Naomi x Reader

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* Naomi's POV *

I finished my match with Sasha to become the number one contender for Bayley's title and headed to my locker room. I opened the door and saw my fiancee Y/N I smile and go see her she looks up from her phone and sees me and smiles at gets up and gives me a hug. She pulls away and looks at me " You did great baby " she says and I smile at her " Thanks " I reply and she gives me a quick kiss on the lips " Bayley's reign as Smackdown women's champion is going to come to an end soon " she says and smirks I smile and we sit down and chat for awhile.

Me and Y/N were talking when Sasha and Bayley came up to us " You may have beaten me tonight but that does not mean your taking Bayley's title at Extreme Rules " Sasha says and I look at Y/N. I just raise my eyebrow at them " Well I have beaten both of you multiple times it's not like I can't do it again " I reply. " But that that was before Bayley is going to bury you once again and retain her Smackdown women's championship " Sasha states and Y/N gets up. " The only reason she still has that title is cause she either cheats or you help her " she says and Sasha and Bayley look taken back. " Oh really name 3 times " Bayley says and Y/N looks at her and smirks " Wrestlemania, Super showdown, and Money in the bank do I need to go on? " she says and they look offended again. Bayley just scoffs and says " Okay those were a few times but I could beat you easily " and they walk off I just look up at Y/N and smirk " I got a pretty good fiancee don't I? " I say and she looks down at the ground " Yeah I guess you do " she replies and I smile " Come on lets go baby " I say and she nods and I give her a kiss on the cheek and we walk off.

* Y/N's POV *

It was the day of Extreme Rules and it was almost time for Naomi's and Bayley's match and Sasha was gonna be at ringside for Bayley. So I decided to be at ringside for Naomi and Bayley and Sasha were not happy about it. Bayley's theme ended and Naomi's hit she went to ring and her theme ended and my theme hit I sat at the announce table and the music stopped. I watched the match and made sure Sasha didn't try anything I looked over to her and to say she was glaring at me was an understatement. 

Naomi and Bayley went to the outside and started brawling Sasha tried to get in the mix but I stopped her before she could do anything. They went back inside the ring before the 10 count and started going at it and I stared Sasha down to make sure she doesn't try to help Bayley. Bayley goes for the roll up but Naomi kicks out at 1 making me sigh in relief. Bayley starts fussing at Michael Cole and I start fussing at her Naomi goes to roll her up but she kicks out. Naomi hits her finisher and goes for the pin I see Sasha get up but before she can break it up I tackle her to the ground and I hear the ref count to 3 I listen for the theme and Naomi's theme hits. I smile and get in the ring with Naomi we celebrate for a bit until we exit the ring and arena.

Me and Naomi head to the hotel to celebrate a bit and relax and watched Netflix and eat snacks all night to celebrate. We opened the door and went inside " Hey baby why don't you go relax I'll order the food and drinks " I say and look at her " Oh baby you don't have to " she replies and I smile at her " Well I'm going to you worked your butt off today I'm going to treat you like the queen you are " I say and give her a kiss on the forehead.

The End~


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