Charlotte Flair x Reader

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* Y/N's POV *

I was walking around when I heard someone call my name " Y/N!" I turn around and see my ex Y/E/N ( Your exes name ) I roll my eyes and say " What do you want Y/E/N " with a annoyed tone " Aww are you not happy to see me baby?" he says I roll my eyes again and say " Y/E/N we broke up months ago why are you still chasing after me?" " Cause I know you miss me" he says with a wink and I gag. I go to walk away but before I can he grabs ahold of my arm " Hey where you going baby?" he says I send him a glare and was about to speak up until I heard a familiar voice pipe up " Dude she said she's over you let her go " I turn around and see my girlfriend Charlotte. I smile up at her and she returns it before glaring at my ex " Why should I?" he says with a cocky tone " Cause if you don't I'll have to take her from you" she says sending him a smirk " Oh what are you gonna do? slap me?" he says and laughs. Charlotte then grabs my arm that he's holding gently but firm he tries to pull me back but loses easily Charlotte then holds my hand and says " Oh and for good measure " she says and then kicks him where the sun don't shine. I laugh and stick my tongue out at him and we walk away.

We get in our gear for the tag team match we head to the arena and wait for our themes to come on my theme comes on first and I do my entrance and then Charlotte comes out I smile at her thinking of how lucky I am Sasha and Bayley come out and enter the ring the bell dings and me and Sasha start out.

* Time skip to after the match *

I change into my regular clothes and head out to the cafeteria I get my food and I see Charlotte and sit next to her " Hey Babe" I say and turn to her " Hello gorgeous " she responds back with a smile. I blush at her comment and we chat for a while before we are interupted by a familiar Irish accent. " Hey Charlotte you wanted to talk about 'it' " she says trying not to sound sus Charlotte looks at her confused for a second before she widens her eyes and says " Oh right! I have to go I'll talk to you later baby" she says and gives me a kiss on the cheek before walking off.  

I enter out hotel and see Charlotte on the bed I look and realize she's doing a live stream on her phone. I try to be stealthy so I don't interupt her but she see's me and smiles at me and says " Come join me Y/N/N" I nod and sit next to her.

I lay my head on her shoulder while she talks to her fans I look at some of the comments and notice some of them are saying things like " Oh that's gross " or " She's so fake " I roll my eyes and try not to lose my temper

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I lay my head on her shoulder while she talks to her fans I look at some of the comments and notice some of them are saying things like " Oh that's gross " or " She's so fake " I roll my eyes and try not to lose my temper. I know that that's what comes with being a wrestler but it doesn't mean it makes me any less mad Charlotte notices and says bye to her fans and turns off the live stream. " You okay Y/N?" she asks with a worried tone " Yeah " I respond she sends me a smile and puts her phone away and we cuddle for awhile until we both fall asleep.

I wake up to see Charlotte has already gotten out of bed I get out of bed and head to the kitchen and see a note on the fridge. " Hey baby I had to go take care of some things but meet me at the rock climbing park at 5pm, Charlotte~" I let out a little laugh and go get some food and to get ready to meet Charlotte.

* Time skip to the date *

I arrive at the park and look for Charlotte I see her and walk towards her and hug her from behind she laughs and I let go and go infront of her and smile. She smiles back and says " Come on follow me" she says and takes my hand and takes me to a rock climbing wall. We put the rope on and start climbing I had to have Charlotte help me for the first couple times and she laughed at me but in a playful way but I got the hang of it. 

We got up to the top Charlotte first and me last she helped me up on the last one I got up and Charlotte gave me a quick kiss on the cheek. I smile at her I turn around for a second but when I turn around I see Charlotte on one knee I gasp and she giggles at me and says " Y/N Y/L/N we've been together for a year know and I know its a short amount of time but I know I want to spend  the the rest of my life with you so will you do me the honors and marry m-" I interupt her and shout " YES YES YES" through my tears. She laughs and slips the ring on my finger I kiss her and she says " I hope those are happy tears " she says laughing " Yes there very happy tears " I sau and laugh with her and we share another kiss. 

The End~

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