Paige x Reader

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Y/P/N = Your pets name


Paige was playing on the computer while you were laying in bed on your phone, watching a compilation of people doing dumb stuff and failing as it always amused you and was you go-to when you were bored. 

Nothing fun or interesting was happening lately, so both of you were just lounging around the house doing pretty much nothing, and you had watched all of the movies and shows you loved, so now you both resorted to games and funny videos. 

" Babeeee, I'm boreddd " you said as you huffed and tossed your phone aside on the bed. " I know darling, you have said that about 50 times today " she said as turned to you. " Can't we go out and so something? I feel like I'm gonna die of boredom " you asked and she made a thoughtful expression. " We could go to the park? " she suggested and you shrugged. " It's hot outside " you said.

" Are you hungry? " she asked and you raised your eyebrow at her. " What kinda question is that? of course I am " you said and she laughed. " Well then how about we go get some ice cream? " she asked and you quickly nodded and got out of bed. " Perfect idea, you're a genius babe " you said and walked over to her and kissed her cheek and went to go change into something more outdoor-ish. 

* Time skip brought to you by my good ol' friend procrastination again * 

You both got your ice cream and sit down at one of the tables, the cool air was refreshing, as the sun was blazing at you felt like you were gonna melt. " Is that better? " Paige asked you while smiling and you nodded. " Yes, thank you " you replied, smiling back at her. 

As you were in the middle of finishing your ice cream, you saw a pet store outside the window and turned back to your girlfriend excitedly. " What? " she asked suspiciously, knowing you were up to something. " You remember when I said I wanted another pet? " you asked, as you insisted Y/P/N needed a friend. 

" Oh god, yes? " she said as she already knew where this was going. You grinned and nodded towards the pet shop you saw and she sighed. " Knew it.. " she said quietly. " Pleaseeeeeeeeee? " you begged, giving her puppy dog eyes. 

" Fine, but you have to do something for me in return " she said and you nodded. " Like what? " you asked her and she smirked at you. You raised your eyebrow at her and she just wiggled her eyebrows at you. " Take a guess " she said.

" Huh?..... you nasty! " you said and she laughed. " What's so nasty about having to do my chores for me for a week? " she asked and you had to do a doubletake. " What?- really? " you said with an unamused look and she let out an evil like cackle. " Not my fault you got a dirty mind " she teased and you rolled your eyes. " Fine, I'll do your chores for a week if you let me adopt another fur baby " you said and she nodded. " Deal " she replied and stood up from her chair and threw away her ice cream bowl. 

You quickly finished yours and threw away your own bowl and you both headed out and walked to the pet store, as it was close enough to the ice cream shop. 

As you both went inside you quickly ran over to the adoption section and Paige had to chase after you. " Slow down, my god Y/N " she said as she caught up with you. You just shrugged, not answering and looked over at the animals. 

All the dogs got excited you walked over, making you only want to adopt them all more. And all the cats sat in there beds, not giving a shit, as cats do. 

You looked around at all the adorable animals, though one stood out to you. And of course it was a little corgi that was laying in the corner, lazily chewing on a toy ball without a care in the world, not even noticing you two were there. " Ooh that one! " you said and Paige looked and giggled a little. " Of course you would pick that one " she said and you innocently smiled while she walked to the front desk. You get the puppy from the adoption lady while you wait for Paige and carry him in your arms and he instantly starts to fall asleep. 

* Time skip brought to you by chubby corgi's * 

You and Paige got back home and put the corgi down to let him run around and play with Y/P/N so they could get used to each other, and he did, for like 15 minutes before he got tired and flopped on the carpet, Y/P/N following suite. You picked him up and sat down on the couch with him and your girlfriend picked up Y/P/N and sat down next to you. 

" You got any name ideas yet? " she asked you and you thought about it for a second. " What about.... Skylar? " you suggested and she smiled at you and nodded. " Perfect " she said and you both look at the now snoozing puppy in your lap. " Aw, look, he's a couch potato just like his mama " she said and you shot her a look, though you just mumbled something, since it was just a tiny bit true. " Oh how funny, now turn on a movie " you say and she laughs and turns on the tv while you cuddle with both your fur babies. 


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