Alicia Fox x Reader

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* Y/N's POV *

Me and my girlfriend Alicia were hanging out when Alexa came up to us " Hey guys me and Nikki are having a party this weekend and we wanted to invite you guys I'll text you guys the time " she says and walks off. I look at Alicia and she smiles " I'm assuming that means yes? " I ask her " Yes it does " she replies and I smile at her " Okay well let's go to the hotel " I say and she nods and we head out.

I sat on the couch when Alicia walked in the room and flopped on the couch with me I smile at her and she returns it. We cuddle for awhile until my phone goes off I look at it and see it's a text from Alexa I look at it and it says 

Alexa: Hey guys the party will be at my house on Sunday at 5pm hope to see you all there 🥰

I look at Alicia and she smiles I smile back and we watch TV and cuddle until we fall asleep. 

* At the party *

I park in Alexa's drive way and me and Alicia get out of the car we close the doors and walk up to the door and knock. Alexa opens the door and smiles " Hey guys I'm so glad you could make it please come inside " she says and lets us inside " Thanks for having us Alexa " I say " It's no problem make yourselves at home lovebirds " she says and I blush at her comment and Alicia drags me over to the living room. We sit on the couch and watch what's on TV and chill for a bit until Paige comes over to us " Hey guys " she says and sits down. " Hey Paige " Alicia says and I smile wand wave we all chat I excuse myself from Alicia and Paige to go to the bathroom and walk away.

* Alicia's POV *

" So Alicia how's it going with Y/N " she Paige asks raising her eyebrow smirking " Oh shush we've only been dating for two months " I respond and she puts her hands up in defense. I think about what Paige said and wonder about all sorts of things. I see Y/N walk up to us and sit back down " Back " she says and we smile and we all chat again.

* Y/N's POV *

Paige excuses herself and leaves me and Alicia by ourselves " Wanna go chill outside? " I ask her " Sure just let me get a drink want anything? " she asks " Just water please " I say and she nods and walks off. She comes back with our drinks and we walk outside we sit on some chairs and chat for awhile. We chatted about things such as the journey and chaos it's been with me traveling with her to all her shows and staying together in hotel rooms. I suddenly look around and realize it's getting dark I look inside the house and realize a lot of people have left already. " Hey Alicia we should head home it's getting dark " I say and she looks around noticing it's dark to " Okay let's go " she says and we inside and say goodbye to everyone who hasn't left yet and head to the car.

I pull up to the hotel and we head inside and walk towards our room I get the key and unlock the door and we go inside. Alicia get's changed into some comfy clothes in the bathroom while I get changed in the the room I finish up and see Alicia exit the bathroom. I smile at her and hug her and she hugs me back and gives me a kiss on the forehead I let go and we sit on the bed and turn on the TV. We cuddle in and halfway through the movie Alicia looks at me and says " Hey Y/N " I look at her " Yes? " I reply " I love you " she says and I smile " I love you to Foxy " I say and she smiles back at me and we watch the movie until we fall asleep in each others arms.

The End~


I'm going to upload a lot more on this book 🥰🥰

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