Sasha Banks x OC

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Requested By: ViolaBanks


* Viola's POV*

After Bayley and Sasha lost the titles to Shayna and Nia I could tell that they were set up to feud soon. Following Payback Vince told me I was to announce Evolution two, I did my best to hide my excitement and stay professional. But the moment I had stepped out of his office I let out a squeal making everyone look at me weirdly.

I awkwardly walk away and head over the locker room, I look around and notice nobody's there and sit down. Everyone see's me as this badass, doesn't give a shit about anything type of girl, I mean they're not wrong about the badass thing. 

But I was really excited for Evolution two since I was at the first one where I teamed up with my sister Bayley and her best friend ( now ex wife but not the point ) Sasha, who is also my crush but once again not the point where went up against the Riott Squad. 

But a couple months after Evolution I suffered from a career ending injury. Which leads me up to where I am now, the general manager. I was originally supposed to be let go but Stephanie persuaded Vince to let me stay. Since I had been a big part of the women's evolution.

I wasn't apart of the four horse women but I was apart of some big things, I competed in the first ever women's elimination chamber match, as well as the first ever women's Money In The Bank match. I could go on about my accomplishments but I won't, now I'm supposed to tell Sasha and Bayley they're gonna compete in a 30 minute iron woman match at Evolution.

I walk over to the arena and my theme plays, the crowd cheers and I wave to them and enter the ring and grab a microphone. " In 2016 four women changed the idea of women's wrestling, they changed the term 'Diva's' to 'Superstars' and proved that woman can wrestle as good as the men in WWE, two years later we have the first ever all women's pay per view called Evolution "

I go to continue but I'm interrupted by cheering and I smile at the crowd. " I myself competed at that pay per view, and I'm proud to announce that there will have a SECOND Evolution next month! " I said and the crowd went into cheers. 

I smile at the crowd once again before I'm interrupted by Sasha and Bayley's music. " Well that's great timing, cause we want our rematch for our tag titles now! " Sasha shouts. " Listen I'm overall done with your stupid rematch's, so no you're not getting a rematch " I retort and they both scoff.

" Oh come on Viola, I'm your sister and she's your friend, can you please do this for us? " Bayley says walking towards the ring. I roll my eyes and say " I'm not gonna give you pity points Bayley, but you will have a match at Evolution and in fact it's gonna be for your Smackdown women's championship " 

" Oh please Bayley's already beaten every girl in the locker room, who else is there that you can throw at her? " Sasha says now both of them in the ring with me. " She's beaten most of the women, but there's one she hasn't beat, and that woman is you Sasha " I say and she both look at me with wide eyes. 

" You can't be serious! " Bayley shouts " Oh I am " I reply smirking. " Oh come on Viola! we've been friends since day one, we've helped each other in more ways than one and I believe that maybe you can change your mind for me? " Sasha says stroking her hand through my hair. 

I raise my eyebrow at her and so does Bayley. " Listen I don't know what you're trying to do but it's not gonna work, you two are gonna compete in a 30 minute iron woman match at Evolution and that's final! "  I shout and the crowd cheers and both girls look at each other with worried looks. 

I smirk at them and mouth "Good luck " to them and my theme hits and I exit the ring. Bayley glares at me and Sasha slightly smirks looking at Bayley's title. 

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