Toni Storm x Reader

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2nd Person POV

" Come on, Toni, we'll get her back next time, don't beat yourself up over it " you reassured your best friend as she stormed out of the wrestling center. " Well maybe, NEXT TIME isn't good enough! You saw it, I ruined your match, you're supposed to be mad at me " she argued and you just sighed. " I'm not going to get mad at you for something as silly as that, it was a mistake, mistakes get made " you explained and she just rolled her eyes and continued to walk out the door. 

" Oh come on, you're seriously upset at me because I'm not upset at you? That's ridiculous " you said and kept chasing her down. " Toni, we've been best friends since high school, and not ONCE have you been this much of a pain in the ass until these last couple of weeks, what's your deal? " you asked her and she turned back towards you. 

" Nothings my 'deal', I just need you to get mad at me every once in awhile. I lost last week because I got distracted and lost us an opportunity at the NXT women's tag titles, I made you lose your match against Zoey, and the other day I spilled wine all over your white dress, AND you got food poisoning that same night, and I picked where we went to eat! And you never got mad at me for any of those things! " she continued to argue with you. 

You just shook your head and sighed again and placed a hand on her shoulder. " Those were all unintentional, I'd only get mad at you if you did it on purpose " you said and she just huffed and pushed your hand away. " That's exactly my point, you never get mad " she retorted. 

" Yes I do!... just not at you... most of the time " you argued back. " Really? name the last time you got mad at me " she challenged. " How about when you punched that one girl when she was flirting with me? " you said and she just gave you a look. " That was 8 months ago " she said plainly and you just gave an awkward chuckle. " Soooo? I still got mad at you " you said and she just rolled her eyes again and kept walking to the car. 

" Whatever I'm going home, don't follow me " she replied and got to the car and went to open the door. " Toni..... we live together, and share the same car, which I have the keys to " you said and dangled the keys in the air. This time it was your turn to give her a 'really?' look. 

She just groaned and stuck her hand out for you to give her the keys. " Fine then, but I'm driving, the entire ride will be silent, and I'm staying in the guest room. Capeesh " she said and you just shook your head. " I can stay in the guest room, our bed is much more comfortable so I don't mind you staying there instead " you suggested but she shook her head. " I said capeesh, now give me the keys " she said and you just sighed and dropped the keys in her hand. 

" Thank you " she said, unlocking the car and getting in. " You're a pain " you said and got in the passenger seat. " I know " she replied and drove off. 

* Time skip brought to you by just gals being pals * 

" So let me get this straight... she's mad at you because you're not mad at her? " your sister, Ember, asked as you two walked around the capitol wrestling center. " Yup, like come on, I do get mad at her! " you defended yourself. 

" I mean- she has a point, I can't name a time I've seen you get mad at her, you kinda have a soft spot for her " she said and you looked at her shocked. " She's my best friend! and besides I'm like that with everyone " you denied and she just gave you a look. " Uh no you're not, you got mad at me like 3 days ago because I ruined your suit! " she argued. 

You just scoffed and crossed your arms. " Well you ruined it! and plus you're my sister that doesn't count! " you insisted. 

" You got mad at Candice and Indi because they looked in your direction "

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