Rhea Ripley x Reader

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* Rhea's POV *

I was walking towards my locker room when I heard a familiar voice call my name " Rhea! " I turn around and see Y/N " Oh hey Y/N " I say and she walks towards me. " Hey I was wondering if you wanted to hangout sometime " she asks me " Sure when do you- " I go to say before I'm cut off by someone. " Hey Rhea " I turn around and see Angel Garza I scrunch my face in confusion " Um hi? " I say I look at Y/N and see she has rolled her eyes about a dozen times already. " Look Garza we were in the middle of a conversation so if you could please leave the doors that way " Y/N says and points to the door. " Oh but where's the fun in that " he replies and then they start yelling at each other I just look at them in confusion and slowly walk away......

* Y/N's POV *

I turn around and notice Rhea left I turn to Garza " Oh now look you've done it she left " I say lightly slapping him on the arm. " Oh please your the one who started the argument " he replies and I scoff and walk away " Y/N I have a deal " I hear him say behind me and catch up to me. " What kind of deal? " I ask " It's easy whoever gets Rhea to be their date at Paige's party next weekend wins and the other has to leave her alone " he says " Fine deal " I reply and we both smirk and walk away. 

* Rhea's POV * ( A lot of POV changes are gonna happen ;_; )

I turn the corner to see if their still arguing and listen and hear Angel say " It's easy whoever gets Rhea to be their date at Paige's party next weekend wins and the other has to leave her alone " " Fine deal " Y/N replies and they walk off. I smirk well this should be fun but not as easy as they think...

" Hey Rhea " I look up from the table and see Y/N I just smile innocently as if I know nothing " Oh hi Y/N " I say and she sits down. " So are going to Paige's party next weekend? " she asks I try to hide my smirk and say " I mean I guess I don't really have anyone to go with but maybe " I say trying not to smirk again " Oh okay well I was wondering if you wanted to hangout Friday ". " Sure why not " I say and get up from the table and walk off.

* Y/N's POV *

I see Rhea walk off and I smirk knowing I have a bit of a upper hand against Garza and go to sit down with my friends.

* Rhea's POV *

I walk to my car when I hear my name I turn around already knowing it's Angel " Can I help you Angel? " I ask him " Yes you can actually I was wondering if you have any plans this Friday " he asks me " Oh yeah I do I have a date with Y/N but I'm free Saturday " I say to him. " Oh that works to see you then gorgeous " he says " Cya " I reply and get in my car and drive off.

* Time skip to after the dates *

Both of them went all out but in different ways romantic wise Angel won but that was no surprise outgoing wise Y/N won we went to a theme park and Angel took me to a romantic picnic in the park. 

I parked in the parking lot of the gym and entered when I heard two familiar voices " Well jokes on you cause your on RAW and I'm on NXT with her and we have a tag match this Wednesday " Y/N says and sticks her tongue out on him. I try not to laugh to loud to where they can hear me he just rolls his eyes and they part ways and I get to what I came here for. 

* Y/N's POV *

Me and Rhea take on Sasha Banks and Bayley for the tag team titles on NXT we decide who starts us out and I end up starting out with Sasha. 

I go for my finisher on Sasha but she reverses and rolls out I turn around and see Bayley running at me with a kendo stick to win by DQ but before she can Rhea grabs the kendo stick. Bayley looks at her terrified and runs off Rhea looks at me and winks and gets back to the corner I look to see Sasha on the outside still so I decide to do a suicide dive. We both are on the ground and trying to get up to beat the refs 10 count we both get in on the count of 9 and Sasha tags in Bayley I go to tag in Rhea but Bayley drags me away from the corner. Bayley hits the Bayley to Belly and goes for the pin but Rhea breaks it up Bayley argues with Rhea and I roll her up. Sasha goes to break it up but Rhea spears her and 1 2 3 and the bell rings and my theme hits. I look up at the ref and Rhea in shock and realize we've won the titles I get up and hug Rhea.

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