Sasha Banks x Reader

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* Sasha's POV *

I unlocked the door to my hotel with Y/N and went inside I close the door and sighed and slide down to the floor. I just sit there for a little bit to relax when I saw Ryu running towards me I smile. He comes up to me and gives me lots of kisses I smile and play with him for a bit until Y/N appears from the corner. I smile up at her and get up she smiles at me and walks towards me she gives me a hug. I hug her back and we stay there for a couple minutes we finally pull away and she smiles at me.

" How are you baby? " she asks me " Exhausted " I reply and she frowns a little. " I imagine so since you are working across all three brands almost every week " she says and I smile at her. " But it's okay cause now I get to spend time with you and Ryu " I say and she smiles. I kiss her and run my hands through her Y/H/L  Y/H/C ( Once again ignore if you have no hair or it's to short for this sentence ) she smiles into the kiss and so do I. We stay like for awhile till I hear Ryu bark I pull away and look at him and smile. 

I pick him up and he licks my face I laugh and look at Y/N and smile she smiles back " Come on let's go watch a movie " Y/N says and I nod. We sit on the couch and Y/N turns on the TV I play with Ryu for a little and look at Y/N to see she's smiling at me and Ryu. She laughs when he starts tugging on my shirt " What's so funny? " I ask her playfully. " Nothing y'all are just adorable " she responds and I smile I lean over to her and give her a quick kiss on the lips. I pull away and she pouts.

I laugh and she crosses her arms " What baby? " I say though my laughter. " I want another kiss " she says and I giggle I lean back over to her a give her another kiss on the lips. She smiles once I pull away we just smile at each other for a minute until Ryu starts jumping around the couch. We both laugh and start playing monkey in the middle with him with his ball. Y/N throws the ball and he chases after it we both laugh and look at each other. " Let me go make us some food " she says " Do you want me to help? " I ask her. " No you stay here on the couch with Ryu you've been really busy with work relax " she says and gives me a kiss on the forehead. 

I smile and she returns it and goes to make us some food I look at the TV for a minute until Ryu comes running to the couch with his ball. I laugh and play with him while Y/N makes the food it takes maybe an hour for her to finish until she comes to the living room and places the food on the table. I smile at her and she returns it she sits down and Ryu gets cozy in his blanket and eats his doggy food. I smile at Y/N and say " Thank you baby " " Anything for you " she says and gives me a kiss on the cheek. I smile and eat my food and we all watch TV as a tiny little family.


The End~

Oh hey would you look at that 2 posts in a day 👁👄👁 ( Ignore the fact that it's 11pm- )

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