Scarlett x Reader

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* Y/N's POV *

Dakota finished her entrance and the bell rang she quickly ran at me with a kick and knocked me to the ground. I get up a little and hold my face in pain she runs at me with a shining wizard and goes for the pin. I kick out at 1 and she yells at the ref angry while the ref is distracted Raquel tries to grab my legs and pull me down but I kick her off before she can do anything. I turn back to Dakota and she runs at me but I dodge it and roll her up. I get the 3 count and she looks up in shock I just smirk at her and Raquel while they walk away. I go to roll out of the ring when I see Scarlett

She just stands there and stares at me I look at her in confusion when the lights go dark

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She just stands there and stares at me I look at her in confusion when the lights go dark. I look behind me to make sure she's not there she's not and I turn back around and see she's gone. I just sigh and exit the arena.

I flopped onto my bed and checked my phone when I saw a text from my best friend Y/F/N 

YF/N: Hey I was just wondering if you know a girl with like grey hair kind of?

Y/N: No why?

Y/F/N: Cause a girl with greyish white hair came up to me and asked for your number

Y/N: Umm did you give it to her?

Y/F/N: Maybe maybe not 😅😐

Y/N: Y/F/N! you cant just go around giving my number to random people 

YF/N: Rude much? look you have been a mess ever since your break up and she was pretty so I gave her your number 🤪

Y/N: I'm going to kill you next time I see you

YF/N: Love you to boo 😘

Y/N: Ugh bye Y/F/N

I sigh and turn off my phone and go to bed.

* Time skip to NXT *

I finished my match with Candice and went to the cafeteria when I felt someone staring at me I look behind me and see Scarlett. She just stares at me and I look at her awkwardly and look away and get back to my food. I eat my food when I hear my phone go off I pick it up and look at it it's an unknown number I think for a bit and realize it's probably the girl Y/F/N gave my number to. 

????: Hello Y/N

Y/N: Um hi?

????: You did great in your match tonight congrats on winning hopefully we can get in the ring with each other sometime.

Y/N: Uh thx maybe sometime 

I put the phone down confused so it's a another wrestler I exit the cafeteria and head to the parking lot I get in my car and think of who it could be. I think of the description YF/N gave me and then it hits me Scarlett is the one she gave my number to how could I not think of it sooner.

* Time skip *

My theme hits and I head to the ring I climb through the ropes and grab a microphone from the announcer. " Someone in the locker room has been keeping an eye on me and I intend to invite them out here so Scarlett please do us both a favor and come out ". I look at the entrance and wait for her theme I don't wait long till her theme hits and I smirk and mouth " Come on in " she just smirks at me. I wait for her to come in when Chelsea Green's theme comes on I look at them in confusion I guess I'm fighting Chelsea now. 

The bell rings and the ref raises my arm in victory I grab the microphone again " Okay Scarlett I beat your little toy so why don't you come out and face me now? ". I wait for her when the lights go off and back on I quickly look behind me and see her smirking at me. She just mouths " See you next week " and the lights go back off. The lights come back on and she's gone I just sigh and exit the arena and head home.

* Time skip to next week during NXT *

My theme ends and Scarlett's come's on I smirk at her when she enters the ring she turns to me and smirks her theme ends and the bell rings.

Scarlett get's the 3 count and her theme hits she crawls over to me and whispers " That was fun Y/N can't wait for next round " and rolls out of the ring. I get up and sigh and exit the arena knowing I failed this time but Ima get her next week. I head to my locker room and close the door I turn around and see Scarlett I look at her in confusion and say " Um what are you doing in my locker room? " she just gets up and walks towards me. I back up until my back is against the wall with her face inches away from mine I look anywhere but her until she closes the gap between us and...... kisses me?. My mind goes blank and for some reason I kiss back the kiss ends and I snap out of my spaced out mind and look at her in confusion " See you next week Y/L/N " she says and walks out I stand there in confusion for a minute and change into my clothes my time here will be interesting to say the least.

The End~


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