Alexa Bliss x Reader

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 * Alexa's POV *

I was getting ready for my tag team match with Nikki when I heard a knock on the door " Come in" I say and turn around and see my girlfriend Y/N " Hey baby " I say and get and hug her " Hello Lexi " she says and smiles down at me Y/N is averege height but I'm short so she makes fun of me but its one of the things I love about her. " what brings you by? " I ask while sitting back down and finish up putting my gear on " I just wanted to see my baby girl before she starts her match " she says I smile at her blushing at the nickname she gave me. " Well I'm glad you stopped by " I say and look up at her and give her a quick kiss on the lips " Now just watch the show and enoy me and Nikki beat the living hell outta Bayley and Sasha " I smirk and walk out.

* Time skip to after the match *

The match ended with Sasha getting a quick pin on Nikki and winning the championships I crawl over to Nikki and give her a hug. We head out of the arena and I go towards my locker room to get changed I open the door to see Y/N sitting on a bench she looks at me with a sad smile and reaches her arms out for a hug I walk towards her and give her a hug " Sorry about the loss " she says " Its fine " I say and just enjoy the warmth of her arms. " Well how about I take you on a nice picnic in the park tomorrow?" she says and looks down at me with a smirk " I would love that " I look up and say to her " Great then its settles I'll pick you up at 2 " she says and gives me a kiss on the cheek and walks off. 

* Time skip to the date *

* Y/N's POV *

I look at Lexi and she's eating her food she looks up at me and smiles awkwardly and wipes off the crumbs off her face I giggle at her and take a bite out of my food. " What? " she says with her mouth stuffed " Nothing " I reply and just smile at her. She gets up and tackles me playfully " Tell meeeeeeee" she says while tickling me " STOPPPPPP" I say in between laughter " Not until you tell me why you laughed at me!" she says " Fine fine!" she stops. " Gotcha " I say and get up and run off " OH YOU LITTLE" she says and runs after me and tackles me to the ground again. Her getting the upper hand since she's a wrestler " GOTCHA" she says and smiles at me innocently I try to get out of her grasp and we end up rolling in the grass for about 5 minutes and it starts raining. " I win " she says and smirks " Fine you win " I say and put up my hands in defeat she just smiles and me innocently then she realizes its raining and shouts " THE FOOD " and gets up and runs towards the food I get up and just smile at her rushing to cover all the food up and go to help her. 

Ello I intended for the Io one to be the last one but I really wanted to do Alexa but had no ideas I might make a part 2 to make up for the short chapter -3-

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