the parking lot when I was stopped by none other than Shayna Baszler I sighed and looked at her " What do you want? " I ask her. " Oh nothing just to let you know that I'm going to take your number 1 contender's spot and take the RAW women's championship from Asuka before you even lay a finger on her " she says. I roll my eyes and scoff " Yeah right good luck with that Baszler " I say and move her out of my way and get in my car and drive home.

* Next Monday *

I wake up to the sound of my alarm going off I groan and turn it off and roll out of bed. I end up falling out of bed and groan again and get on my feet. I walk to the kitchen and make some cereal I sit down and at the table and eat when I get a text from my friend Y/F/N.

Y/F/N 😜:  

Hey Y/N/N! you up?


 Yeah why?

Y/F/N 😜:

Cause I'm bored and none of my roommates are up



Y/F/N 😜:



Well I'm busy so go bother you sibling or somethin


Aw man don't leave mah by myself 🥺


Bye Y/F/N


Bai 🥺

I close my phone and sigh and get up and put my bowl in the sink and go to my room to get dressed for the day. I finish getting ready and go to Starbucks to get some coffee and find something to do until I have to go in for work.

* Hours later *

I pulled in the parking lot and got out of my car and locked it and went inside the building and headed to my locker room. I finish getting in my gear and wait for my match when I see Shayna walk up to me. " What do you want Baszler " I say and she smirks " Oh nothing just to wish you good luck in your match ". She says and walks off I roll my eyes and try to shake it off and head to the arena. I wait for Liv's theme to end when it does my theme hits and I walk into the arena I go over to the ring. But I feel someone attack me from behind I hold my head in pain from the crash and look up to see Shayna. I scowl at her but she puts me in a submisson hold she finally lets go and the security guards try to get her out of the arena. I get in the ring but Liv quickly uses her finisher on me and I fall on the ground being cut off guard. She goes for the pin and gets the  count she gets up and the ref raises her arm in victory. She exits the arena and I sigh and roll out of the ring to find Shayna.

I look around for Shayna for about 30 minutes but to no avail I just sigh and head to the parking lot when I finally see her. I walk over to her and tap her on the shoulder she turns around and smirks. I fold my arms and scowl at her and she lets out a laugh " What's your problem? " she asks. I roll my eyes and say " Oh don't play dumb Baszler you know exactly what's my problem " she just shrugs her shoulders and says " I'm afraid I don't know what your talking about Y/N/N " " Don't call me that " I respond. I just continue to scowl at her when she says " What would you like me to call you kitten cause you have claws " and laughs I just scoff and say " Just call me by my name also watch your back Monday cause if you think I'm gonna let this go then your wrong " and walk off.

* Next Monday during RAW *

I waited for Shayna to finish her match with Lana when she did and her theme hit I quickly ran out to the arena. I entered the arena and attacked her and caught her off guard and hit my finisher. I kept on attacked her and hit my finisher for the 2nd time I finally let her be and my theme hit I smirked down at Shayna and she glared at me. I stuck my tongue out at her and exited the ring and arena with a smirk on my face.

I was eating my food when Shayna came up to me I looked up at her she scowls at me and I smile. " What's the problem? " I say and she rolls her eyes at me " You know what the problem is " she replies and I just shrug my shoulders. " I'm afraid I don't know what your talking about Baszler " I say mocking her and walk off smirking.

* Next day *

I was sitting on my bed on my phone when I heard a knock on my door I got up and went to answer it. I opened it and saw none other than Shayna Baszler " How'd you find which room I was staying in? " I ask her. " I know some people " she replies and I raise my eyebrow at her " Okay then... what do you want? " I ask. She just shrugs her shoulders and enters the room without my permission I just roll my eyes and follow her. " I didn't say you could come in but make yourself at home I guess " I say sarcasticly  and she smirks at me. " So why are you here again? " I ask her " Cause yesterday you attacked me after my match so I came to talk things out "she says. I just start laughing and say " What? you Shayna Baszler the women who end someone's career then let them beat her in a simple one on one match came to my hotel room to talk things out? " I respond. She just rolls her eyes and looks at me with a serious look.

I just put my hands up in defense I walk over to the counter she was standing at and grabbed a drink out of the fridge. " On a serious note why did you want to talk things out? you don't seem like the person to 'talk things out' " I say. She just smirks at me and says " For you I would " I just make a confused face at her and say " Okay then ". " Come on it's TV not everyone is like their onscreen character " she says and I shrug my shoulders " Yeah I know that but from what I've heard you aren't completely different from your onscreen character either " I reply. " Well where'd you hear that from? " she says and I shrug my shoulders again " From people who have come from NXT to RAW " I state and she nods. " You know you shouldn't trust what everyone tells you " she says and slowly walks towards me " I am fully aware of that " I retort. 

" Then why did you believe them? " she says and walks closer to me " Cause I didn't know you personally before and a lot of people said it " I reply. " Well that's not very nice is it? " she says " And you are? " I retort. I go to speak but then realize she's inches away from my face I look around trying to look anywhere but her feeling awkward. " Could you um.. scoot back a little please? " I say and she smirks and backs away " See you later kitten " she says and smirks and walks away. I scrunch my face and cringe at the nickname she's given me and stick my tongue out at her " I told you to just call me by my name! " I shout and she turns to me " Then why are you blushing? " she says and I just scowl at her and point to the door and she laughs.

The End~


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