Dakota Kai x Reader

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* Y/N's POV *

I watched as Tegan and Dakota laughed at something Tegan had said while I sat in the corner forcing a smile on my face. It has been like that for the past few weeks " Hey you okay Y/N? " I heard someone say. I snap out of my daze and look and see it was Tegan " Yeah I'm fine just zoned out " I reply and she nods. I try my best not to glare at the kind girl knowing I shouldn't hate her because of a girl but I couldn't help it. 

We all sit in that room chatting for the next 30 minutes until someone comes in and tells us that our match is next. We all nod and head out to the ring for our No.1 contenders triple threat match. 

* After the match *

Tegan ended up winning the match causing Dakota to go after her and I went after her being Tegan's on screen friend. I got Dakota away from Tegan and just scowled at me and left the ring I checked on Tegan and we headed backstage once she gave me the ok. 

We went backstage and I go to put some of my normal clothes on once I finish up I head over to the cafeteria and get some food. I sit down and eat my food until Dakota and Tegan sit down next with me laughing for like the thousandth time today. I roll my eyes while they giggle more until I finally finish eating and leave. 

I go to get in my car and head to the hotel when I hear someone say my name " Hey Y/N! " I turn around and see Dakota. I sigh and walk over to her " What's up? " I ask her " You okay? you've seemed off lately " she asks me. " Yeah I've been fine " I lie " Oh must've just been seeing things, well you know I'm always there for you " she replies and I nod " Yeah got it " I say and walk back over to my car and head to the hotel. 

* Next Wednesday *

Tegan's theme hits and she does her entrance while I accompany her to the ring. Her theme ends and Io's hits and I give Tegan some encouraging words which I don't mean at all but she doesn't know that. Io's theme ends and the match begins and I 'cheer' Tegan on.

As the ref checks on Io after Tegan dodging a move Tegan comes over to me to catch her breath. I ask her if she's okay and she nods " Good " I say. I look over and see the ref is distracted with Io I look over to Tegan and smirk and snap her neck on the ropes. She falls to the ground and I look to see she's out Io does a moonsault and gets the pin on Tegan. She finally opens her eyes after Io is gone and I get in the ring and attack her. 

After a couple of minutes some officials take us apart and commercial break hits and we both head backstage. " What the hell?! " Tegan yells at me " That was never in the script! " she yells and I roll my eyes. " Whatever it was entertaining to me plus you should thank me cause you were gonna lose anyway and you would have been buried again, but thanks to me you have a interesting storyline buh bye " I retort and me being me flip my hair and walk off.

* Next day *

I wake up and turn my alarm off and see that I have 3 missed calls on 7 text messages from Dakota. 

Captain Kick✨:

What did you do Y/N? 3:05 am

Y/N please answer me 3:10 am

Tegan is really upset Y/N 3:15 am

Just talk to me Y/N/N 3:18 am

Can you please just talk to me? 3:24 am

Please Y/N? 3:26 am

Y/N? 3:37 am

Y/N/N 🤠👀:

8:37 am  Why in the hell were you texting me at 3am? 

Captain Kick✨:

Whatever just meet me at the park at 11 please? 

Y/N/N 🤠👀:

Fine but bring me coffee 

Captain Kick✨:


Y/N/N 🤠👀:

 Okie dokie cya 

                                                                                                                                                         Read 8:45 am

I sigh and get out of bed and get ready for the day and get some breakfast.

* Time skip *

I park my car and head out and lock it and look around for Dakota I spot her and walk over to her and tap her on the shoulder. She turns around and sadly smiles " So why'd you do it? " she asks me. I raise my eyebrow and motion for her to hand me the coffee she rolls her eyes and hands it to me and I take a sip before speaking. " Listen I really don't feel like going into detail about it but if you must know " I pause for a second and she motions for me to continue. " It was cause of you " I say looking down " What? " she asks me I look up and sigh " Dakota I really like you and I thought I made it obvious but I guess not cause everytime I saw you and Tegan laughing together and pretty much pretending like I wasn't in the room " I say and she just looks at me wide eyed.

" It's like I haven't been friends with y'all for years and it happened within a couple days and I was sick of you guys treating me like I was a ghost so I took it out on her and I know I shouldn't hate her because I like you but I can't help it " I finish and look at her. She looks at me wide eyed again but then smirks " I though you said you didn't want to go into detail? " she says and I roll my eyes. " Oh haha " I say and she giggles " I like you too Y/N and I thought you knew but when you didn't do anything about it got scared and tried to hang out with Tegan more to get my mind off of it but I now know that I shouldn't have done that and I'm sorry " she says and I smile.

She smiles and we both lean in and kiss. It lasted for awhile but we both pulled away and smiled at each other. " You know you're gonna have to say sorry too Tegan right? " she says and I frown " No " " Yes " " No " " Yes " " No " " Yes " " Ugh fine " I reply giving up " I win " she says and kisses me on the cheek. 


I'm not dead 🤠

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