Sasha Banks x Reader Pt 2

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* Y/N's POV *

I was walking to my locker room when Sasha was in front of the door on her phone I roll my eyes and walk up to her " What do you want Banks? " she looks up from her phone and smiles innocently " Oh nothing just wanted to wish you good luck in your match tonight " she says " Mhm sure you did " I respond staring her down " Well good luck ! " she says and walks off with a smile. I groan and go change into my gear.  

I hit Alicia with my signature and go for the pin but the ref doesn't start the count I look up confused. I look at the ref and notice that they are distracted by Sasha's lackey Bayley I roll my eyes and get up and slap Bayley off the ramp. 

I get back to Alicia and go for my finisher when Sasha's music hits. I look and see her there I yell at her and try to make her go away when I'm suddenly pull down into a pin. Alicia gets the 3 count and the bell rings I slam my fists into the mat while Bayley, Alicia and Sasha celebrate.  

I exit my locker room and head to the parking lot I spot Sasha and Bayley talking and glare at them I go to my car and open the door. But before I can get in I hear Bayley yell " HEY Y/N HOW'S IT FEEL TO LOSE AGAIN " I send her and Sasha a glare and get in my car and drive to my house to think of a revenge plan.

* Sasha's POV *

Me , Bayley and Alicia wait in the ring for Y/N's theme to hit and reveal who her partners are her theme hits and she gets in the ring and we look at the front and wait for her team to come out. We were making fun of her when suddenly Lacey Evans and Tamina's theme hits. We all back up and try to decide who should start out we end up deciding Alicia should go first Alicia and Lacey end up starting the match out. 

I put Y/N in a seated position and run against the ropes and hit her with the double knees I go for the pin but she kicks out at 1. I slam my hands on the ground and argue with the ref Y/N rolls me up but I kick out at 2 Y/N hits her finisher but my team break the pin. Tamina and Lacey attack Alicia and Bayley and Y/N rolls me up and uses the ropes the ref doesn't see. She gets the count and I sit there in shock.   

I exit the arena angry and head to my locker room to get changed I change into some comfy clothes and exit my locker room

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I exit the arena angry and head to my locker room to get changed I change into some comfy clothes and exit my locker room. I turn around to head out when I see Y/N I roll my eyes I go to walk away but she stops me I stare at her Y/E/C eyes and glare at her. " Look Sasha I don't want this rivarly to go on as much as you do " she says I scoff and go to talk but I'm interupted by her " You can't deny that you started this whole thing " I sigh " Fine I'll let it go no more pranks or sneak attacks " I say and put my hand out. She shakes my hand " Why don't we talk it over dinner " she says with a smirk I give her a shocked look but quickly turn it into a smirk " Okay then its a date " I say and we both give each other a wink and walk away.

The End~


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