Bayley x Reader

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* Y/N's POV *

I was at ringside watching Sasha and Bayley take on the Iconics  for the tag team titles the ref was distracted with Sasha and I attacked Peyton and Billie. the ref turned back and I quickly stopped and went back to ringside Sasha got the bank statement in quickly and Peyton tapped. Sasha's theme hit and me and Bayley went in the ring. Sasha suddenly went on a rant about how she is jealous of Bayley and wants another championship around her waist I thought she was gonna challenge Bayley but she ended up challenging Asuka at Extreme Rules. 

Me Sasha and Bayley were sitting at a table chatting when Bayley excused herself Sasha looked at me and smirked. " What? " I ask her " You know what " she responds I just raise my eyebrow at her and take a sip of my drink. " I know you like her " she says and I spit out my drink " What? no what gave you that idea? " I say and sip on my drink and look anywhere but Sasha. 

" Oh please don't act like you don't " she says and smirks at me " Fine but you can't tell her " I say and sigh " I won't but if you don't tell her within 2 weeks I'll tell her " she sighs and I give out a dramatic gasp. " You wouldn't dare " I say " Oh I would " she says and put my hand on my chest dramaticly. Bayley comes back and sits down " Hey guys what I miss? " she says and I look at Sasha " Oh nothing " she says and winks at me.

I sit and and chat with Bayley when Sasha's bet came in my mind when should I tell her?... the thought haunts my mind for the rest of the day and I go to bed with her on my mind.

* Next day *

I wake up and see a text from Bayley

Bayley: Hey Y/N me and Sasha are chilling at the park wanna join us?

Y/N: Sure be there in a minute

Bayley: See you there Y/N/N 😗

I smile at and get up and get ready. I get dressed and finish my food and bring my coffee with me and hopped in my car and drove off to the park.

I park and get out of my car I lock the car and look for Bayley and Sasha when I see Sasha's blue hair I smile at walk up to them. " Hey guys " I say and they look at me " Y/N! finally you made it " Bayley says and hugs me I hug her back and see Sasha smirking at me and wiggling her eyebrows and I stick my tongue out at her. Bayley lets go and we all sit on the blanket on the grass and chat.

" Hey I've gotta go see you guys later don't cause to much trouble without me " she says and looks at me and I smile at her knowing she wants me to tell her. " Bye Sash " Bayley says and I wave goodbye " So Y/N when did they say you'll be able to get back in the ring " Bayley asks me " In 2 weeks my wrist is healed but they don't want me to go back to soon " I respond and she nods. We chat for a bit until it gets dark and we say our goodbyes and head home.

* 1 week later *

I've been hanging out with Bayley more and more but I haven't told her yet much to Sasha's annoyence we were hanging out at the cafeteria just chatting when Bayley went to go get some more food. Sasha looked at me " What? " I say and she rolls her eyes " When are you going to tell her? " she says and I look anywhere but her " Soon " I say and she looks at me " How soon is soon? " she says and I look at her " Oh shut up " and she rolls her eyes again. Bayley comes back and we all chat again.

I flop on my bed and decide to text Bayley

Y/N: Hey Bayley

Bayley: Oh hey Y/N what are you doing up at 11 pm😐 

Y/N: I could ask you the same question

Bayley: Eh you caught me anyway what you up to?

Y/N: Nothing really I was bored so decided to text you to see if your doing anything interesting 😗

Bayley: No not really just watching some TV 

Y/N: More interesting than what I'm doing 

Bayley: What are you doing?

Y/N: Staring at the ceiling

Bayley: Sounds REAL interesting 

Y/N: Yep 🙃

Bayley: Well how about I come over and we can chill and watch some TV 

Y/N: Sounds good 

Bayley: Alright see you in a bit

Y/N: Cya

I put my phone down and go get some snacks and drinks ready for Bayley and I.

I finish up making snacks when I hear a knock on the door I open it and see Bayley " Come on in " I say and she smiles " So what we gonna watch? " she asks me " I don't know you pick while I get our snacks ". I sit our snacks and drinks down and sit with her. were a couple minutes in when Bayley puts her arm around me and I try to hide my blush. Were halfway though the movie and I begin to drift off into sleep.

* 6 more days till the bet ends *

I wake up and I come face to face with Bayley I quickly back away the best I can and notice she's still asleep. I carefully get up and head to the kitchen to make us some food. I finish up when I hear a yawn I turn around and see Bayley I smile at her and give her a hug. She hugs me back and I go to pull away when she keeps me from letting go I laugh and hug her for a bit longer. She finally pulls away and I look at her and smile and she returns it I made us some breakfast go sit down. She nods and sits down I get the food and sit it down and we chat.

Me and Bayley hang out for the rest of the day going to the park and go to cafe's and theme parks and so on.

* 5 more days *

Me Bayley and Sasha all hang out for the day them getting into fights with Alexa Bliss and Nikki Cross on RAW them challenging for the titles next week on Smackdown. We hang out at Sasha's house all day and have a little mini party with just the three of us.

* 4 more days *

Me and Sasha hang out and Bayley joins us later in the day we go to party hosted by Carmella and we chat and hangout and even get into some splash fights in the pool.

* 3 more days *

It's close to the time the bet ends and Sasha has been bugging me to tell Bayley I tell her I'm going to tell her and try to get her off my back.

* 2 more days *

I start to panic about the bet and wonder if I can tell her and try to plan it all out.

* 1 more day *

I spend the day with Bayley and try my best to get to know her the best I can we go on all sorts of fun places.

* The day *

We had a live event today and it would be my return to the ring after a couple months out of action and I had the perfect plan I would confess to her and the live event it won't be on TV so were good with that.

Sasha gets the pin on the Iconics and I get in the ring with them Sasha celebrates with Bayley while I get a microphone from the announcer. I turn to Bayley and she looks at me confused " Bayley I have been meaning to tell you this for 2 weeks now but I never had the courage but I finally do now " I say and she looks at me with her eyebrow raised. Sasha comes over and takes her belts out of her hands " Bayley what I'm meaning to tell you is... I like you " I say and you can multiple gasps from the crowd. " Wait what " she looks around confused looking at Sasha and Sasha just acts like she knows nothing I place my hand on Bayley's chin to make her look at me and I kiss her. It takes her a second to kiss back but she does and the crowd blasts out eardrums she puts her arms around my waist and I run my hands through her hair. We both pull away for air and we smile at each other " Will you be my girlfriend? " I ask her and she nods " I would love to " she responds we kiss again I'm gonna have to thank Sasha later.

The End~



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