Io Shirai x OC

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 * Halie's POV *

Hi! my name is Halie Quinn I'm from Bray county wiplow, Ireland I was orignally signed to NXT UK but I moved to NXT after I won the NXT UK women's championship.   

I look around trying to find Rhea we were friends back when she was on NXT UK but we didn't stay in touch much when she moved to NXT. But now that I'm on NXT I figured I would find her since she is now the only person I know on the roster I walk around for about 4 minutes until I find her locker room. I knock on the door and hear a voice say " Come in" so I open the door " How can I help yo-" she starts to say until she realizes its me " OMG Halie!" she says and gives me a hug. " Rhea your hurting my lungs-" she then drops me " Sorry I forgot how much smaller you are than me" she says looking down at my 5'3 stature " Sureeeeeee you did " I say in a sarcastic tone " Oh shush " she says then we both laugh. " So why are you here ?" she asks  " Hm oh I go here now" I say " WHAT WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME" she shouts " I just did " I say with a smirk " Oh haha very funny "  she says rolling her eyes. " Well since your new I'll introduce you to some of my friends " she says and take my arm and drags me out of her locker room.

* Time skip *

Rhea takes me to the cafeteria to meet her friends " Hey Io! " she shouts to one of her friends a short Japanese girl with red and black hair turns around and smiles towards Rhea and walks towards us. " Io this is Halie an old friend from NXT UK Halie this is Io also don't worry if she doesn't speak a lot she doesn't speak English fluently  "  Rhea states I nod and stick my hand out towards Io and she shakes my hand. " RHEA , Io , Halie yall's  match is next go get ready " an employee says to us.

* Another time skip *

I get in my gear for my debut and head out to the front and wait for my theme to hit. My debut is being the partner of Charlotte Flair against Rhea and Io ( Pretend it wasn't Chelsea XD ) I hear my theme and I head out. I come out and the crowd goes crazy I finish my entrance and I start out with Rhea.

 * Yet another time skip cause I can't recreate the match @~@*

Me and Charlotte come out victorious and I head to my locker room to get changed. I get changed and head out to my car I go to get inside until I hear someone call my name I turn around to see Io " Hey Io can I help you?" I ask " Yes I was wondering if you wanted to hang out tomorrow " she says with a lot of pauses in between but I let her take her time. " Oh sure I would love to " I reply with a smile " Arrigato " she says " Here I'll give you my number and we can talk where to go" I say and she nods I write my number on a piece of paper and hand it to her and get in my car. I get to my hotel room and toss my bag and flop on my bed before I can fall asleep I hear my phone go off.

Io: Hello Halie 

Halie: Oh hey Io have you figured out where you want to go?

Io: Yes I was wondering if you wanted to go see a movie

Halie: Yes I would love to what movie do you have in mind?

Io: You'll see when you get there 

Halie: Okay then I love suprises see you tomorrow Io

Io: See you Halie 

I close my phone and smile before drifting off to sleep. I wake up and look at the clock and its 12:00 CRAP THE MOVIE STARTS AT 1 I quickly get out of bed and take a shower and get dresses and drive over to the movies. I get out of my car and see Io waiting near the entrance " Hey Io sorry I'm late I overslept " I say in embarrassment " It's fine the movie starts in about 10 minutes " she says " Great then lets get some snacks and drinks and find our seats and sit down " I say and we go find some food. 

* Time skip to after the movie :p *

" That was a good movie you made a great choice Io " I say with a smile " Thank you Halie" she states with a couple pauses but less than the last time " Well I guess I will see you soon " I state and give her a quick kiss on the cheek and walk away but before I get far enough I hear her whisper " See you later beautiful " I smile and get in my car.

THE END Sorry it was so bad I had no idea's but I knew I had to get a chapter out other wise I would have felt bad -~-

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